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Reflections from the Paradise of Elves  by Bodkin 7 Review(s)
Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 12 on 6/13/2004
Oy,oy,oy,yeah, the blondie got his girl! Yippee. I know I am a softy but good on ya! Now I am going to have to go research all that awful family of hers , crawls off ashamed of the paucity of her Silm and early elf knowledge.

Author Reply: Don't say it too loud, but the girl was invented without family and they were sort of attached later. I don't know much about all the early stuff either - or come to that, a lot of the later stuff. I have, in an entirely evasive way, without actually committing myself to anything that could be proved wrong, decided that she is connected to the sons of Feanor through their mother Nerdanel, the daughter of Mahtan the smith, (which ties in with chestnut hair and copper highlights). I haven't found that Mahtan had any other children, but he could have done, couldn't he? Or maybe Nerdanel's mother, (unknown) had siblings.

Legolas had to get his girl in the end. He couldn't be left all lonely, while the twins set up happy homes. He's taken a long time to get round to matrimony, but I think it will suit him.

JulesReviewed Chapter: 12 on 6/13/2004
"although I have been informed that they will expect visits that are regular, prolonged and, preferably, solitary."

Wow Legolas really is getting monster-in-laws. At least Thranduil backed down when he saw close up how much she loved his son. Even after he saved the elfling her parents still think he's not good enough. It was once again proves Sindar and Silvan Elves are better than Nolder.

If I were Legolas, I would want the =visits to remain solitary even after there are elflings. I wouldn't send my children on long visits with people who would disrepect me, my father and kin. At leat Legolas' beloved sounds like she wants to be with him.

I understand the compromise for the wedding but I hope Legolas is Elf enough to insist him and Thranduil dress and the Sindar/Silvan Elves they are. Being Woold Elves is such a part of who they are, I would hate to prejudice take that away.

Thanks for writng


Author Reply: They might soften in time - Galadriel could be the best person to get them to back off a bit, since she possesses Noldor clout. And they have yet to see Legolas and their daughter as a couple - if she is clearly happy, it will start to put their minds at rest. Elflings might help bring about a rapprochement, too. We will see. Probably.

The Wood Elves are rather like immigrants as far as the long-term residents of Valinor are concerned - they are not at all sure about people bringing their own customs and traditions and worry that it might detract from what they have. Prejudice - a sad fact of life.

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 12 on 6/12/2004
Oh, Bodkin, these last two chapters are great! Such political intrigue! Such strategizing! Such support among friends, ellyn and elleth!

I am really enjoying reading this story!

- Barbara

Author Reply: Thank you. It is such fun to play with them under happy circumstances. But they wouldn't be them if everything was going to be a breeze, would they?

I hope you keep enjoying it - it seems to be something that could keep going for ever! I thought there was only the first part - but then the second came, and the third . . .

Now it's got the the point where there are spin-offs. Quite mad.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 12 on 6/12/2004
Ah yes, the maidens can frighten them if they choose to. I enjoyed this. I hope Legolas has many more opportunities to kiss his sweetheart. I hate the thought of how alone he was for so long.

Author Reply: I don't know what males think females are doing when they are not around! The ellyth can be quite scary if they put their minds to it. I wonder if E, E and L think about other times they might have needed to operate mutual defence to protect themselves. Probably not.

I'm sure his married friends will ensure he gets plenty of opportunities for a bit of fun - the wives can legitimately act as chaperones for them without cramping their style.

Yes, he has been a long time getting her - but Glorfindel has had even longer!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 12 on 6/12/2004
Oh, Elrohir is married, and now it appears Legolas is going to get his wish. Silly elf...if only he had known he merely had to nearly kill himself saving her life they could have planned this long ago :-)

And Thranduil in collusion? I love it! That wiley old elf will ensure his son is happily married!

Author Reply: Sorry about leaving Elrohir's wedding out, but it was getting a bit too matrimonial.

Yes, typical way for Legolas to solve his problem - it was one way to get them all under the same roof and talking to each other.

Thranduil is tough, but I don't think he is prepared for the wiles of pretty maidens. I can see him crumbling fairly quickly - and once he is on their side, they will find it much easier to get to the wedding.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 12 on 6/12/2004
So Elrohir is also happily married now? What a shame we missed the wedding! I love the idea that Thranduil can withstand Sauron and the Nazgul in Dol Guldur, but is no match for a pretty elleth. So he's been won over, but I think it's sad that her family are so disapproving still - and rather prudish if they think Legolas just kissing her is so bad! He's too honourable to have been doing anything else.


Author Reply: I am sorry - I wanted to have Elrohir's wedding, but it could have got a bit monotonous with all of them following on from one another. It went well - there were no major problems, and he was ecstatically happy. It has helped him regain something that he lost in his relationship with Elladan - now they both know the joys of being married and they are on equal terms again. (I suspect Legolas's nuptials might make it to the page.)

Thranduil strikes me as rather a macho-elf. I can see him able to withstand everything except the wiles of his womenfolk.

I think it will take a lot for her family to become reconciled - they seem quite a stiff lot. I always feel that the whole society of Middle Earth, (including the elves in Valinor), is a bit old-fashioned - goes with the long gowns and the men in robes - and that their standards of behaviour are probably old-fashioned and conventional too. Which would mean that getting your elleth on her own for a bit of 'leisure activity' would probably be frowned on. Of course Legolas wouldn't do anything he shouldn't!!

Author Reply: I am sorry - I wanted to have Elrohir's wedding, but it could have got a bit monotonous with all of them following on from one another. It went well - there were no major problems, and he was ecstatically happy. It has helped him regain something that he lost in his relationship with Elladan - now they both know the joys of being married and they are on equal terms again. (I suspect Legolas's nuptials might make it to the page.)

Thranduil strikes me as rather a macho-elf. I can see him able to withstand everything except the wiles of his womenfolk.

I think it will take a lot for her family to become reconciled - they seem quite a stiff lot. I always feel that the whole society of Middle Earth, (including the elves in Valinor), is a bit old-fashioned - goes with the long gowns and the men in robes - and that their standards of behaviour are probably old-fashioned and conventional too. Which would mean that getting your elleth on her own for a bit of 'leisure activity' would probably be frowned on. Of course Legolas wouldn't do anything he shouldn't!!

Author Reply: Drat. Clicked twice. Sorry.

natReviewed Chapter: 12 on 6/12/2004
he he he making whopee...i love that song...oh yeah the fics awesome too!! i hope we soon find out more about the blushing brides!!

Author Reply: The brides are making their presence felt a bit more - but they won't have a huge role, except in the eyes of their loving husbands.

Glad you are enjoying it.

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