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The Steward's Coup  by Shireling 3 Review(s)
LisaGReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/11/2010
Well, thankfully Faramir now knows it's not Aragorn who is the source of corruption in Gondor, but rather most likely one or more of the Councillors. I can certainly understand Aragorn's frustration with Faramir and he really can't be blamed for thinking the worst of his Steward if after all these weeks, he sees no improvement or promise in the man. I wish Faramir would TALK to Aragorn about what's going on, instead of adding to the King's feelings of is Aragorn supposed to know what to do or what to think when he's still in the dark about what's going on? :(

Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 6 on 7/3/2004
I really wanted to like this story; as I liked your other work. But the premise that Faramir can't trust Aragorn enough to apprise him of the situation and what he is doing about it just doesn't work for me...Particularly after all that Aragorn did for Faramir in the past, getting Elrond to help him heal, being so kind to Faramir when Faramir was at his lowest point...

I will continue to read, and hope for a resolution to the impasse between Faramir and Aragorn. This chapter was particularly hard to read, and did not seem credible, given the relationship you established between them before this story began.

Author Reply: Rashka,
Thank you for taking to time to leave me your thoughs.
I'm disappointed that you are not enjoying the story. Faramir and Aragorn have yet to establish a working relationship and are both dealing with new situations that are beyond their experience.

I do hope that you will stick with the story and I hope by the end to have redeemed myself!


fliewatuetReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/27/2004
I am glad that Faramir managed to rule out a participation of the King in the whole affair. Though I fear that his tactic of appearing incompetent worked far too well. I fear the best way for Faramir to persuade the King of his capabilities is to uncover the conspiracy as soon as possible (there might be other ways, but this one is sure the one that would leave the most lasting impression).

As a last remark: I marvel at Faramir's strength to return to the King and say what he had to say after having to listen to Aragorn's (understandable, but untimely) outburst.


Author Reply: thank you
I'm glad you are enjoying the story.

I'm really pleased that Faramir's strength of character comes through in this chapter, although he is playing up his lack of experience I didn't want him to come over as he just has to find a way to sort out the mess.


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