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History Lessons: The Second Age  by Nilmandra 10 Review(s)
fan81981Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/2/2004
I know I haven't reviewed for a while but know that I am here and reading. At the moment, the screen in spinning slightly so please excuse me if I am being incoherant.

The last line, with Arwen not being able to refuse her brothers the strawberrys, was adorable. Such a small little thing, but so indicative of the character. It is one of the things I love about you. The way you can take the smallest of incidents and show so much through them.

Don't get me wrong - I love the cliff hangers - though they are terrible for me nails. But it is these quiet chapters which really stay with me. They leave a smile on my face for such a long time that my family is covinced that I am soft in the head.

I know that whenever I look at a strawberry I will remember this chapter. I love strawberrys too, I am so pleased I have something in common with Elrond.

Thank you, for this chapter and this sotry. For someone with a flu this was the best medicine.


MarnieReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/23/2004
Poor Celebrian! Elrond should count himself lucky if he gets mud, and not just the cold shoulder all the way back to Rivendell. She's obviously a lot more reasonable than I am :)

Yay! I am glad to see Celeborn and Galadriel again, even if she's currently in 'I know everything' mode - that must get tiresome in a mother-in-law, but is being quite handy at the moment.

Arwen is clearly already quite wise; I was impressed by her insight into the fact that Elrond would be much more casual with Glorfindel than with someone he didn't know as well. That's so true. And Elrond's strawberry-addiction is rather endearing - I remember it from HL :) I believe I've said it before, but he's lucky to have Glorfindel, particularly when he made it so difficult for G to get to know him in the first place.

I *am* glad everyone's well again!

Author Reply: Thanks, Marnie! The innocence of children often leads to what appears to be wisdom, and a child knows who they trust, even if they do not understand why. Galadriel does come across as a know it all, doesn't she? But sometimes I think she had only bits of knowledge and just seemed to know more. Perhaps she as crafty that way.

LKKReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/21/2004
I liked this chapter a lot, Nilmandra. A nice little essay on trust hidden underneath delightful characterizations and events.

I had forgotten about Garthon. Bad me. But you hadn't. Good you. I found it interesting that Garthon felt uncomfortable in Galadriel's presence. I don't normally think of other elves finding her intimidating, just other races. (Although *I* would find her intimidating even if I were an elf!)

It was good to hear that Albast recovered, lived for several years after his stay at Imladris, and that the twins got to see him over those years. I always liked him.

The strawberry bet was too funny! I agree with Elladan. I would have expected Elrond's good manners to keep him from stealing strawberries even from very old and dear friends like Glorfindel. It's good to see Elrond isn't *always* so serious. :-)

Quick question: Does Glorfindel also call Elladan "elfling"? Or is that pet name reserved for Elrohir alone?

Looking forward to the mother and son (and son and daughter!) reunion!


Author Reply: I find I am always psychoanalyzing my characters :P It is interesting for Elrond's children to see how he can loosen up like this, when they are out in the middle of nowhere. Trust is an interesting thing.

Glorfindel reserves elfling for Elrohir. He has other names for Elladan. I think Elladan ignored Glorfindel when he called him that, so of course Glorfindel stopped as that was no fun. Elrohir is still protesting being called an elfling- so its fun to tease him. Silly elflings.

And heck, Galadriel intimidates me and I'm just trying to write her! *grin*

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/20/2004
I'm sorry I've sort of fallen off the review wagon. I've been reading faithfully and have enjoyed it all. This chapter was a bit less stressful and things are looking up. Well..except for poor Celebrian. She's about ready to bit a blade into and who can blame her? I'm sure every mother here indentifes with her. It's a real wash of emotions. I'm nearly as axnious as she is to get her to her children.

It was nice to find the Lord Celeborn and the Lady Galadriel on their way. You just can't pull anything over on her! Apparently she knew, but I didn't quite get whether Celeborn knew. Surely, she told him of her vision. He looked frightened and surprised at Gathron's news. In the long run, I guess, it doesn't matter. They're coming!

