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A New Reckoning  by Dreamflower 6 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 70 on 10/4/2006
A lovely wedding celebration, and then the perfect ending, with Frodo's eyes shining with love as he sees his Sam finally complete for his coming life in Middle Earth.

Author Reply: Yes, for Frodo, this is his true delight: to see those he loves happy and fulfilled as he himself will never be on this side of the Sundering Sea. I think that is what shows his greatness of heart--that he can still appreciate happiness for others that he cannot experience for himself.

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 70 on 8/17/2005
What a lovely wedding! Music, dancing...chasing the Bride and Groom down the hill to their Wonderful. You wrote it all beautifully. I thought Merry leading the Tangle dance was cute--ending up just where he had planned...right in front of Estella, both stealing kisses from one another.

Now Mr. Gamgee and the lovely Mrs. Gamgee can finally be alone. And get started on Elanor--and her twelve brother and sisters. Are they *really* cheaper by the dozen? :-X Go ahead, smack me!


Author Reply: I'm glad you enjoyed the wedding; I had *sooo* much fun writing it, and thinking of hobbity things for it! I have to admit, I took a tiny bit of poetic license with the Tangle Dance--those things are almost impossible to plan out in advance. Of course, if *anyone* could do it, our clever Brandybuck could! And it does happen that folks *do* end up nose to nose at the end!

I don't suppose they really thought about the expense. Of course by the time the family finally filled out, they owned Bag End and everything of Frodo's and Sam was Mayor, so I don't much guess they had to do a lot of penny pinching, though I'm equally sure that growing up with thrifty ways, they were still careful.

pipspebbleReviewed Chapter: 70 on 9/6/2004
Finally, Rosie-lass gets her Sam! This was a very satisfying chapter, with highlights being Pippin playing his pipes and Merry very cleverly finangling a kiss from Estella. In case I haven't said it before, thanks for this wonderful story!

Author Reply: Yes, Rosie has her Sam!

I'm glad you enjoyed Pip playing the "Tookland" pipes! 8-D I'm sure Pippin plays several instruments, but I would not be surprised if that were his favorite!

Merry had to be really clever to get that kiss. I know from personal experience that it is really hard to plan one of those tangles out ahead of time. But Merry is nothing if not clever!

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 70 on 9/2/2004
There at the beginning was a nice bit of Brandybuck gossip! To learn that Lobelia brought a gift of Drofo and Primula's wedding was terrible! It was actually very good of Menegilda to have Frodo's interests at heart when she did not want him to go live with Bilbo!

Oh! I had thought perhaps Estella didn't make it! I'm glad she did. Then Merry was able to dance and to lead the tangle dance and end up stealing a kiss! I bet it was certainly made interesting with the Big Folk mixed up with them!

I can just picture Legolas dancing with a bunch of hobbit lasses much to small for him! It must have been a sight! I like taht Gimli was able to share a nice conversation with Hervis Grubb! Nice of Grubb to be so interested in Dwarves and Bilbo's tales even after so many years!

I feel bad for Lily! Even though she wants them to be happy to feel like she has "lost" Rose. It is certainly a change that she would have to get use to but she will find even more joys through Rose and Sam's marriage!

It was a good wedding! Everyone seemed to have a good time, Man or Hobbit! As always I am looking forward to more! It has been pleasant the way the chapters have been flowing so swiftly! Thank you!

Author Reply: Yes, Esme and Menegilda were looking out for Frodo, though perhaps they need not have been quite so sure that Bilbo could not have coped. Bringing a gift to someone's wedding is extremely rude and in bad taste, not to mention showing contempt for the couple. Exactly the kind of thing that Lobelia would have done.

Yes, Estella and Angelica did make it, though they were nearly late. Merry was very clever, wasn't he. I know for a fact that those tangles are not that easy to plan out ahead, LOL!, but if anyone could, it would be Merry!

Legolas would not let a little thing like size difference keep him from enjoying a dance. And I just had to let Gimli talk to Grubb, since I finally thought of a first name for the poor hobbit.

Lily's just feeling a tiny little touch of "empty nest", even though she still has Nick and Nibs at home. But she's too sensible a hobbit to let it get her down for long.

I am glad that you've been enjoying the story--it's nearly over now. I have really enjoyed all your reviews, they are always so detailed and enthusiastic, and you often pick up on little things that other reviewers miss!

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 70 on 9/2/2004
Awww! That's about all that can be said after this chapter. Everyone's so cute and happy and in love.

And do I detect the whisperings of another story? Will we get to hear more about this Lobelia/Drogo thing? It sounds extremely interesting.

Author Reply: Well, that's the way it *should* be at a wedding, right? 8-D

Oh gee whiz, please!!! I have a hutch full of more plot bunnies than I know what to do with now!! Mercy, please!

RogerGamgeeReviewed Chapter: 70 on 9/2/2004
Let me be one of the first to congratulatre you on a wonderful chapter. It was great to see Legolas and the Men get involved in the dances - I was wondering if they would, given the height difference.

The notion of *not* giving gifts at a wedding is an unusual one - but that's hobbits for you. Leave it to them to do things differently than everyone else.

Sam carrrying Rose over the threshold...that was priceless! Truly a beautiful scene all the way around.

Author Reply: I imagine the height difference made it a bit silly, but I think they would have had fun, knowing now that hobbits are not going to expect dignity at something like this. And of course, in the circle dances, it wouldn't have made much difference anyway.

The notion of *not* giving gifts *at* the wedding was JRRT's, and he was quite emphatic about it in Letters. Gifts for a wedding were given *ahead* of time. Any gifts given at the *wedding itself* were considered extremely bad taste. (The idea of it being also bad luck is my own.) At birthdays, unlike what many think, one could give gifts to the birthday person *but ONLY ahead of time*. (He even specified no later than noon the day of the party.) At the party, the only gifts were from the byrding *to* the guests! He really worked all this out in detail, and I would have loved to have seen how *he* would have incorporated these ideas into the story if he had the time.

I could not resist Sam carrying Rose over the threshold, but I think that might be a custom that could be for many cultures. It did not seem un-hobbity, and I think that even if it were not a custom, Sam might have done it anyway.

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