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StarFire  by Lindelea 5 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 51 on 9/6/2004
Oh wow! I was waiting for some old gaffer to jump up and say *he* knew what Lalia had done with the gold. Instead, you came up with something even better! This reminded me of the scene in "It's a Wonderful Life" when all the townspeople come to Jimmy Stewart's rescue! Just shows how much the Tooks have come to respect Peregrin in this short time.

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 51 on 8/30/2004
Pippin wishing for a moment that he could use a ring a disappear as Bilbo did. The story Pippin told of his father's life was a nice summary! That other farmers will perhaps be able to understand best Pippin's comparisons to having to plough a rocky field and all.

I like the way when things began to get heated Diamond stood beside Pippin and they were ready to go through what they must together. I also like that Regi stood up for Pippin and would not take them blaming him for the current problems, good for Regi!

It was very touching and even had my eyes misting over when Garabard rose and was the first to place his coin before Pippin. Then everyone else rising and responding to it, especially the farmers being the first! Odovacar offering to pay the cost of the road and Edelbert being willing to trade for wool and such! You presented yet another wonderful example of Hobbits pulling together in rough times! Thank you for the story and I'm looking forward to more!

Connie B.Reviewed Chapter: 51 on 8/30/2004
Not quite what I thought might happen. I knew they wouldn't throw Pippin out, but I didn't expect a show of support in the form of pocket change and promisary notes.

This is a start on a new beginning for the Tooks, but what are they going to do long-term? They have to raise money somehow, and I don't think they can sell enough wool and sheep to get all the funds they will need. I still don't envy Pippin his position.


Connie B.

Chibi_kazReviewed Chapter: 51 on 8/30/2004
Hmm. Now that there's a King, shouldn't the Thain be letting the King know how things stand in this corner of Arnor? Or did Aragorn's vow to keep big folk out of the Shire make the Shire a completely autonomous fief?

FantasyFanReviewed Chapter: 51 on 8/30/2004
I am pleased to see that the hobbits of Tookland, and those assembled from the rest of the Shire, have a healthy dose of hobbit-sense. Hobbits are a practical sort - if the milk is spilt, all the crying in the world won't bring it back. I think they can see the essential goodness in Pippin, and though only Ferdi and Rosemary can hear the truth for sure (and Ferdi's da?) maybe a little of that ability is built into hobbit-sense and spread along the Shire. There is no lie in Pippin's voice. Plus, as practical as they are, they can pretty much figure that pitching Pip out on his ear is also not going to make gold spring out of the ground where he lands. He's the best thing that has happened to the Shire in generations, and they know it deep down even if there are still doubts on the surface, as he makes as many mistakes as he does right choices.

There's one thing that doesn't seem quite right to me, though. Lalia and Ferumbras as the spendthrifts? Somehow I can't see it. Oh, there were fine strings of pearls to be had, but Lalia had a tight-fisted reputation as well. Ferumbras, I don't know so much about, but in Pearl's story he seemed to want to undo the wrongs his mother did - I don't see him as a wastrel any more. Perhaps restoring the reputation of the Thain took money, but I wonder if it isn't more likely that the gold is still around somewhere, hidden for safekeeping or disguised in a way that a clever pair of hobbits would eventually be able to figure out? Lalia died suddenly - perhaps she was not able to pass on the secret? Oh, I'm way out on a limb here now, best I let you tell the story you've written (much better than anything I could come up with).

As ever, eagerly awaiting the next chapter.

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