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History Lessons: The Second Age by Nilmandra | 13 Review(s) |
lwarren | Reviewed Chapter: 17 on 6/16/2004 |
I love the way this family interacts....this whole chapter was full of it, even the story later about Celebrian. She is SOOOOOO fiesty! I can't help but get kind of weepy when I think of her fate later on. Loved Arwen and Elrohir in the wagon acting out their stories....loved Elrond and Celebrian getting all hot and bothered...loved Glorfindel howling with laughter at them for getting all hot and bothered :-)....loved Celebrian's dwarvish walking song....I think you get the picture. Just one last thing...you know ellon will be ellon, but do you think they'll ever learn to look out for the ellyth? Great chapter...(wow, this review was actually kind of short! yay, me!) linda Author Reply: I am glad you liked Celebrian. Feisty just seemed to fit what I saw in my imagination for the child of two very powerful people. I like to think she made an Elrond who may have been rather reserved more open and alive. I think the ellyn do learn to look out for the ellyth. Some of their fates are not so good as they enter adulthood :( | |
Marnie | Reviewed Chapter: 17 on 6/14/2004 |
I can't think why I didn't review this chapter when it came out. It's such a good one! I do love your little Celebrian - she must have been quite formidable indeed with those parents, though she's looking at the moment as though she takes after her adar more. And I think the entire family were really quite proud of her for taking down that 'dumb ellon' :) I really like the way you've made Celebrimbor visibly tormented. He does seem the sort of obsessive type, like his grandfather, though thankfully he's the obsessive type who takes it out on himself, unlike Feanor, who was a bit more agressive than that ;) Poor Elrohir though! Author Reply: I just have this vision of this little elf pushing a bigger elf into the mud. Such a temper! But then, look at her genes :D I did think Celebrimbor tormented, and your comment about him being obsessive is a good one. He turned away (allegedly) from the oath and kinslaying his father and uncles participated in, and I think I just wanted him to see the mess. Maybe he is the only one who really understands Sauron's mind, at this point too. Interesting thought! Thanks for the review! | |
LKK | Reviewed Chapter: 17 on 6/3/2004 |
LOL -- Celebrian was quite the little spitfire as a young elleth, wasn't she? I'm not surprised though. She's a live-wire as a grown up elf as well. I liked the little glimpse into her childhood. :) Poor Celebrimbor. I really feel sorry for him. Here, he has worked hard and created something wonderful, yet they should never be used. It's very sad. I understand why Celeborn doesn't want Elrond or Galadriel to use the rings in general. When he finally admits to himself and Elrond that the rings will eventually be used, he says to not use Vilya here. Is there a specific reason why Celeborn doesn't want Elrond to use Vilya on the river banks? Oh! I almost forgot Elrohir and the wagon. That scene was very sad. Poor elfling. I can relate to his feelings. :( Sorry I missed reviewing the previous chapter. Real life got in the way. :( LKK Author Reply: I well remember days like that one with poor Elrohir - you finally feel like you're past the worse and then you are reminded of your condition in a way that just seems humiliating :( Poor elfling. Celeborn is being all wise and rather difficult about the rings on this trip. I am not entirely sure why he doesnt' want them to use them. My notes are clear, but he gets all enigmatic with me and says things like 'only the wise can tell'. But, he and Galadriel aren't as bad to have around as I thought they might be. :) Never worry about reviews....I am glad to know you read, and reviews are just a bonus - much appreciated when you have time; not a requirement. I know the real life taking over feeling :/ | |
The Karenator | Reviewed Chapter: 17 on 6/1/2004 |
I really enjoyed this chapter, Nilmandra. It continues to give us a sense of the rings as they are in the present time line of your story, with the flashbacks to how they were made. It's obvious that you've given a lot study and thought to the events, and I find them wonderfully crafted. I know I've said this before, but you've done such a good job of telling such difficult material. Your characters just spring off the page with realism. I loved the 'Little Celebrian' mud story. I got a good chuckle out the Elvish version of 'wait until your father gets home'. I got another laugh when we switched back to the present time, and Celebrian was still maintaining that 'they deserved it'. Yes, Elrond has his hands full..happily so, I think. I look forward to more. Karen Author Reply: Celebrian is a hoot to write - fiesty and fun. I agree, I think Elrond does have his hands full....and he is quite happy that way, figuratively and literally ;) Trying to think about how the characters would assess the threat was very interesting - learning about Sauron had to come as a shock, and trying to figure out what harm he could do very difficult. Thanks for the review - I appreciate it :D | |
paranoidangel | Reviewed Chapter: 17 on 5/31/2004 |
I did like naughty little Celebrian (although she was right, they did have it coming to them :) ). And I thought Elrond was particularly ingenious in his plan to convince Elrohir he couldn't ride. Author Reply: LOL - I liked naughty Celebrian too. It would seem that the child of Celeborn and Galadriel would be just a little fiesty. :D And Elrohir, well he was definitely in the zone of needing to have some things *shown* to him. So stubborn, so prideful. | |
Melje | Reviewed Chapter: 17 on 5/31/2004 |
