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Healing the Long Cleeve  by TopazTook 5 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/5/2005
And she is proving a rather difficult nut to crack, as is Paladin, who is, if I remember my Tale of Years, nearing his end at this time.

So, Pippin's war wound is acting up? Am not surprised it, too, would bother him at times.

Author Reply: Snerk. I hadn’t even thought of the “hard nut to crack” reference in regard to Diamond. I was going with Pippin being a bit “nutty”, which is why he’s glad she’s fond of them. :)

powerwriterReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/15/2004
Oh goodness. I hope Pippin cracks Diamond's shell soon! It'd be pretty frustrating if the one your suppose to be closest to is like a robot. It seems she peeks out a bit at the end of this chapter.

Author Reply: Yep, she does "peek out a bit" at the end of this chapter. Of course, if no characters have any problems to overcome, it's a pretty short story.;)

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/15/2004
So her first encounter with Pippin's night terrors. Mild, though. What's it going to be like when he approaches one of the anniversaries, and has some really serious ones?
As I thought, Pippin is not happy with her kowtowing to him. He's going to have to go some to get her to open up about her own feelings. She's been too thoroughly indoctrinated.

Author Reply: Yeah, he's also grumpy because he hasn't been getting any sleep and is taking on more of his father's duties since Paladin isn't feeling well.

<> Remember how you thought Paladin's instructions to Diamond's father were ominous?;)

Alayna the Tallest HobbitReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/10/2004
Oh dear, I can see why Pippin was so frustrated about Diamond's favorite color. He just wants to be her friend and she just trying to be pleasing in every way. I liked it when Pip decided to be a "more observant Hobbit". I hope they will be able to talk like two normal Hobbits soon. Looking forward to the next chapter!


P.S. How's your cold? Are you better? (I'm on the PippinHealers group, in case you wondered). :)

Author Reply: Yes, they're still a bit at cross-purposes as they try to please each other. Glad you liked him vowing to be a more observant hobbit; I liked his line about other hobbits saying it's a good thing she's fond of nuts, myself.;)

For those who really want to know Diamond's favorite color, it's a minor element of Chap. 8 -- a part I just finished writing tonight, and am hoping to have the chapter complete and ready to post some time next weekend.

My cold is much better, except for the occasional lingering cough. Thank you for asking. (And I sort of figured from that question that you must be on the group.;) )

KrisztaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/2/2004
Oh yes. I am aware that the Shire is not the modern US. It's completely OK, I would'n want it any other way, independency or not. But I would go crazy if I had such a spouse as Eddie Murphy almost had in "Coming to America Prince in New York". Thank you for those scenes with the color of the clothes! I also agree with you that things like this won't change quickly, neither by command, nor by request. Also, I believe that intimacy won't develop only by a shared bedroom, rather by shared joy (draugths) and shared pain (the nightmares, and Pippin's father?). I try to quote a few line from The Golden Man by a Hungarian writer, Jókai Mór: "The narrow walls of the poor press them more together who belong to each other... when they are done with work, they sit down on the ground, eat bean soup from one bowl, then kiss each other." It's a sad story about a rich man who can buy anything except the love of his wife.
I can't wait for the next chapter!

Author Reply: You're welcome for the scenes with the color of the clothes...and Pip looked so handsome in his party clothes, too. Sigh. Your "shared joy" and "shared pain" is very insightful. Pippin and Diamond are still working on that -- at this point, they've been married/ known each other about two months. You might also want to check out the symbolism of the gemstones: moonstone, garnet and rose quartz all have something in common. :)
I haven't actually seen the Eddie Murphy movie you're referring to -- his latest performance that I caught was as Donkey in "Shrek 2." ;)
Thanks for the story recommendation for "The Golden Man." I may have to see if I can find Mór's work at my local library.
Working on the next chapter now.

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