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StarFire  by Lindelea 4 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 38 on 9/2/2004
Poor Eglantine, all set to give Pippin what-for, and then he goes all reasonable on her. That's sooo deflating! I loved Ferdi's hobbity reaction to Pippin's un-hobbity metaphor. I would imagine Pip probably had Caradhras in mind, though they never got over that pass. I guess he never stopped wondering how things might have been different if they could have. Oh, well, I ramble...on to the next chapter

ConnieReviewed Chapter: 38 on 7/8/2004
Oh, so glad I haven't missed anything in this story. I was on a two-day all-girl camping trip with my daughter,and was worried about what I was missing in all the stories I was following.

Pippin's mum certainly is a force to be reaconed with. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side. I'm really pleased to see the changes in both Ferdi and Pippin.


Author Reply: A two-day all-girl camping trip! I used to do those! What fun!

I wouldn't want to be on Eglantine's bad side, either. It's one of the reasons I always call her by her full name, in a respectful tone...

BeruthielReviewed Chapter: 38 on 7/8/2004
This chapter seems to have taken a while, but is well worth the wait. I'm impressed by Eglantine's strength (and I must admit I laughed a little at all the hobbits of the escort terrifed of her wrath!).

I'm equally impressed by Pippin. He has indeed grown up. It's such a shame that most of the Tooks (including his mother) don't see that.

Hope to see the next chapter soon! And especially eager for "Thain" updates. I've always been fascinated by Pippin and Paladin's relationship, and how they become so enstranged. Would really love to see it from their points of view, and not just recollections of observers, interesting though these observations are.

Might be fun if Pip and Ferdi entered the pony in the race as The Rohan, just to see other hobbits try to figure out that name.

Author Reply: Thanks, yes, it's taking some time. I wasn't able to write at all for about two weeks, and now I'm feeling my way, trying to figure out the best use of some gold... it's to be in the plot, but where, exactly it fits is still in the works.

I think Pip's mother has an inkling.

The next chapter of Thain is in the works, a Pippin chapter, of course, although the Bucca chapter to follow is much more finished and nearly ready to post. Happens. It'll have to wait.

Y'know, that bit about the Rohan is a plot point, more to be revealed soon I hope.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 38 on 7/8/2004
I have to say I just LOVED seeing Pippin get into big trouble with his mother -and to have him admit that he has been manipulating his cousins for his own ends (meritorious though they might be) and agree that he was now to grown up to do it any more. (And the reference to Shire.) Go Eglantine!!!

Author Reply: Yes, it's about time, as more than one cousin of his could say. I wonder... they probably won't know what to do about the "new improved" version, no longer manipulating but straightforward, if still a bit devious at times.

It was fun to think about Shire. I had started part 2 but right now the Thain story is taking too much research time to work on it. It's back on the back burner, simmering away.

Ferdi and mountains, now... makes me want to think about "Farry and Ferdi Go to Gondor" (really have to figure out a *real* title for that one, one of these days).

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