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StarFire  by Lindelea 3 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/1/2004
Oh dear! Poor Pip! I know that you have him struggle with weak lungs for years, but it's hard to see! And the catalog of his scars is evidence of how true all his stories had been. I'm glad Ferdi has the chance to see some of what Pippin suffered, maybe it will give him a bit more respect for his new Thain.

Roger GamgeeReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/3/2004
Incredible. This is a really fantastic story...I left off reviewing the other chapters, but had to stop after this one and congratulate you on the excellent job you've done thus far.

I have to admit, I love a good story that keeps me in suspense. And this one certainly qualifies. I look forward to finishing this tale and seeing how it all turns out.

Lyta PadfootReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/18/2004
The dying hobbit was more concerned with his family's future than his own impending end, very hobbity. The search for the deed was amusing, obviously the concept of an organized filing system is not one known to hobbits. Pippin and Ferdi were actually interacting, as friends and cousins, in that scene rather than two people happening to share the same physical space.

So the healers do meet and warn one another about troublesome patients! How devious of them, but with Pippin forewarned is forearmed. Ferdi's sudden notice of Pippin's past injuries is very interesting considering that Ferdi spent months as Pippin's minder and shared quarters with him. But then I doubt he could have noticed since Pippin would have tried to hide the evidence of his past hurts.

Author Reply: I certainly appreciate your taking time to comment. I wasn't sure if I would include this chapter or not... it supports a minor plot point that could get left out altogether. I don't know. I'm going to write it in and see where it goes, and if it doesn't work I can always take it out again.

Thinking of the Mathom House, I thought there might not be an organised filing system amongst hobbits. I'm a "piler" myself, and can usually find things...unless someone moves my piles around, and then I'm lost.

I can just imagine that clandestine healers' meeting, can't you? Cloaked figures in a shadowy corner, speaking in whispers. You're right, I had imagined that Pippin concealed evidence of his past hurts as well as he could, not wanting to grieve his relatives, most likely.

Thanks again for reviewing.

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