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Anniversary  by Lindorien 7 Review(s)
SphinxReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/21/2004


Author Reply:
ah, Sphinx! Thank you!


Kitt of LindonReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/21/2004
So sad and so sweet.
I like the hankerchief, I guess I never considered that she could know embroidery. You know, with the witchking slaying thing.

Author Reply: She embroiders, just can't cook.

Actually, I figured the embroidery would be quite in keeping with the times when women DID learn this sort of stuff. Keep idle hands busy in the evening hours over conversation. I like to think of Eowyn as having an artistic nature. The flip side of the shieldmaiden thing.

I'm glad you liked this, Kitt.


AcaceaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/21/2004
Very nice indeed! Such a nice idea to have all these occasions centring around dates that could mean so much to both of them. (I’m trying not to give away spoilers in my review)
Anyway, I liked very much. It’s lovely and poignant and thoughtful.

Author Reply: Thanks, Acacea. Its okay to give a spoiler or two. I have been concerned that its not understandable enough. The first version was a little too subtle I think, so I really had to point up the dates in this version and I think it is working out better. I might change it just a little and make it a little more subtle. Still thiking about it. I'm glad you liked this though.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/20/2004
Forgive me if I comment upon the author, rather than the story at first. You are an enigma, Lindorien, for all that you make fun of your Serious Works. You are very funny and I laugh at your humor. But if this counts as your serious work, then they are my favorites. This is beautiful and wrenching, and made me tear up, much as your poem did before. Thank you.

Author Reply: This is serious work, Nilmandra. NOT to be confused with my Very Serious Works of a Highly Scientific Nature.

I have lots of serious works posted here. Some are hidden, because they are being applied for other purposes. If you'd ever like me to open one up for you, just let me know. I do that on occasion.

An enigma? Not really. I always tell people that if they want to know me, just read my writings for it is where I pour my heart. Life happens between the laughter and the tears. I merely seek to find that balance in my own work. Sometimes things go a little haywire, but then, so do I.

To have you list a work such as this as your favorites is high praise indeed. THOSE are words I shall keep wrapped around my heart.

Feel free to comment on the author as well as the work any time you like - for one is part and parcel of the other.

Thank you so much.


TeresaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/20/2004
This is so beautiful, Lindorien. Deliverance in every sense of the word. Lovingly, sensitively written, excellent pacing of the story, and very real - no romantic sentimental gushing. Not that I expected that from you!

Author Reply: Thanks so much Teresa. I tried to romantically and sentimentally gush once, but my husband wouldn't stop laughing so I gave up. I used to wear high heels also, but kept tripping, so now wear I 'sensible shoes'. I'm glad to hear it paced well, I was a little concerned.

The story may still change a little - I'm not certain. Still thinking about it.

I'm glad you liked it. Seriously.


ArielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/20/2004
Very kewl! I was thinking from the title.... Well, don't ask me what I was thinking, but you surprised me. A nicely spun tale.

Author Reply: I'm glad I surprised you. I figured people might assume that this would be a nice little tale about Eowyn and Faramir's anniversary and I was hoping for a little bit of a twist. Thanks so much for your kind comments. Now if what I said is NOT what you were thinking - email and tell me what you WERE thinking.

Maybe I'll write that fic also!


LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 3/20/2004
Lovely. I think I like your serious stories even better than your comedies.

Very subtly woven together. I like Faramir noticing Eowyn in labour and neither of them acknowledging the fact, and I like Aragorn's true friendship in reminding Faramir where duty calls him to be.

Author Reply: Thank you for the lovely review, Lindelea. I see Aragorn as sort of a father figure for Faramir. Not exactly, but just a little. His uncle is far away and he sees Aragorn everyday. Plus Aragorn is more than twice his age and has been around the block a few times. Poor Eowyn did not want to have that baby just then. Not on the anniversary of her cousin's death.

Comedy is for laughing. And if we don't laugh, then what's the use in living? PIeces like this are for consideration. I'm really pleased you liked this.

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