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Memory Of Darkness  by Jay of Lasgalen 11 Review(s)
kalimaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 11/11/2004
Ah! Legoals washes briefly in this one before retiring.

I have a question. Legolas is talking about ellyth with Arwen and makes reference to being liked for his position rather than for himself. He says they want (or their mothers want it for them) to be the next queen of Lasgalen. But such would presume Thranduil dies. Elves are immortal. Would anyone presume that he's going to die before all the elves have to sail? Or do you think elven kings retire? (Seriously, I would get tired of being a ruler after the first few centuries.)

Anyway, still enjoying the story, of course.


GalimerilReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/29/2004
An excellent piece! I'm glad to see that Legolas is on the mend, I was a bit worried! I can't wait to see what if anything was in the cave! Keep writing, Oh suspenseful one!
Galimeril ;D

Author Reply: Yes, Legolas is getting better all the time fortunately. We will get to see what's in the cave soon, but he'll have to be off the crutches first. Thanks for the review!

LKKReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/20/2004
So Legolas prefers brunettes who are interested in him not his heritage and adar wants him to bond with someone from Lorien or Imladris, eh? And then he sits there and tells it all this to the perfect candidate, but he doesn't have a clue about the implications of what he's saying. Boys can be so dense at times. LOL

I know Legolas thinks of Arwen more as a sister, but the situation did stike me as funny!

Clever Elrohir managing to keep hold of Tanquiel throughout the dance. But how he manages to charm everyone around him is a true mystery.

Loved Legolas's dream at the end. You have some right fanciful dreams and hallucinations going on in this story, Jay. :)

Author Reply: *Grin* Arwen hasn't twigged, either! In fact, you're the only one who spotted it - apart from their parents. Matchmaking is in the air ...

Elrohir is just one of those people who everyone likes. He doesn't know how he does it, it just happens.


NightwingReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/19/2004
It is difficult to be on the periphery, watching others but being unable to participate. But at least Legolas is out of bed! My cat is currently sporting a cast on his right hind leg, broken when my husband, ummm, dropped a suitcase on him as they collided in a doorway. Whoops. But I am amazed at how quickly Milo has adapted, and he actually sprints through the house once again, and jumps onto the bed. But he also still loses his balance on occasion and wipes out, or his leg gets hung up on something, poor guy. I expect it will be much the same for Legolas, who had better not go back down into the depths looking for whatever-it-was until he is fit. Ah, but what are the chances of that?

Author Reply: Oh, your poor cat! Is he the basis for Tithlam? Legolas is getting better with the cast and crutches, but uneven ground (as in the caves!) could be a problem. He'll have to wait. He's a sensible elf, and doesn't want to break his leg again.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/17/2004
This is such a good story - watching Legolas recover from his injuries is interesting and entertaining in a whole different way from the cave-in troubles (I can breathe here! *vbg*) I would have loved to see Legolas play his flute - he's such a multi-talented elf, isn't he! (sigh) Thranduil is a very loving, discerning father, especially where those stairs are concerned! Now, weird dreams of Peredhel rebuilding Esgaroth aside, what is in that cave?????? Do not think to distract us, Jay! :-):-)


Author Reply: I'm glad you're still following this story - I want to show Legolas recovering slowly rather than leaping out of bed the next day, but feel it makes the story too slow-moving at times.

I think that music would be an integral part of any elfling's education, along with archery and politics for Legolas - if he was to become King he'd need all that.

Now, the cave - I haven't forgotten, and neither has Legolas! Soon, I promise.

Elendiari22Reviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/16/2004
A great chapter, per usual! I love the image of Legolas' dream, with Arwen and the twins rebuilding Laketown. And it seems to me that Elrohir is something like the Casanova of the Elvish world. :) Thanks for the great chapter!

Author Reply: I think Elves usually have more control over their dreams, but Legolas is still not 100%, so it's a little strange.

I'm not sure about Casanova, I always feel there's something rather unsavoury about him - but Elrohir just can't help it. He gets on with *everyone*!

ManderlyReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/15/2004
Thranduil is the most attentive adar, from driving away fawning, giggling maidens to making sure that Legolas gets back to his room in one piece. One can't help but envy Legolas.

It was nice to see the elflings simply enjoying themselves for once, rather than getting into more trouble.

Author Reply: Thranduil has brought Legolas up on his own, and has made a very good job of it. He knows his son well, but I'm not sure I'd want him as a father-in-law!

Most of the time the four do have a good time, but the troubles are so much more fun to write about!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/15/2004
Poor Legolas is finding that recovery is harder than the injury, I think, but most people feel that way. I can imagine how daunting those stairs must have looked, and how completely worn out he was after being up for the first time.

Now, what was in that cave???

Author Reply: I think that now Legolas is up, he'll recover quite quickly. Morale plays a big part here.

Ah, the cave - we should get back there and find out in the next chapter!

KarriReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/15/2004
Very good chapter! :-) Despite his frustrations, Legolas did a great job of maintaining his spirits and keeping a good attitude. I like that Thranduil is an attentive enough ada to prepared for Legolas's plight at the end of the evening. Elrohir's continued fondness of Tani is endearingly sweet.

Author Reply: Now that he's finally up and about, Legolas's mood is much better. Small things like feeling exhausted and his leg aching are minor details. Thranduil knows his son well - that he'd turn up that evening, and he can see how tired he is.

Elrohir and Taniquel have been an on/off item through several stories now - I don't know how it's going to develop yet!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/15/2004
The skills required to be a prince: dancing, music, academic study, languages, weapons skills, diplomacy and on and on. The Renaissance elf. Avoiding silly ellyth is almost undoubtedly a major study. As is avoiding dangerous match-making mothers. I like Arwen and Legolas together. And Elrohir is still sweet on Taniquel and getting on well with her scary father! He is very sweet.

Legolas is growing up. He doesn't want to ask for help and doesn't like accepting it - but he knows and acknowledges that he needs it. Where have the years gone! It seems like only yesterday that he was an innocent little elfling.

Author Reply: I think Arwen and Legolas get on well together - and you're not the only one to have noticed. Watch this space. As you've said in your own stories, as the sons of kings and lords, E2L have all sorts of responsibilities to learn. Elrohir has totally different social skills to the others, he gets on well with everyone, old or young, male or female.

Knowing when to ask for help is a major part of growing up, and Legolas is just learning that.

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