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The Ashes of Twilight  by Tinuviel ylf maegden 21 Review(s)
Elf_Girl_EdhelannaReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 4/21/2004
Hello! I wrote a review a while ago (based on your lament on the Council of Elrond as to lack of readership!) and you replied gushingly about having found an "initiate" in me based on my similarly held beliefs on Egypt, the Mayans & Atlantis (as opposed to the Maiar! Although we could draw parallels there too? :)
Well i have climbed aboard the grey ship, set sail into the West and am ready to add my own story (a work in progress) to the Arda collection. I hope you'll check it out when i've uploaded it and give me your opinions too!
Blessed be (yes, i really AM an Initiate.....practicing for about two years now!) *winks*

The One RingReviewed Chapter: 2 on 4/17/2004
This just keeps on getting better and better!!!

The One RingReviewed Chapter: 1 on 4/17/2004
That was awsome! Goin' on to the next!!! WooHoo!!!!

The One RingReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 4/17/2004
I can't wait to read the rest!!!!!

DracawynReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 3/22/2004
I have no words in which i can describe my fealing for this beautiful work. Forgive my ignorence for I know but one language and am bound to it until my studies begin to assist me. Again to your work i plea BROVO BROVO! Continue forward my dear friend! Share your talent with the world!


Author Reply: Why thank you. I had trouble getting through my own story, which is really sad. I can't go back and read it without choking, and thinking "Oh, gosh, I am such an idiot." Thanks anyway ;)*returns to spacy mode*.

DracawynReviewed Chapter: 6 on 3/22/2004
I totaly and entirely agree with Scealdmaegden! Though i am not sure that Peter Jackson is a beorning. I always thought when they were refered to as "Large" they were refering to great hieght and muscle rather than great girth in the case of that "man" who hasn't even read the true works of the Lord of the Rings sence he was in diapers (which i believe was, what, about 5 years ago?)


Author Reply: Jeese, Dracawyn! Someone'll sue you! Thanks, though ::giggles::

DracawynReviewed Chapter: 4 on 3/22/2004
It is so truely sad. The pain she must have felt would have overwhelmed me, as now i realize it must have overwhelmed her. The pain of the children to lose both thier father and mother the same day would be tourcherouse though they had to remian on the earth and beer thier pains until a later time. You are a truely talented writter to be able to stir such thoughts within another. Goosebumps are not uncomin when your work is read. BRAVO BRAVO! Do not feel that you or your work are not of worth! They truely are! You truely are! My friend I envy your great talent. do not let it wither away with disuse.

(One who delites in dragons)

Author Reply: Thank you, Dracawyn. Though I do think you mean "bear", not "beer". However, I suppose you could do that, speaking figurativley. Whisky-er-whisk them, I appreciate your kindness for reviewing my pathetic attempt at writing. May you stand as an example to all who are thinking about reviewing. Ah, who am I kidding? My story's crazy, why doesn't someone just admit it?

Author Reply: Thank you, Dracawyn. Though I do think you mean "bear", not "beer". However, I suppose you could do that, speaking figurativley. Whisky-er-whisk them, I appreciate your kindness for reviewing my pathetic attempt at writing. May you stand as an example to all who are thinking about reviewing. Ah, who am I kidding? My story's crazy, why doesn't someone just admit it?

RosieLuvsHerChainsawReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/21/2004
oooooh! this gives me goose bumps! you are truely talented when it comes to writting *rubs goose bumps*

Author Reply: Ooh...I'll do it again! Thanks, Rosie.

RosieLuvsHerChainsawReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 3/21/2004
It would really stink to have to write of your own death... poor Tinuviel

Author Reply: Aw, well, that's kinda the point. Thank you for your sympathy and the lovley card.

RosieLuvsHerChainsawReviewed Chapter: 999999 on 3/21/2004
i liked your stories! and why does Gwendolen get all the credit for reviewing your stories hmmm? what am i chopped hobbit feet? i happen to remeber you emailing those stories to me and forcing me to read and review them under pain of death! well... maybe not under pain of death but you get the idea...

Author Reply: Fine! Everyone, Rosie did read my story (finally, after much nagging and explaining and threats) and did review. Thank you, Rosie, and last I checked, you were, wait...never mind.

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