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The Queen's Orc  by jodancingtree 8 Review(s)
calimeReviewed Chapter: 25 on 1/21/2005

CalimeReviewed Chapter: 25 on 1/19/2005
He loves her! He loves her! Now If I can just climb down from the chair long enough to tell you how good that was.

esamenReviewed Chapter: 25 on 7/12/2004
Ah, Jo, you must be a real storyteller to make us love an Orc! I usually like more Frodo-centric fics, but this is a winner. Beautiful! I can't wait for your next update. Thanks!

Author Reply: Thank you, esamen! I'm with you - I'm pretty Frodo-centric, which is why the Ring-bearer keeps slipping into this even though it takes place long after his own story ended. Thank you for giving Canohando a chance to win your affection.


powerwriterReviewed Chapter: 25 on 6/30/2004

This story has turned into such a tale! Canohando is one of the best characters I have come across. There's just so much emotion and depth to everything. I'm glad Canohando has found someone! He really needs someone now that Arwen is passed.

I been trying to picture what Canohando looks like. I really been wanting a mental image of him, but just can't get a picture in my head. Grr...

I am truly sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter. Good job :)

Author Reply: Funny you should mention that - I wish I could get someone to draw me a picture of him! I sort of know what he looks like: a heavy brow line, not quite a Neanderthal ridge, but pronounced - deep-set black eyes and thick eyebrows that meet above his eyes, a broad face with a wide mouth and strong chin, low forehead and thick, dead-black hair. Ugly but striking, especially the eyes. And a thick, muscular body - sort of like Atlas, looks like he could pick up the world on his shoulders. I'm so glad you like him! Do you draw?

I've been away and have done hardly any work on the story for a week, so it'll probably be another week before I post the next chapter. I'm sorry...


Breon BriarwoodReviewed Chapter: 25 on 6/27/2004
Oh, that was beautiful at the end. It appears Canohando may have found someone after all... Waiting for more! :D

Author Reply: Thank you, Breon! And now I'm getting ready to leave for a week's vacation - with a little luck I'll try to do some writing while I'm gone.

I think Canohando's in love - but even though Malawen trusts him now, would she give her heart to an Orc?


FantasyFanReviewed Chapter: 25 on 6/25/2004
It sounds like Canohando is falling in love! He is her protector, but she is his shadow. They do not wish to be apart. I wonder if he can heal her, and she can win him a passage to Valinor? In this universe, Frodo was not allowed to go for healing, and in the end he was able to heal himself. Canohando has come a very long way along the same path: he is largely redeemed. He doesn't need to go for healing, and really, Valinor is where both he and the elfling belong now.

Author Reply: It certainly does sound like he's falling in love - I wonder if he realizes it? Lash loved Lokka, but I don't think he was "in love" with her - and such a thing would be completely alien to the orcs of Canohando's past life. He saw it in Arwen and Aragorn, but would he recognize it in himself?

Nice to hear from you again, FantasyFan!


Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 25 on 6/25/2004
Awww, now there's a partnership to boggle the mind. She may be a bit of a minx that elf - allowing Canahando to believe she needed his embrace to avoid falling out of a tree-!- (grin)
The big softy better not get his heart broken again, Jo. I feel rather protective of the lunk.

Author Reply: LOL! He is a softy now, isn't he? Not much like the hardened villain who kept threatening to kill Frodo. Just goes to show the influence other people can have on a personality.

But Malawen... there's a bit more than meets the eye there.

Thanks for reviewing!


daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 25 on 6/25/2004
It's wonderful to see Canohando passing along some of the healing he got from Frodo. Romantic that I am, I actually want them to be lovers. Is that too much to ask?

Author Reply: Not too much to ask of Canohando - whether it's all Frodo's influence, or partially the effect of wearing Arwen's Jewel for 60 years, he has grown a very loving heart. But Malawen - ? She's come to trust him, but is she capable of love?


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