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Lost  by FirstMate 13 Review(s)
DeepBlueSomethingReviewed Chapter: 14 on 10/28/2004
Hi FirstMate!

I already reviewed on, but I thought of a few things I forgot to mention in that review.

First of all, this story is just so great! You're really doing a great job and I hope you write more in the future. The twins are my favorite LOTR characters and you have portrayed them beautifully.

Also, I have some more thoughts on the bad guys. I wonder who will be sentencing them because when Elrond hears what has been done to Elrohir these past few weeks, it is going to be darn hard for him to be objective.

It was absolutely heartbreaking how Kalen and Matias have treated Elrohir over the past few weeks. Is it going to take him a little while to recover from this? I would imagine that being starved and kept pretty much immoble for a few weeks would have bad effects on even an elf. I shudder to think how Elladan is going to react when he finds out what happened. Hey, that just gave me an idea! I have thought of a good punishment for the bad guys. I think they should be locked in a room, weaponless, with Elladan for a few hours. Wouldn't that be fun (LOL)!

Anyway, maybe I have finally gotten all my thoughts on this chapter out of my system. You are doing great and I hope you are able to update soon.

Author Reply: Hey DeepBlue! I FINALLY found a place I could log in, chp is up. Yeah! Since I already e-mailed you a response, I'm not going to recap everything I said before, but wanted to close the loop here on SOA. Anyway, thanks so much for the review...hope you enjoy the last chp! FM

LizReviewed Chapter: 14 on 9/6/2004

Just sending a bit of encouragement your way so that your muses get rejuvenated and you feel renewed motivation to finish your wonderful story. Remember, you promised! You can't leave us all just hanging, I'm mean poor Elladan is out there somewhere believing his twin is dead and only you can fix that! You have all the power! Put it to good use and make our favorite characters happy again! I am sooo looking forward to the next part. Do update soon! Please!


Author Reply: Hey Liz, thanks for that bit of encouragement! My muses are rather frustrated with me at the moment. They keep telling me what to write, but that pesky thing called Real Life keeps getting in the way of me sitting down and putting it to paper ( know what I mean). I believe when I write another story, I'm going to finish the whole thing first before I post anything. That way I won't be mean to readers and make them wait too long. I really don't TRY to make people wait. I have already written about 25 pages worth, so it is coming along, albeit slowly. Hmmm...maybe for my next story I also won't make my chapters so long. Well, anyway, I have the twins' reunion already done, so take heart that they will be together again soon. Thanks again SOOO much for the note. It really does make the frustration easier to bear when I hear encouraging words! FM

KellenReviewed Chapter: 14 on 7/1/2004
Wow, what a story!! I sat and read all fourteen chapters in two days (would have been shorter had I not had to actually leave my apartment for anything. LoL)

Very nice. I have really enjoyed this story!!


Author Reply: Hi Kellen! I am sorry to have taken so long to respond. Life always has an interesting way of interferring with more pleasurable things like replying to reviewers (or even, sigh, writing). You read all the chapters in just a couple of days, huh? Wow. I figure it's about at novel length at this point, so your eyes must have been strained looking at the computer so long. Yikes! Well, I'm glad you enjoyed the story so far. I'm still working on the last chapter, but haven't been able to get it finished yet. Thanks so much for reviewing! FM

Reviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/27/2004
That was a fantastic chapter.
Poor Elrohir, he breaks my heart the way you describe him so well
Polinas is really evil, whereas I feel ambivalent towards Kalen and Matias.
The worse thing for them is, no matter what punishment Elrond can mete out, no matter what Elladan and Elrohir say or do, it is never going to be worse than their own feeling of guilt, and the fact that their misdirected vengeance and anger should have been placed on none other than their own brother in law who effectively destroyed their family completely.
Please bring Elladan home safely, and Estel. I want them to be happy again.

