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A New Reckoning  by Dreamflower 9 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 57 on 9/29/2006
Ah, dear, our deeds DO tend to come back and haunt us.

Author Reply: Yes, they do!

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 57 on 8/6/2005
I am so happy that you’re sending Poppy and Lavender to Minas Tirith!! I often imagine that there were a few healers who braved the travel south to further their knowledge of the art of healing. I write my Merimas as being Brandy Hall’s healer, unfortunately, I also write him as being one very reluctant to travel far outside of the Eastfarthing, and never outside of the Shire itself. LOL…maybe he’ll run into Poppy someday!

I’m also glad that Merimac is nominating his son, Berilac; Merry’s “other” first cousin tends to be an oversight--or would that be “under sight”? I am willing to wager Berilac will shine and come into his own during Road to Edoras. ;-)


Author Reply: Poppy is very determined to learn some of these healing techniques and methods which are tantalizing her from the dribs and drabs of information the Travellers have revealed. And it could be that the healers of the South will find out a few things from the feisty little hobbit healer as well. (And can't you imagine her interogating the King, LOL!)

I had Berilac and Freddy tapped to go from the beginning of the story; you may be mildly surprised at the others who end up going.

And Berilac will indeed shine, and his life will be forever changed by this journey.

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 57 on 7/15/2004
I'm glad that everything was sorted out with Merry and Estella! Merry being surrounded by lasses when his friends returned from speaking with Estellas was cute! Pearl taking matters into her own hands was great! A tea where the topic of conversation never got far from Merry! I'm glad that Amethyst and Garnet were able to attend with them! I hope they enjoyed themselves!

Opal being visited by Legolas and Gimli I'm sure did some to help her feel better and maybe take her mind off things a bit! I'm sl glad that Frodo visited her as well! Very nice of him to give Poppy some of the ointments and things that the King had given him! He certainly would know about phantom pain wouldn't he?

All the hobbits who want to be a part of the embassy was great! A lot of those who want to go have excellent reasons why! Like the future head of the Banks family, perfect reason for them to go! Fatty talking to Merry about over coming fears was very good. Freddy would be an excellent one to go! It looks like he may get his chance! Poppy wanting to go for medical reasons is great! Now she can learn all sorts of things to help the hobbits back home!

Bergil having nightmares and being comforted by Pippin was very touching. I'm sure he is ready to go home! He has been gone long enough I should say!

I'm glad that Bracegirdle fellow got caught! Paladin choose the right people to bring him back! I guess he will get his punishment along with the others now.

Thank you for such a splendid story! Looking forward to more!

Author Reply: Yes, when it comes to scheming (in a good way) and matchmaking, Pearl is Eglantine's daughter.

I knew all along that somewhere in the story, Frodo would be helping a hobbit with that problem, but I was very surprised myself when it turned out to be Opal.

I've tried to give a certain amount of hints as to which hobbits might be interested in going. There is going to be at least one, maybe two, more. But I don't think that I have enough hints for them. And Poppy is not one to pass up any chance to learn more about healing.

Bergil is definitely missing his dad. He was enjoying himself immensely until the frightening events with the Bankses; now that he realizes the Shire is not perfect, he is getting a bit homesick.

Well, I almost planned to let Bracegirdle get away, but then I just couldn't do that.

TopazTookReviewed Chapter: 57 on 7/9/2004
I am very much enjoying this story, and your hobbit delegation is coming together nicely. Will we be reading more about these hobbits' interactions with the king and other Men in Gondor -- in this story or another? (Hint. Hint.)

Author Reply: I've pretty well resigned myself to a sequel. I'm not too sure about what all it will include, but at least the journey to Edoras. But I'm not too sure about a story that will end up being almost all OCs.

maya_arReviewed Chapter: 57 on 7/9/2004
Well! This hobbit embassy to Gondor is certainly going to be well-populated! It's nice to see how the folk of the Shire are dealing with the world of men. And the race between Pippin and Merry was lots of fun.

Author Reply: Thanks. I have tried to drop hints on the ones who are going so far. The Shire is now part of the Northern Kingdom again, even though it is free and autonomous, and so they will have to have some dealings with Men.

I just thought they might like to give their new ponies their heads and see what happened.

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 57 on 7/8/2004
Dago has no clue what he's in for. He thinks he's only going to be labeled and turned out.

