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What Lies Within  by Lily Frost 2 Review(s)
LynReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 5/26/2004
? The summary said "8 chapters complete", but only 6 were there
plus "author's notes" which read like a beginning not the end.
Definitel NOT complete as Elladan had just become a vampire like

Well written, but perhaps stories of arda does not have the
other two chapters yet.

ColonwenOfGreenWoodReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 5/20/2004
Hi, Im Colonwen of Green wood the great, a virtual forest created 2 be a replica of what is known as Mirkwood- before saurons evil. My virtual Muses are Elladan and Elrohir, who i know for a sciptical fact would never leave a little elf girl alone, but anyway. your story was probly one of the bests on this... Sorry thing called a fanfiction site. I realized that this is pretty much an amitures fanfiction practice, and me being the harsh`s reviewer in the virtual Lotr World, would say you did a very very well job at writing this story even if this is at an ametures level.
I would like to explian my self and my liability, so you don`t take my resoning for the wrong sort and become angry thinking i am at yours and everyone on this sites level, becuase im most certianly not. I happen to be a Level 7 Lotr Master of the virtual Muse swapping each year and Virtual Muse adventures. As me being a level seven i know how to speak Elvish, Drawven, and small (very limited amounts) of dark lord speach. I know of all royal family trees and even Guard and soldiers Family trees. I know almost everything from a 2 z about Middle- Earth and since i think you have more potential than other writers here, even though i am not supose to share my knowledge for i know , from tolkiens mouth, facts of middle earth. I will answer questions you have of middle earth and if i cannot find the answer only tolkien can, which would leave me to the conclusion of doing what i usually do- Talk directly with Tolkien - for i happen to be able to get contact with him.

* Anar Kaluva tielyanna! and Namaarie!

No i do not expect you to know there meanings.

Author Reply: Well, this fanfiction site is damn good compared to many, such as, in that it screens it's authors first and has an amount of quality control. Any thirteen year old with a keyboard can post on, leading to some dire results. It's a bit small, but growing rapidly, so keep reading here because it helps!

Elvish, "Drawven" and "dark lord speach"? Oh, nice. I've tried to master English first, before moving on to foreign languages, though my French is pretty good and I'm working on the Japanese. It looks like your English could use some work too, for that matter. Did you know substituting numbers for words is a big no-no?

At my level of Tolkien knowledge or at my level of writing skill? I prefer not to divide people like that; it too often comes down to opinion and general skill with writing in the English language, even the little technical bits, such as deferenciating between 'their' and 'there'.

I guess I am an amateur (if that was what you mean by those two words) - we all are after all - but then I've been doing fanfiction for some time. It's not realisitically publishable, but great fun.

Talk to Tolkien? That could be an interesting s'eance, but I doubt it'd work. He's probably too busy rolling in his grave at the bad fanfiction and people who believe that he wrote extensively about the guards of Mirkwood to come when called.

By the way, I like to return the favour, so if you have a link to where you archeive, send it to me and I'll have a peek!

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