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A New Reckoning  by Dreamflower 6 Review(s)
MîdhaerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 8/12/2009
But it was only an instant before it was a six way hug.
That doesn't make sense. I thought it was Bergil, Legolas, Gimli, and four hobbits. That's seven. Please explain, or fix.


Author Reply: LOL! I had to go back and look at the chapter, so I could remember myself!

Somehow both Merry and Pippin managed to hit the ground running, followed only slightly slower by Frodo and Sam. Pippin hit first, propelling himself into Gimli’s arms, while simultaneously pulling on Legolas. But it was only an instant before it was a six way hug. Targon and Éothain stood by looking amused and chagrinned. They had perhaps had some dignified speech they were supposed to present, but the moment was definitely lost. Pippin pulled away from Gimli and Legolas to grab young Bergil by both hands, all the while laughing and asking non-stop questions which he gave the lad no time to answer.

The scenario was that the four hobbits all flew instantly to Legolas and Gimli first-- that's the "six-way hug". Then Pippin pulled away from Legolas and Gimli, and went over to greet Bergil by himself. *whew!* I hope that explains it a little better.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/27/2006
Yes, all honor to the Ringbearer and his esquire! Hooray! Eglerio!

Author Reply: Oh yes indeed! I had great fun writing that chapter, and having all the hobbits seeing Frodo and Sam being knelt to (even if it *did* embarrass them!) and in showing them as much honor as I could get away with!

GryffinjackReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/19/2006
What a reunion!

I like the way the four hobbits reacted to camping and sleeping on the ground once more. After a bit of time in nice, soft beds, their backs would not be so used to the hardness of the ground any longer.

You always do such a nice job of showing the thoughts of the four Travellers and how different their personalities are. Merry really is becoming quite the horsehobbit and it would only be natural for Pippin to wonder what, if anything, Aragorn had sent for him. For Frodo, of course his thoughts run to the Shire as a whole and their relationship with the rest of the newly restored kingdom. And Sam... dear Sam is of course thinking of his upcoming wedding.

The reunion with Legolas and Gimli was just as it should have been, just good friends hugging each other and glad to see one another again. Still, it's good that Saradoc, ever a practical Brandybuck, reminded them of the waiting delegation. The greetings by the delegation were just as they should have been. I tend to agree with Faramir, however, that showing all honour was the proper and better course of action for this first greeting since the hobbits returned.

Now we are only waiting for the arrival of the Thain!

Author Reply: They've been comfortable for a few months--not long enough for their minds to forget, but quite long enough for their bodies to forget what it felt like to camp on the ground.

I did want to show how their minds were working--and I'm glad you think that it was in character for each of them.

I simply could *not* see those four being formal with Legolas and Gimli after having missed them for so many months! But of course, the delegation did have to be formal, whether the hobbits particularly liked it or not.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/7/2004
...feeling the effects of sleeping on the ground. Ah, how I resemble that remark.

Merry missed his Stybba? I thought he rode him back to the Shire from the Quest, though that may be merely an impression of mine, perhaps from another fanfic, even... but then, it has been a long time since I read the first few chapters of your story, and longer since I read LOTR (starting again, as a matter of fact), so perhaps I missed something.

Ah. Rethinking. Of course Merry took only the silver horn from Rohan, was that it? (Or not... must re-read that section as I really don't recall what he took back from the Quest besides the horn, if anything)

May I nitpick? "he also speculated over whom Aragorn would have chosen"
(just turn it around and try a different word, to see which sounds right, "Aragorn chose he" or "Aragorn chose him")
If you don't like such nitpicks, say so and I will tell the grammar police to go take a hike.

Ah, Sam, thinking of his Rose. Lovely touch.

I keep wanting to ask, is your Targon the same as my Targon? Or someone completely different?

fond banter and mock quarreling--nice contrasting of Pippin and Merry's relationship with Legolas and Gimli's!

Six way hug! "Sir!" Warrior's salute! (Such wonderful details!)

O my, kneeling to the Ring-bearers. I went from grinning to blinking away a tear.

Respect due Frodo and Sam, indeed.

Author Reply: Well, they've been home a few months, time enough to appreciate feather beds once more! 8-D

Yes, Merry has Stybba, but he didn't take him on this trip, he was using cart ponies, which are what he and Pip are having to ride back on--sore trial for one used to riding his little Rohan steed!

I will have to go check that sentence--I've been doing a bit of editing and tweaking to some of the earlier chapters, but I'm not certain about that one. I don't mind nitpicks--sometimes I agree with them and fix them, but if I don't, no hard feelings, believe me. Not using a beta on this one, I take every bit of advice as well-intended.

I am not sure: My Targon is technically a minor canon character. Beregond introduces Pip to him when they go to get food right after they met in the City. So if that is your Targon, then they are the same.

I think in some ways the relationship, at least in the way they express themselves, is somewhat similar. It certainly would appear that way to Saradoc, anyway!

Thank you very much; those are details that mean a lot to me as well. As far as the kneeling went,I knew that it would not be something that Frodo or Sam either one would appreciate, but all those who know and love them would. (And that includes us!) 8-D Even though it was not canon, that scene in the movie gave me goosebumps--still does, in fact.

powerwriterReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/3/2004
This is a wonderful story so far. I haven't gotten to the new chapters yet. It was a clever idea how Pippin was angry with Sam for not being there with Frodo. Then all his emotions came out...that was great.

Author Reply: Thank you. I'm glad you are liking it.

I felt that Pippin would be angry with Sam--he was counting on him. (Remember in the first chapter, Pippin took it for granted that Sam would be there, while Merry was less certain.) But a lot of his anger is directed at himself for not being able to be there for Frodo when he wants to. And I always see him as being very Tookish and emotional.

Author Reply:

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/26/2004
I love how informal Pippin and Merry are when they arrive. So much fun to see that they are over-joyed to see their friends and being all hobbity instead of serious and formal. I also thought it was funny that Saradoc, who was slightly uncomfortable with the formality before when it concerned him, had to be the one to calm everyone down. Frodo and Sam were wonderful too!

Author Reply: I could not imagine that whatever their intentions before arriving, any dignity would remain at all on unexpectedly seeing their dear friends for the first time in months, especially for Pippin and Merry. Saradoc, of course, is the observer this time instead of the recipient--much easier.

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