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Requiem for Boromir  by maya_ar 2 Review(s)
Nienna EllanesseReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 7/4/2004
A great story idea executed with love and talent is always appreciated. I think even Prof. Tolkien would forgive the "meter and verse" wobbles; it's a celebration of courage and friendship and you did stay true to the cannon! Dear Faramir, wry Eomer, patient Aragorn, . . . the gang's all here. Thank you for the story. :)

Author Reply: Thank you! I enjoyed writing it, and it's even nicer when other folks enjoy it too :)


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 6/20/2004
I have trouble reading the poetry of LOTR, but I have a very long commute to work and recently I listened to the whole trilogy on book tape. This song was haunting when I heard it. I could never have imagined it so well from the printed page. I like the way Faramir completed the set of verses on the wind.

I had never before connected the sacrifice of Boromir with the happiness of Faramir, although once you say it, it seems obvious.

Author Reply: I know what you mean about poetry being all about sounds: I tend to read anything in verse aloud (a somewhat disconcerting habit in company, I'm told).

About the sacrifice-happiness connection, I thought it was one thing that Faramir would cherish - that in some way, his beloved brother had been instrumental in his "happy ending", and in the continuation of their family line.

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