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Far Horizons by Bodkin | 6 Review(s) |
Reviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/28/2004 | |
I've really enjoyed this and Paradise of the elves too but now you've really heated this up. Shooting an arrow onto the range while anyone in on it gathering arrows would be a no-no a elfling would know better than to do. This definitely would border on kinslayings and I think send panic through Thranduil's blood. Of all the elves to try it on, a Sindar! Oooo I can't imagine the reaction to this could be too good. I am really enjoying these stories. Very original ideas you have and you write them very well. Author Reply: I don't think the twins and Legolas are too impressed. I'm sure there will be repercussions. If I were Thranduil I would want a) revenge and b) to get my son out of there as quickly as possible. I am glad you are enjoying this. It seems to be insisting on becoming rather more of an epic that initially intended, but I hope it continues to work for you. | |
Nilmandra | Reviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/28/2004 |
Wow, that was rather shocking! An elf shooting at another elf? All this pettiness? Someone needs to insult them by telling them they behave too much like humans, but I suppose the Valinorians wouldn't understand. Still,they had to have been surprised by how cool and calm the twins and L handled it. I think they need to move too :/ Author Reply: Does being an elf exclude pettiness? I think all sentient beings are likely to behave badly from time to time - even elves. Although it mostly seems to be among the younger, idler, more immature and indulged elves. I could see the native-born being numb with horror and not knowing what to do, while the twins and Legolas responded with cool efficiency. After all, it is not as if he hasn't been shot before in centuries as a warrior. Though not (unless accidentally) by an elf. But who seem to find weapons and warfare most exciting - those who have no experience to inform them of its unpleasant side. They do need to move. (Someone once did an experiment with rats, where they lived in a perfect environment with plenty of food and comfort, but they were overcrowded - and the males started killing each other and the females got depressed and (I think) ate their young.) | |
Finafyr | Reviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/28/2004 |
Sweet Eru this is good.. it is also interesting.. I like it .. it shows that Valinor is not Heaven.. that the blood of the elves that were in on the rebellion and the kinslaying is still there.. and that restlessness can lead to stupidity.. and that a life of "Bliss: can sometimes lead to boredom and petty jealousy... very very good.. Author Reply: Stupidity nearly always leads to disaster. And arrogance - they are a pretty bad combination. I cannot imagine all those elves of different backgrounds skipping around singing joyful songs all the time - their characters are too strong. Young males are statistically the most likely to cause trouble, often for no more reason than 'because they can'. I'm glad you are enjoying it. | |
daw the minstrel | Reviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/28/2004 |
‘Hold them all you can, child,’ he told their naneth gruffly. ‘They are small for so short a time and leave your arms empty for an eternity.’ --That is so true! I wish I'd understood it better when my son was small. I love the fact that Elrohir seems to be making a spread sheet. Perhaps Excel would help him! So Nessa is being courted as part of a plot? That would sting! It's a good thing she doesn't like him much. Holy cow, someone SHOT Legolas? And they're in Valinor! Geez. I do like that Thranduil and Galadriel apparently think alike. Author Reply: I'm beginning to feel a bit 'empty nest' - they still come and go, but they only need the wallet. And it must be worse for elves, who really are bereft for ever. Perhaps Elrohir should invent the computer. I can see him using Excel - and Powerpoint. Plots everywhere, I'm afraid. I'm scared I'm going to get completely lost among them all. I tend to think that Thranduil and Galadriel have quite a lot of similarities - if only they could see it. Poor Legolas. At least the injury is not too serious. | |
Elena Tiriel | Reviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/28/2004 |
Curiouser and curiouser! Can't wait to find out who's behind the conspiracy... Just how efficient is the Valinorean judicial system, anyhow? How often is it needed? Not very often, I would have believed before this story... :) - Barbara Author Reply: H'mmm, yes, that will be interesting. (Must remember not to admit that I keep changing my mind.) They must have a judicial system of sorts - there's probably not a huge amount of crime, although I think, given thousands of elves, there must be some, but they must have some kind of civil justice system for disputes. But I suspect it's not very analytical - because it wouldn't need to be really. Elves are fairly law-abiding and honest, so I doubt they go in much for forensic science and scene of crime officers. Possibly more the George Washington-I-cannot-tell-a-lie model of investigation. Which is all right until you get someone who is happy to tell any number of lies. | |
Jay of Lasgalen | Reviewed Chapter: 7 on 7/28/2004 |
This story is getting better and better! The beginning with Thranduil and Elerrina was sweet - he makes a wonderful grandada. So the attack on Legolas was all the more unexpected, but why? A sort of warning? The network of wives is highly efficient, I like the way they operate, and they seem to hear all the gossip. Elrohir is indeed clever to work out who has been set up a stooge for this, but he had better be careful himself - if he gets too close, the plotters may arrange another 'accident'. Jay Author Reply: Elrohir does need to be careful - I expect Thranduil and Elrond are not going to be too happy about their sons putting themselves in the way of danger. And the female side of the family is providing Sherlock Elrohir with plenty of information. The whole story is, in fact, getting out of hand - there is so much happening and so many people rushing around, I know it's all going to fall apart! But it's fun. | |