The assembly is starting to come together, so far all good choices. It will be good for Freddie to go and get away for awhile. Will he be getting some more time to get to know Angelica before he leaves? And I liked Paladin's reaction to Poppy saying she was leaving. It's fun to see him taken by surprise.

Good luck with your next story. :)

Author Reply: Yes, the trip to Edoras is going to be interesting for the traitors.

I'm hoping that Freddy will see Angelica a few more times before he leaves.
As for Paladin's reaction: someone who has never taken any time off for 35 years suddenly asks for a whole year off, it could be a surprise.

I've started a new one today, but it may be a while before I post any of it, due to work. And I also have started just a little bit on my Marigold Challenge #7.

ViresseReviewed Chapter: 57 on 7/8/2004
I've been lurking here for some time, and just recently registered. Specifically to post a review, or maybe not so much a review as a heartfelt "thank you" for all your hobbit stories. Your characterizations are spot-on, the dialog reads true, and no annoying AU Jacksonisms. Except of course for that *wonderful* song, "The Smallest Guardsman" in chapter 30!

I sneak onto the site several times a day at work, hoping for an update on this story. And sometimes I get real lucky and there's another story too! I'm sorry you won't be able to update as much next week, but glad that I won't have an apoplexy wondering what's happened, where is it, I *need* my Dreamflower-fix *NOW*!

Author Reply: Oh my, how kind of you! Here is a heartfelt "you're welcome". I'm fairly new to fanfic, but it has quickly become my favorite hobby. I write these mainly as a tribute to JRRT, and so I do try as much as possible to stick to canon. I did, and do, enjoy the movies, but if there is a conflict between book-verse and movie-verse, book-verse wins every time. I do slip in an occasional tribute to the movie--usually to do with music and song, or other little touches, such as the color of Frodo's and Pippin's eyes (which AFAIK Tolkien never mentioned) but I must confess I had a great time spoofing the changes PJ made in the plot with "The Smallest Guardsman".

I will try to see if I have any time to post next week, but it's going to be iffy. I'm used to working 12-15 hours a week and next week I'll be working almost a full 40 hr. week. But, as I said, only once a year.

I'm so glad you like my stories. As long as I keep having so much fun, I'll keep writing them.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 57 on 7/8/2004
So we have Fredegar Bolger, two Banks brothers, Berilac Brandybuck and Poppy Burrows the healer - who won't really count as an envoy because she is a girl. I think they're a good bunch, although a few more are required. (It's a bit 'B' dominated! Maybe they need a 'T' or two.)

I wonder if Dago is more scared of Merry and Pippin or the Rangers?

Interesting chapter.

Author Reply: I had not noticed until I started combing the family trees for the names I needed to use in the "roll call" chapter how many of the surnames JRRT used started with "B"! Well over half! We will have at least one more person added,not a "B". Also, don't forget that Poppy is taking Viola Harfoot with her as well.

I would *bet* Merry and Pippin. The Rangers have disconcerted him, but he's been with them for about three and a half days altogether, and they've been perfectly polite, if a bit cold and disdainful, not even tying him except to sleep. And Dago *saw* what Merry did to Clovis and Cado.

I tried to kind of move the plot along some in this chapter. Poor Sam wants to get married, and he can't if I get stuck too long on the same day! 8-)

KittyReviewed Chapter: 57 on 7/8/2004
I could get used to your new update time - so I can read the new chapter nearly immediately :-) - before it was usually the first update to pop up here after I went to bed and I had to wait for the next evening!

Poppy will go to Gondor? Excellent idea - she could indeed learn much from Aragorn! And I'm still grinning about Pippin's comment to Dago about bribing the King's Rangers :-)

Author Reply: My update time varies on when I have time to write, and so forth. Sometimes I have to let my husband use the computer, and sometimes RL gets in the way. Usually I update as soon as I finish a chapter. But next week I will be lucky to get any updates in at all, as I actually have to *work* at my job. 8-( I shouldn't complain, it's only one week of the year that I actually have to work all week long and most of the time it's a pretty fun job. But it will certainly cut into my fanfic time.

Yes, I thought Poppy might be one who would jump at the chance to learn some new healing techniques. I kind of hinted at it at the Ball, when I was having her cross-examine Gimli about Pippin's injuries.

Well, really, all Dago had to go by as far as experience of Men went were Lotho's ruffians. But he certainly knows better now!

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