Glorfindel's story was good and the Battle of Strawberry Fields was great. I love Glorfindel's stories about trying to loosen up the always proper Elrond. He's a smart cookie. He knew what it would take to gain Elrond's trust. And part of that plan was to take control away from Elrond. It was battle of wills where Glorfindel showed Elrond that he could relinquish control on occasion and he could trust Glorfindel. I liked his method.

I have truly enjoyed this tale and look forward to Naneth getting to her children and the grandparents showing up. That ought to be a shock!

I'm looking forward to the next installment. Karen

Author Reply: Glad you like where this is going - and glad you are still reading. Don't worry about reviews - I would feel worse if people quit reading than if they just didn't comment! (although I would, of course, never tell you not to review.....*grin*)

It will be interesting to see Elrond and Glorfindel in battle together - and that won't be far off. Expect Annatar to show up soon......and pretty soon the war between the elves and Sauron will start. It will be interesting to see trust in action then!

NikaraReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/20/2004
Very, very cute. I love the strawberry story. I'm glad that we get to see more of Galadriel and Celeborn in this story! Keep it up.

Author Reply: Glad you liked it - I love strawberries and am already dreaming of them!

Camp6311Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/20/2004
Glad to see this story continuing. I really like the insights you bring to the characters and the ages Tolkien only hinted at in his writings, and am looking forward to reading more about the Second Age.

Author Reply: Thanks Camp6311! There is a lot to write about in the second age - all we have is a timetable - so I am busy thinking of who will tell of what. I hope to keep updates weekly, but it will depend on how complex things get. In HL, I had to sometimes write chapters together to make sure I had everything straigh. :S

paranoidangelReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/20/2004
I did like this line - it made me laugh:

I am arguing with myself over whether my husband is too logical and whether he is giving proper attention to my anger.

I can see Celebrian going straight to her kids when she gets there but if she wasn't thinking of that first Elrond should watch out!

I liked the Second Age bits as well, and the strawberries.

Author Reply: I was thinking of how Elrond might act when he is not where everyone is watching him - out here in the wild, it is his children and Glorfindel. I would hate to be him, though, when Celebrian shows up. Perhaps he'll think the mud worth it if she wants to make up afterwards :/

Antigone_QReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/20/2004
This was great! My favorite part was Elrond and the strawberries - that is so true! My husband and I even have a running joke about this - he maintains that you can tell the married couples when you go out to eat because they pick off each other's plates without asking first.

Nice bit with Celebrian too; it made me laugh. "Oh, well, I'll just push him in the mud later and save my strength for better things..." I hope she gets to her children soon!

Author Reply: I think I enjoyed that Elrond could still surprise his children. They are seeing him in a different situation out here in the wild! I hope Celebrian gets to her children soon, too. She is a bit like a mother lion otherwise.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/19/2004
That was touching, amusing and sweet. Very entertaining. :-D

Author Reply: Thanks, Karri. It was distinctly lacking in action, so I wasn't sure how it would go over.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 9 on 1/19/2004
I thought this chapter was charming. I liked the two female members of the family in particular. Celebrian is single minded in her goal of reaching her family, but she can still try to be reasonable about Elrond and understand why he did what he did. And Arwen is a sweet and generous child.

I liked the twins joking about their father: "That was painful but he did it." It seems like the kind of thing young adults would say about a parent whose foibles they were become more objectively aware of, even as they stayed fond of him. Another detail I liked was the shifting around of whether the Elves owned the horses or the horses owned the Elves. You obviously have pets!

And your characters are all so vividly rendered. Even such a minor one as Garthon has a distinct personality as he holds his imformation close, for instance. Nice job.

Author Reply: I am glad you think the characters are well rendered - I think that is still what I trying to accomplish, much as in HL the first. There'll be some action again later - and I think it will be interesting to consider some of the politics of the time too.

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