Author Reply: Hi...thanks for the nice words in your review. Yes, I believe that Kalen and Matias are going to be their own worse enemies now. They will never be able to truly forgive themselves for what they did to a friend (and now they know it was for a false cause!) Elladan is going to be reunited with his twin shortly, don't worry. But Estel is not coming back in this story. He's off galavanting somewhere with the rangers and is too far away. Maybe a sequel someday will address his reunion with his brothers!

MollyReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/26/2004
I was really excited to see this update. Finding out the motive behind this whole thing satisfying, though I wonder what will happen to Kalen and Matias now. I can't wait for Elladan to get home and find Elrohir much recovered! How awful for his family to find out that all along he was in the stable, right under their noses. Reading about him in that box, though, I kept wondering - when did he go to the bathroom? If his captors didn't give him breaks, that would have made the box a whole lot more miserable.

Author Reply: Ha! You know, I did wonder that same thing myself and actually had written a few lines kind of explaining how they took care of that little detail...but then I decided that it was just TMI (too much information) and it didn't really add to the story. In the end, I just left it up to everyone's imagination. Either they could assume he was allowed to go to the bathroom when they let him out, or even that he...uh...was forced to just use his box. Ugh...I think I'd go for the former explanation! Too icky otherwise (although I suppose it is the more likely answer). Elladan is definitely going to be surprised to find his brother recovered, although it won't be instant joy. He has a few issues to work out first (guilt mainly). Anyway, thanks for reviewing!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/26/2004
FirstMate, I was so happy to see the for so long so badly awaited chapter! And it was worth the waiting, as always.

Now, what can I say? It was another great chapter, sometimes I had to stop reading and take some deep breaths to calm down. By the way, never don't worry about your readers forgot you - I have checked this story every day and never given up, although it was truly a long time.

Poor Elrohir, I can't even begin to imagine what he must've been through. To lie helplessly bounded and gagged for weeks in this little box, hungry and thirsty, struggling with his horribly memories! And then to know what the three elves have done, and why! How cruel! Really, I am not able to be forgiving and want to kill Polinas for this. It is unbearable to think he will get away with this because he is in Valinor!

Kalen and Matias, however, are another matter. I'm not sure what to think about them. They have wronged not only Elrohir so horribly and deserve some sort of punishment. But they, especially Kalen, were misleaded by Polinas, and althouth that's no excuse, their wish for vengeance is at least understandable. And in the end they have come to their senses and have released Elrohir.
Maybe they should go to the Undying Lands, too, confront Polinas with his treachery and falsehood and hand him over to the justice of the elves in Valinor? For I think they will leave Imladris anyhow, forced or not - they won't be able to look someone in the eyes again after what they have done.

Then there is Robard. If I'm correct, he is up to pretend he knows Elrohir's whereabouts and will trade it for a huge amount of money, although it is not where Elrohir is just now but four years ago? And of course, he will lie about his own part in Elrohir's vanishing. It is unbelievable and unbearable impertinent!
Honestly, I want you to start the next chapter with Elrohir storming in and kick his ass - and I don't mind if he can't sit for a copule of days after Elrohir has finished with him. Please don't let him go away with this, he had no other reason for his deeds save his greed. As you have proven, elves aren't always nice and there is no reason to be nice to him just now! Someone has to pay for Elrohir's - and not only Elrohir's! - long years of suffering and I want him to be the first victim! If others are following I will be very pleased.

By the way, this time I was much faster than Elrond. When the twin came in and stand frozen, staring at Robard, I guessed it was Elrohir and was very pleased to see I was right ;-)

Now I'm waiting for the happy reunion of the twins. I wonder what Elladan will say - he has given up his twin, and now Elrohir is back, healthy (nearly, that is) and whole, with all his memories back. It will be sort of a shock for Elladan, but he will be glad to have his twin back. And what will he make of the tormentors of his brother, who have brought so much grief to him, too?

