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Memory Of Darkness  by Jay of Lasgalen 6 Review(s)
NeldluvaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/21/2004
Yes, you've snared another reviewer, a lurker from Mirkwood Castle. Great story! I'm loving it so far. The description of the injuries is amazingly real-to-life, I suppose, never having been in such a situation. And I like the image of Thranduil worrying over Legolas. It's sweet. I can't wait for more!

Author Reply: It's always great to hear from a new reviewer! Thank you for coming out of lurkerdom. I'm glad the injuries sound realistic, I have *no* personal experience of such things (fortunately) but have got some useful advice from Nilmandra.

I like anxious!Thranduil - other fanfic sites give him a very bad image. Fortunately, everyone here likes him.

Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/21/2004
How nice, Leggy is getting better and is able to help the town as he promised. i am sure that his suggestion of going back to the caves went down like the proverbial lead balloon tho'. What an exit!
Thanks for the update

Author Reply: It wasn't a cliff hanger, but sets up the next chapter nicely. Any trip to the caves is going to be carefully planned - would *you* let that lot loose again? Even if they are nearly adult?

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/21/2004
Legolas actually makes a very patient patient, really. Good thinking on Thranduil's part to give him a real project to organise.

Glad he is recovering - but I don't think he'll like the caves much.

Author Reply: A patient patient? I suppose so. I think I'd be far more bad tempered about it. Yes, he is recovering - but you're ahead of me on the next part!! ;)

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/20/2004
Putting Legolas to work is a great idea. He is bound to feel useless and helpless for a while, and staving off depression is good.

I like his crabbiness too its realistic. I recall recovering from major surgery and getting up for the first time in five days was hard - dizziness, pain, and that feeling of helplessness was hard to bear.

Author Reply: We don't often see Legolas grumpy, do we? I think he's justified this time. The work will help though - and as heir, he is getting used to dealing with some of Thranduil's affairs.

Poor Nilmandra - the surgery sounds unpleasant!

LOTRFaithReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/20/2004
Am absolutely thrilled! Have finally got new chapters to read:-D lol.. The beginning part (Legolas reading a book and falling asleep) reminds me alot of me actually:-D I would often stay up until midnight or later devouring a new book with a flashlight whose batteries were so bad I had to hold the book a few inches away from my face:-D Yes I think Legolas deserved a little venting there:-) I think I would have exploded long before;-)

Author Reply: Legolas's candle is the M-E equivalent of a torch - but bad news if you fall asleep with it in your hand! He's a bit touchy at the moment, but taking over some of his father's work will help.

I'm glad you're so pleased to see the new chapter!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/20/2004
I really like this young adult Legolas who is learning to manage some of the affairs of his father's realm. I love seeing him so capable. And of course, it's good for him too because it distracts him from what he can't do.

Author Reply: Yes - he's growing up, and helping Thranduil. That will be relevant towards the end of this story. And, as you say, it stops him getting too fed up over his injuries. Even though he'll soon be mobile again, there will still be some things he can't do.

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