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All Is Fair in Love and War  by Chigger 41 Review(s)
Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 1/15/2004
LOL I saw this after I had reviewed the last chapter:

Belecthor’s tale will be the next story published, for those of you who wanted more details on the topic of the last conversation between Hirilian and Morwen.

I can't believe that I wasted some good begging and pleading when I was getting what I wanted anyway! LOL I am looking forward to this one a great deal. Belecthor has been such a wonderful brother and soldier! I just know he will make a wonderful husband and father. At least, that is what I am in hopes for with his character. I will now wait patiently, or try to, for this up-coming tale from one of my favorite writers.

Author Reply: Glad you found that. :) But I'm sure you still have pleanty of begging and pleading stored up to last you awhile. That's the kind of thing that almost never runs out, it would seem. ;)

Yes, Belecthor will be a wonderful husband and father, as will be told soon.

Thank you for the honor of being one of your favorite authors. It's an honor unlooked for and yet very welcome. :)

I go to post . . .

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 1/15/2004
I love this family together! I wanted to drop by for a long visit and play with the children and hear all about Belecthor's new love. Are he and his lady going to get their own story still? (does begging and pleading help any? LOL)

My favorite images from this chapter are the three year old playing in the coal bucket and the very wet Eradan with his clean children at his side!

Loved all of it as usual.

Author Reply: I find it just a little bothersome that even *I* can't stop by for a long visit. :)

With a three year old to model Aratamir after, he wasn't too hard to write. ;) You tell them to do one thing, they do another, and their younger siblings follow. It's exasperating!

Glad you like it.

dr_seuss_is_coolReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 1/14/2004
hello chigger...i would love to say that i could review all the chapters that i missed right now

but i can't...i'm so very terribly sorry

i will try my very hardest to review them this weekend

someone in my family just died so i have been having a very tough time catching up with schoolwork and quizzes and other stuff

i'm so sorry...i've read each chapter but i haven't found the time to review them

i feel so bad and i would tell u what i thought of them now...but i don't want to take my time in telling you have awesome this story was

thank you and i'm so sorry

Author Reply: Don't apologize! There was no way you could have changed things, and I would much rather you get caught up on schoolwork and quizzes than reviewing my story. First things first, you know. Work before pleasure and God before work.

May God bless the soul of your deceased relative. I will keep them and your family in my prayers.

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: Author's Notes on 1/14/2004
Do you keep a timeline to keep track of your character's ages like I do? I swear, if I didn't have that little piece of paper with me all the time I'd never remember. :)

I need to re-do mine though. I have all of Eogar's future kids on there, but I didn't stop to think about Taurion's, Galpeng's, Arathel's, or Cynric's children, not to mention Eogar's possible one or two grandchildren. But, I've got to find names for them first. I wonder if I am a contender for a "Most OC's" award. :)

Well, it seems Morwen is happy. Should be interesting to see what kind of girl Belecthor has found, or got himself into trouble with. :)

Author Reply: I usually have a peice of paper and a pencil handy to do a load of math and such, but Coriel also has a timeline which has my principle characters, such as Narion, his wife and his kids, on it, but all of Narion's grandkids' dates and such take a lot of remembering and redoing and such (not to mention the forgetting and the revisions of faulty chapters). I really need to get all of this written down in a more accessible place than my mind. :)

Yes, Morwen is very happy. She's a lot like me in that she's more the diciplinarian than her husband, or even her sister. I swear, if my little brother is spoiled anymore, he's going to be a terror the rest of his life! AGH!
As for Belecthor, I was very tired of writing romances with a battle in the middle. Therefore, the next story is not like that. While the romance is in there (what's the point of the story if it's not?) it's taking more of a back seat than in previous stories. At least, I'm trying. I'll have to leave it up to my readers to let me know whether or not I have succeeded. But she's very nice. :)

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: Epilogue on 1/14/2004
You know, you're little ones make me want to turn them into cameos in "Children of the Commoner," but the only problem is that we've both chosen to develop Faramir's house, meaning that to have our characters together would be like crossing dimensions. Obviously, Rochmir and his family couldn't exist if Narion and his family did, and visa versa. We could consider Eodreng and Ceorl, but they can't count because Eowyn married Boromir son of Faramir in my universe, and Ceorl married Hirilian in yours. Most frustrating....
I'm really just playing, though I did have a brief thought of Ostoher. But, I think he would be in his 50's or so at the time CoTC is at right now.
I'm thinking too much for a wednesday morning. Anyway, great story, and I hope to see more some time in the future.