What?! Another storm approaching? What is this, the Middle Earth equivalent of monsoon season? What was Elrond thinking, when he let the twins leave to go to the seaside, of all places? Lucky they never got there! I can see the Bearers starting to put the Rings to good use, weather forecasting for example. Vilya should be especially good for that. Well anyway, I love storms and stories with storms, so I’m looking forward to this one. Elrond was rather cruel with Elrohir I find. Was it really necessary to make fun of him in front of everybody? I know he wanted to make Elrohir see for himself that he wasn’t ready to ride, instead of just ordering him not to, but still. And Glorfindel guessing so quickly Elrond’s game makes me think they often act that way. As usual, Elrohir was far too sweet and he still let Glorfindel walk him away. He needs more of her mother’s fiery temper in him! Celeborn is once again proving his wisdom. He is against the use of the rings, still he realises that he can’t stop Elrond – and Galadriel most of all – from using them, so he asks to be at least kept informed, in order to be able to have a minimum of control. Why does he asks Elrond not use the ring there? Answers after the incoming storm? I’m surprised elflings will use “old” as an insult. This might be understandable among Men, but Elves don’t grow weaker as they grow older, on the contrary, they’re supposed to get more and more beautiful and wise, so shouldn’t being older be seen as positive? Of course Celebrian, with the logic of children, prefers the scenario where her father has good reason to prepare for war, instead of hoping he’s just somehow forgetful... probably at this point she wishes the city to be attacked there and then, just to show the boy! I always had trouble imagining Galadriel as mother, and I like the way you describe her: often stern, but loving as well. But she should have kept the braids... Author Reply: It feels like Monsoon season here! It is spring storm season, so my natural environment is affecting me! Flash floods, thunderstorms, tornadoes, hail....it makes for interesting travel, particularly in their time. Elrond's intent was not cruel, but I think Elrohir is also a bit stubborn. He has not responded to being 'told' recently, so Adar opted for 'showing' him. I don't think he would have done that if anyone but family were present. I am glad you liked Galadriel as a mother - I thought she would be a good one, but rather rigid in certain ways - so I am glad she came through that way. | |
BeautyID | Reviewed Chapter: 17 on 5/31/2004 |
What a great chapter! Exactly what I needed. I was hoping you'd update. Arwen was such a sweetheart for staying in the wagon with her brother! The bits about when Celebrian and Elrond first fell in love were lovely, without being sappy. I just want to praise you again on how much you're able to make these characters come to life. I always like working with characters who aren't very developed in canon, because it allows me to be creative with their personalities. And you've just done a wonderful job. I love the conflict over the rings as well. It's also interesting to see how differently Galadriel and Elrond react to it... Galadriel is much more eager and enthusiastic, I think. Elrond is, as usual, more reserved. I'm so glad everyone's going home now! These poor people. Hopefully they won't have too much trouble on the way back. So once again, a most excellent chapter. Can't wait for the next! Keep up the awesome work. Author Reply: Thanks, BeautyID. I agree - I am very conscious of the major canon characters, for they are better developed. I am curious to know, in my mind, if Galadriel or Elrond were fairly 'equal' in how they wielded the rings. Galadriel seems more aggressive, and I suppose that could be helpful and hurtful, potentially. | |
Jay of Lasgalen | Reviewed Chapter: 17 on 5/31/2004 |
Poor Elrohir, he so wanted to be able to ride - but I loved Elladan's request that their father 'knock some sense into him' - and the amendment! Despite his disappointment, it was lovely to see him reading with Arwen, and it was kind of her to travel with him. The descriptions of Celebrian's vivaciousness are so sad when we know what will happen, although not for many years yet, thankfully. Jay Author Reply: I think Arwen adores her big brother, especially now. It was both fun and sad to write about Celebrian - knowing what happens to her :( But, clearly her children loved her and she is developing as a very fun loving elf. | |
shirebound | Reviewed Chapter: 17 on 5/31/2004 |
Amazing, as always. The way Celebrimbor spent himself on the forging of the rings of power! What a detailed, in-depth, utterly fascinating story this is. And how tragic to contrast this bright, sparkling child and mother (Celebrian) with what happened to her later in life. No wonder Elladan and Elrohir spent their lives in battle and revenge. *sigh* Author Reply: I feel almost cruel writing her so joyful and full of life, knowing her fate. But I am enjoying writing about her and imagining Celeborn and Galadriel as parents. And as I began to consider that it took Sauron 95 years after making the One to form an army and attack, that at this time they knew little about where he was or what kind of threat he posed. How frustrating for them! | |
Karri | Reviewed Chapter: 17 on 5/31/2004 |
Excellent chapter, Nilm. I felt bad for Elrohir -- wounded pride can be so terribly painful -- but Arwen was a good sister (and very sweet). The youngling Celebrian tale was enormously entertaining. :-D Author Reply: Glad you liked young Celebrian. She has tame children, I think, compared to herself :-). It is fun to imagine Celeborn and Galadriel as parents, too. Elrohir is getting some hard lessons in pride, isn't he? | |