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All for Her   by SoundofHorns 5 Review(s)
MysteriousWaysReviewed Chapter: 51 on 8/31/2004

The chapters are getting longer. Your poor wee fingers must be exhauseted. What ever can I do to repay you for all of the work you have put into this?


Author Reply: Keep reviewing on how much you love it! hehe, I actually have to go back once I'm finished and do something about those pitifully short chapters. Bulk em up and combine em! Seriously, the chapter list only goes to 150... :D

sqrt(-1)Reviewed Chapter: 51 on 6/12/2004
Well, I've been a bad reader and haven't reviewed for a long time. I still quite like this story, although I've always been a little disatisfied with your Aragorn - I like him sometimes, but I don't think you always give him enougth credit.

I like your Arwen so far, and that she is going to try to be friends with Eowyn - they have very different backgrounds for the most part, so your making both of their brothers over protective is not only amusing, but gives them something in common to help a friendship start.

I think your chapters are getting longer, but I don't mind that at all :)

Author Reply: Oh, Aragorn's off doing kingly things that we don't see because
1. this is primarily Faramir/Eowyn/Eomer story with supporting cast
2. Kingly stuff is boring. Sorry.
I'm glad everyone likes Arwen, I tried hard to think of how she could act and this nice, pleasant, mature woman popped in to watch Eowyn running her hounds and in my head she asked, "Why haven't I been allowed to do that? Look at her--she's a fragile mortal...she killed the Witchking and they didn't put her back under supervision...she's off running around, not only doing men's stuff, but alone!"
So, my Arwen is a bit intimidated and envious and naturally wants to get to know this unusual woman. :D I do like her a lot. MovieArwen? I wish she would have stuck to offscreen. !Retch! Way overused and simply underscoring the fact she was useless. My Arwen is not useless, she will help Eowyn deal with her "cage" theory when it comes to marriage. Whoa, getting into too much ranting..better go. Thanks for stopping to review!

RakshaReviewed Chapter: 51 on 6/11/2004
Nice work on the developing relationship between Arwen and Eowyn. It's nice to see that Miss Elven Perfection 3019 isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, or her dress bloody to help deliver a foal. Eomer's awestruck reaction to her was also well-written. Arwen and Eowyn have their brothers' over-protectiveness in common, among other things.

But I'm getting a little tired of the Rohirrim's attitude towards Faramir as Eowyn's prospective bridegroom. It started out as an amusing, and not inaccurate, extrapolation on Eomer's natural instinct to protect his sister. Now the masculine one-upmanship and teasing seems to have become more mean-spirited; and frankly, I hope Faramir is going to kick some Rohirric butt in terms of showing off his own skills. I'm surprised that Aragorn didn't mention to Eomer that he wouldn't want his Steward insulted, but this Aragorn is indulging his own interests and passions rather than thinking like the King he has just started to be. I wonder how the Rohirrim would feel if Prince Imrahil and his sons constantly teased and belittled Eomer when he eventually became interested in Lothiriel of Dol Amroth, rather than offering him friendship, not to mention requiring him to drop his responsibilities to his domain and come prove himself as a sailor in Dol Amroth.

Still looking forward to future chapters, but I hope that the Rohirrim will change their attitude.

Author Reply: Yep, once the Arwen/Eowyn alliance is formed they are going to be quite a handful for our poor men. ;) Not too bad, though.
And, here it comes...OH! COME ON!!! THE ROHIRRIM ARE.JUST.MESSING.WITH.HIM!! I thought that was clear, i mean they were cracking up the whole time, setting up that gag just to see what Faramir would do. THey're not mean, just a little mischievious, they're getting a new playmate and they want to play!! I mean, Rohirrim live and breathe battle--those insults were little tests, feints if you will, they want to see what he's like, what he will do. I promise up and down they will never do anything that's mean or excessively violent to him. He is a man of noble blood, even if they don't know him and they respect that to an extent. Halorl was correct in warning that it won't be easy but its a good-natured sort of testing.

Yes, yes, Faramir will commence with the kicking of butt, eventually, when he actually GETS in uniform. However, this entire thing with Faramir coming to Rohan wasn't just Eomer's protectiveness...he's stalling for time and MAJORLY. He doesn't want to be alone and he's going to have to let Eowyn go, so what does he do? Scheme and throw a little attitude and what do you know? Faramir bought it hook, line and sinker. Soooooo, here we are in Rohan.
Aragorn is going to be running Minas Tirith solo now and he's not going to have as much time for fun anymore. No one to fall back upon or delegate duties to. Poor guy, going to have to run the place.

Elendiari22Reviewed Chapter: 51 on 6/11/2004
Yay! A nice long chapter! This is a truly excellent story, keep up the good work. Why do I think that Arwen and Eowyn are going to be good friends when they finally get to know each other? :)

Author Reply: Because it would be cruel of me not to make them friends, lol? They're going to be good/bad influences on each other--remember when Aragorn escorts Frodo and Co. home he leaves Arwen in Edoras.....hint, hint, minor hijinks. :D Glad everyone's been staying with these marathon chapters!

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 51 on 6/11/2004
Yes, they are getting longer. And longer. And *longer*. But we don't mind. :)

So much content; where ever do I begin? I suppose by first saying you've managed to create a much more loveable Arwen then the *movie* Arwen that stole so much of other people's time (Like having her at Helm's Deep instead of Eomer. Thank goodness that *mostly* didn't make it through). And, before anyone flames me, I loved Liv Tylers portrayal of Arwen; I just thought her scenes were a little overdone.

Once again, I love how you perfectly portray Eomer. His attitude is awesome. :)

A trophy? Pet? Man, that has to bruise Faramir's ego. If it was me, I would have lost my temper in a heartbeat. I wonder how Eowyn would feel if she knew her people thought such things about their relationship.....

I'm certain there was more I wished to speak about, but after an hour of reading, I cannot remember what. Well, off to wait for the next update. :)

Author Reply: Oh, god ,don't get me started on Movie!Arwen...long before the movie was over I was praying she would die and a horribly painful death at that!!
I like my Arwen--I imagine her as brave, passionate, mannerly and basically a nice person who has had a huge amount of flattery that she really doesn't care for. I mean, Aragorn got her attention the first time by bragging his lineage,lol.
That's what the entire scene with Eomer in Meduseld was about--Arwen DIDNT want him to love her, why would she? She'd rather have a friend than another worshipping male.
Also, I think Arwen was probably just as intimidated by Eowyn as vice versa, because, come on, Eowyn (with Merry) went out there and killed the Witchking...that's like killing Hitler if you gave him evil super powers--very intimidating for an elvish princess who I imagine hasn't done much stuff like that. I think she's probably been fairly sheltered, especially after her mother.
OH, you guys! the Rohirrim are JUST. MESSING. WITH. HIM. Geez! the way you people stick up for Faramir! LOL! Of course they don't really think that, they want to see what he's going to do!
He does have 2 friends so far...I've been pimping Halorl and Gaer every chance I got and why? Because they're going to be Faramir's buddies--so dont' think he's out there all alone with those naughty Rohirrim!

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