Author Reply: Isn't that aggravating? I've thought of that, and have come across the very same barriers. If only Tolkien had said . . . But he didn't, and we're all stuck with our own story. :)

What's wrong with Wednesday morning? Admittedly, I hate thinking *any* morning, because I'm still asleep until after lunch. :)

Anyway, more is here.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: Epilogue on 1/13/2004
just perfect, Chigger! Now if you can just keep your computer from eating the next one we can see what you have planned for Belecthor. I can't wait.

Author Reply: Belecthor is still waiting. I seem to be stuck on four years and three kids; because Morwen waited four years after Hirilian married to finally marry Eradan, and now Belecthor is going to wait four years after Morwen marries to finally meet and fall in love with and marry his wife. Both Hirilian and Morwen will only have three kids, but I decided Belecthor will have four, just for a change of pace. :)

But there's still more to come with Morwen! One more epilogue, and then the Author's Notes. You want to meet Morwen's kids, don't you?

EomerofEastfoldReviewed Chapter: 13 on 1/13/2004
Well, at least she got him. I should fancy myself to be like Eradan, in that I would want nothing more on a cold night than to have a woman I loved with me. *Sigh* Now you have me in romantic melancholy. :)

Belecthor needs a lady now. Get him one. :)

Author Reply: Sorry. Hope you emerge alright. :) And yes, I would say that Eradan thoroughly enjoyed that. ;) Morwen will problably continue to keep him company on the night watch after they're married, higher-ups permitting. At least until she's pregnant with their first kid.

As for Belecthor, I'm working on him, but it will be several years yet before he'll listen to me. :) And the computer eating her didn't help either. ;P

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 13 on 1/13/2004
I love the way that both of the men in this chapter protect the honor of Morwen. She is truly a very lucky young lady to have two men value her this much. How about another plot bunnie? It came to me as I was reading this chapter so it is your fault that I thought of this. LOL

How about a story with Belecthor maybe as a young teenager of say 18 protecting one or both of his sisters from, well, from something! LOL Not a complete idea, but would love to see you write about the three of them in some sort of adventure as teenagers or even earlier.

I seem to think way too much when I read your stories! Don't hit me too hard as I bleed easily.

Author Reply: Yes, I often envy my characters, and Morwen is no exception. While my older brother is nice, I don't think he would go to such extremes to get me a husband. :)

The only thing that I find aggrivating about your plot bunnies, is that fact that they're such obvious ideas, and yet I never think of them first. ;) Yes, I think I can write such a story, but Belecthor and then Narion first as requested.

Don't worry. I won't hit you, unless you do something perfectly awful to the hobbits in your next update. :)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/13/2004
It is so like a man not to notice when a woman is in love! Belecthor just now catching on is something that I find very true-to-life. He adores his sister, yet has no clue about all that she feels. Now that he does know, it sounds as if he approves and plans to help things along a bit. I hope so!

Author Reply: Aren't men lovably aggrivating? Belecthor actually reminds me a lot of my Dad. Very, very nice, but rather clueless about small things (such as our fanfiction craze; but we just won't go into that). :)

Yes, Belecthor intends to help as much as he possibly can.

As for our computer (as spoken of in the reviews of Thinking of You) it hasn't started eating schoolwork or anything like that, mostly because almost all of my work is handwritten. But it IS an old computer and my disk is just as old, so the two together make a mess. (It takes two to tango. :) ) And it wasn't the horse story ;), it was Belecthor's tale.

AmanielReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/10/2004
Ok, the scimitar thing was NOT my idea. :P He just needed an injury that was a little different. I mean, come one, how many people would've thought of bruised ribs? It was a good idea, right! :P Glad to be of assistance!

Author Reply: Fine, so it was actually Coriel who said I should use a scimitar, but you admit that you're the one that bruised him! :D

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