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StarFire  by Lindelea 6 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 42 on 9/6/2004
Oh, now *this* is an interesting way of hobbits voting! Many, many, many years ago, when I was in a small rural school, that's the way voting was done for homecoming--not popularity, but which girl raised the most money for the PTA!
It's funny the different takes people have on the mechanics of Shire politics, but JRRT just didn't give us much to go on did he?

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 42 on 8/4/2004
How wonderful to see a bit of Freddy! I like the way you desribed the fairs and wish that I could attend a hobbit fair! I had a good laugh over Ferdinand trying to vote! Really how unpractical that he would have to resort to dropping his coins from his mouth just to vote! But it made a good story ;) Looking forward to more! Can't wait to find out about the races!

Author Reply: Somehow it seemed to me that Freddy would be there, to put in his vote for Samwise. It was nice to catch a glimpse of him. The races ought to be coming up next, unless the next chapter runs too long and splits itself into two pieces. We'll see! Thanks for commenting.

Lyta PadfootReviewed Chapter: 42 on 8/4/2004
Good for old Ferdinand that he still found a way to vote. The voting system seems sensible and explains why no taxes in the Shire, a bit slanted toward the well-to-do but thats pretty par for the course in most societies.

Author Reply: Yes, a bit slanted towards the well-to-do; they certainly didn't have to sacrifice much to vote, compared to a common hobbit who was spending several days' wages... but at least the "common hobbits" got to vote. That's something, I guess. And everyone in the Shire benefitted from the Shirriffs, though not everyone got the benefit of the Message service, most likely. I wonder if letter writers paid postage, or if it was the recipient who paid, or if the "poll tax" made the postal service free for any who could write and send a letter? JRRT never said, so far as I know. Perhaps it's in his letters somewhere.

eilujReviewed Chapter: 42 on 8/4/2004
Re. the strange economy of Middle-earth, I've often boggled at those tents Bilbo rented ... the idea that there were so many upper-class hobbits renting tents that the tent-renters could make a living doing so ... well, you've found another occasion on which to use all those fancy rentable pavilions and tents....

Author Reply: I always wondered how the Shirriffs and Messengers got paid. Somehow taxes didn't seem like they'd fit an idyllic place like the Shire. I guess you might call the vote a sort of poll tax, but really, if they can charge 2 silver pennies per hobbit and manage to pay for the Shirriffs and postal system for the next seven years, that's great! (not that I've gone into it in any depth, just did a few quick calculations and hoped that it was not too outlandish)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 42 on 8/4/2004
The Fair sounds just the kind of thing I would hate - crowds galore. I like seeing Rosemary and Hally. Nice pulling together of lots of characters - and a fleshing out of Ferdinand.

I like the dogs spitting Ferdi out because he is too much to swallow.

Good voting method - and a typical jobsworth, who won't let Ferdinand vote because he is not using his own hands, when he doesn't have any. Surely it isn't any more independent if someone holds him over a barrel with the coins in his mouth. Oh well, vote Sam, I say.

Tension rising for the race!

Author Reply: I used to like crowds. Don't so much any more. I like quiet. Except when it comes to reviewers. They're welcome to say as much as they like! Thanks.

Author Reply: p.s. Some readers find Ferdi a bit much to swallow, too. Thought I'd toss them a bone.

Connie B.Reviewed Chapter: 42 on 8/4/2004
Nice chapter. The way Ferinand finaly voted made me giggle. He, and those around him, are resourceful to say the least. Oh, that sentence does not look right to me.

The lithe days fair sounds like a wonderful event. I am really looking forward to whatever happens next.

Connie B.

Author Reply: Will finally get to the race. Whew. It's been awhile coming. Then just a few more chapters to the end of the story... cannot believe this one is nearly done.

This chapter was almost excluded, being mostly background, but I put it in anyhow. Hope "newer" readers aren't irritated by the little details reflecting "A Small and Passing Thing". It just seemed natural to me that Freddy would be there, and Budgie by his side, but I didn't want to do a lot of explaining, either. It would be easier to just rewrite the scene without them. Don't know yet how this chapter will end up: rewritten, or left alone.


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