Thank you for this chapter - and I hope so much you can update much sooner the next time! I'm waiting so eagerly for this and don't dare to think about it being the last chapter of my favourite fic! I'm still dreaming about a sequel ...

Author Reply: Hi Kitty! Wow, what a great, long review! And I'm so glad to know that folks haven't forgotten the story since it took SO long to get this latest chapter out! You're right that Kalen and Matias really can't stay in Imladris anymore. Even if they were completely forgiven (and they won't be), I can't imagine that the rest of the elves could ever treat them the same again. Hey, you got it just right concerning Robard. When Belder questioned him, he realized that the missing elf was the same one that he'd had years ago and decided to make some extra money out of his knowledge. Greedy fool! He is NOT going to get away with it! So, you figured out that it was Elrohir, huh? I tried not to be TOO cute about it, but I didn't want to give it away too early, either. Keeps the suspense going. :) Sigh...I can't wait for the twins' reunion, either. After all they've been through, they deserve a nice one. I'm not going to let myself write it until I get some of the more boring parts of the chapter written first, though. It gives me incentive to get through the sections that aren't so fun to write! Well, I'll keep that sequel in mind, although I think that if/when I do write my next story, it will be the backstory for when Elrohir taught Estel the meaning of courage. I mentioned it several chapters ago (when Estel was tending to Elrohir in the infirmary.) I've had it sloshing around in my head for awhile, so I'd probably do that next. Thanks so much for the lovely, long review!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/26/2004
Goodness, this has just given me several very happy hours! Just wonderful to find 14 chapters of something exciting I haven't read. Poor Elrohir! Elladan won't be able to believe his luck.

You even managed to make me feel (fairly) sorry for the bad elves. But that nasty man needs to be caught out.

Elrond must be ecstatic!

Author Reply: A new fun! Glad you found the story. Yep, Elrond is pretty happy at the moment and the rest of the family will also be thrilled as soon as they find out that Elrohir's back. I find myself feeling sorry for Kalen and Matias somewhat, as well, but also know that they still did something VERY wrong! And as for that repulsive little worm Robard...well, I have no sympathy for him at all! Again, welcome to my little story!

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/26/2004
Oh, at last! What a long wait - but worth it. Poor Elrohir, what a horrendous experience he's been through - but at least he has his memory back, and is reunited with his father.

I'm worried about Elladan now - is he just on this mission for his father, or has something happened to *him* now? Please don't be so cruel, and let them be reunited soon! And don't leave the next update so long, please.


Author Reply: You know, several of the reviews asked about Elladan and if something awful had happened to him. Call me stupid, but it didn't occur to have anything happen to him at this point. I kind of figured I'd used up the angst quota for the story, and so he's just off doing his job with the dwarves. I will give him his fair share of unhappiness to work through, though, since he still has to get over his feelings of guilt for not protecting Elrohir and now he'll have to deal with the fact that he didn't do everything he could to find him either. Poor fellow! Thanks so much for reviewing!

Elena TirielReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/26/2004
Oh, FirstMate, this is wonderful! I was so pleased to see an update of you story, and what a terrific, satisfying chapter! Thank you!

- Barbara, doing a happy dance...

Author Reply: Thanks Barbara! So glad you liked it!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 14 on 6/25/2004
Well, there are some men who need to be smacked, but the treachery of the elves is worse. As much as I enjoyed Elrond's reaction to seeing his son, part of me would like to see the reaction on Robard's face.

I hope you go into elven justice too - what happens to those who did this? Are the repentent, remorseful? If not, what penalty woudl they receive?

I also cannot wait to see Elladan come home. He will again feel complete.

Author Reply: Yeah, the elven justice thing has me in somewhat of a quandry at the moment and I can't completely decide what fate has in store for Kalen and Matias. They did some HORRIBLE things, but repented in the end. So...what to do? I'll probably finish the whole rest of the chapter and then stew about their fates for eons. Sigh. I can't wait for the twins' reunion either. Now THAT will be a fun part to write!

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