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Cadenza  by Rose Sared 6 Review(s)
TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 14 on 11/28/2005
Arwen and Gleowyn were alright for the time being, though poor Gleowyn believes her Telfaren is dead. While bringing the pieces together for their rescue you worked in some elvish goodness, like this:

"Gleowyn rested her eyes on the elven Queen, loving her in this moment simply for her wonderful calm beauty, along with her ability to turn the most basic of functions into art. ...The Queen’s eyes reflected only the poor light given out by the candle, but at that moment their brilliance could have out-shone the dawn."

You never forget that the elves have a magical presence.

"The elven King was riding in the front of his own warriors, the great banner of Lasgalen, revealed by the fitful moonlight, snapping in the wind of their riding. ...Thranduil reined up in front of Aragorn, bringing his own brand of elven glory with him, lightening the hearts of all who saw him."

I could just see this, not a common image of Thranduil mounted and coming out of the night. Oh, to see it for real. And although Minuial has reverted a bit to her "minuialistic' ways, still she is brave and magnificent as well. I so love these elves. ~TF

Author Reply: Anyone would think I have a soft spot for regal elves, huh? blushes. I am pleased beyond words that I can share the visuals I conjure to such effect. I sigh often for the chance to see Middle-earth and its inhabitants in rL the way I see them in my mind's eye.
Thanks as ever for the kind words and the fact that you enjoy my writing. RS

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/4/2004
Are you planning a loophole for Frecern? I hope not, he really has it coming AND it should better be painful. Like the story very much, liked the prequel as well, just love your dwarves (never read a funnier comment on elves than "Your elves are disturbing the peace again ... Bah, Elves, ... They are worse than mice in the pantry. If you see one you’ve got twenty and the only way you know is by their noise in the quick of the night."). A mild complaint: Could you do something about the formatting of chapter 10 and 12 or does it involve lots of hard work?

Author Reply: Thank you, Imrahoil, I am glad that you are being entertained by this fic. big G!.
You may be amused to know I just spent the last hour trying, with a notable lack of success, to fix the formatting problems on ch 12. I give UP!
I think it is a problem with changing files from word to txt and back again. I am doing my edits a different way now so hopefully further chapters should be free of this prob. I hope!
Thanks again for the review.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/4/2004
Ok, my mistake (reread the conversation between Aragorn and Thranduil again). I actually think they were more angry at the circumstances than at each other. Aragorn's anger is easily understood - he's been lied to and tricked and they have taken his very "heart" hostage. Thranduil is angry that the irrational stupidity of men has forced him to enter into something (a war) he wanted no part of (aside from the fact that Arwen was in his care and she was taken). So, on a closer look, I retract some of my previous statements...they were bristling but more at the circumstances that had force them into the position they found themselves in. (I still had to grin at some of the undercurrents I felt during their little conversation - sorry to review twice, RS...will teach me to rush through a story....but is sooooo goood!)


Author Reply: I only posted this morning and your are re-reading already. Gosh!
I think that these two characters always have their royalty trailing behind them like some cumbersome cloak that cannot be put aside. Basically Thrandy feels uncharacteristically guilty and cannot afford to allow that guilt to compromise his elvish sovereignty and Aragorn feels desperate and cannot leave his people to pursue his own agenda. Aren't you glad you are not royal? (mind you I am assuming here )
Review at your leisure, won't worry me, it is so much fun to get feedback on the story and how it comes across to my readers.(I knows what I means to say, but has it made it across the page, yep, yippee!)
enough already
Happy author off to write more.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/4/2004
Ah, the truth will out! Thou art trying to kill me! But I am not so easily slain by your foul cliffies!!!

So, Thranduil and Aragorn finally meet up, and they are both acting most kingly and - male! "There will be an accounting." :) All right guys, let's get Arwen and Gleowyn and the babe out of there first...then ya'll can tend to all those "guy things". Honestly, where is Legolas...they need his tact to act as a bridge between men and the Elvenking! I had to laugh, RS, they were bristling at each other like two cats! I loved the idea of an underground group plotting in Edoras - tho' Minuial could have been a tad more grateful! And that beginning scene with Gleowyn and Arwen and the little guy was so sweet and sad (I loved the part where Gleowyn thought that Arwen could make even changing diapers look queenly). Gleowyn thinks her husband is dead obviously...I think Frecern better watch out for her. A little vengence from her would not be amiss in the future.

So you leave everyone hanging - Arwen and Gleowyn listening for "heavy footsteps" as the assault begins - Aragorn and Thranduil looking somewhat ticked at each other - Throndar sacrificing his dear self for the hostages - Minuial being snooty again - and where in the heck are Gloin and Greenleaf? No precioussssss, not very niccccce a'tall! *heheheheh* Great chapter - most timely. *g*


Author Reply: My dear heart, thank you for your enthusiasm. I admit it, I am enjoying this part of the story waaay to much. I must have sadistic tendencies!
I think L&G may just get in to the end of the next ch - we will have to see.

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/3/2004
I started reading this some time back, got lost in the woods and have found my way back out again. What a delightful tale! It flows just beautifully...along with your wonderful descriptions of places and people. You have also infused it with a terrific blend of humor and tension. A wonderful combination. I love your original characters! They're lively and fully rounded. As you can see, I have been most impressed! Now that the rag-tag resistance is moving and the combined forces are amassed, I can hardly wait to see what happens next. Just a terrific read, Rose.


Author Reply: You are most welcome! I am glad you have caught up just as things are getting exciting!
I hope to post 15 early next week, so you won't have to wait too long, however the way it is coming together in my head the chapter may leave you gasping again! (try to look sad about this - really)
Thanks for your enjoyment and kind words

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/3/2004
You must have nursed a baby. You describe it so well. But poor Gleowyn. How miserable she is. She needs to be rescued soon!

Aragorn is scary when he's out for vengeance. Not that I blame him of course. And Thranduil is certainly someone I would want on my side!

I also liked your picture of the "resistance," sort of like in Paris during the Second World War.

Author Reply: Well, as they say, about what you know and all that I am glad you enjoyed my cross-patch men, and the rather bumbling resistance. I feel that all groups like that must be made up by the ordinary suddenly thrust into extraordinary circumstances. You does what you must, I guess.
Thanks for the kind words
now I must get back to the fray

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