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Interlude In Imladris  by Jay of Lasgalen 4 Review(s)
lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/2/2004
' "You were lucky. I came to see what you were up to. You need looking after." ' Hmmmmm...your pardon, Ernil Legolas, but isn't that something like the pot calling the kettle black? It seems to me that all the "young ones" need a keeper. No wonder Elrond doesn't trust them to stay out of trouble! *vbg* Poor Legolas is going to have a very major phobia with caves by the time the War of the Ring starts...more ammunition for Gimli, tho'! This chapter was very good...a nice mixture of fear and falling ceilings and supposedly dead trolls and heroic (and panicked) Legolas moments and kidnapped Asfolaths and Ellahir and Elrodan (I love those mis-names :) )and Arwen actually in trouble with her Adar. Very entertaining...and Legolas actually stayed pretty much in one piece! *happy dance ;)*


Author Reply: Poor Legolas and his cave phobia - but he was very brave in this chapter, even thought he was so scared. It makes him more heroic. And he wasn't even harmed!

Arwen and Asfaloth - that was a pure movie-moment, I'm afraid. I couldn't resist it, but didn't think her father would be too pleased.

LOTRFaithReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/24/2004
lol.... I still laugh when I read about Elrond admonishing Arwen.. :-)

Author Reply: Well, she shouldn't have stolen Glorfindel's horse! And she couldn't even blame the twins this time! ;)

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/24/2004
I am glad Elrond has realized that the whole lot need to be looked after :-). Picturing a cave troll and then imagining fighting one is enough to make me glad we only write about this world. Arwen is brave - but for as much as I'd like to claim I'd be back in the safety of Imladris, in my younger days I'd have gone with too!

As for 'borrowing' Asfaloth....well I have a solution for that. Glorfindel said that Asfaloth would never let fall anyone he commanded the horse to carry. Perhaps he can convince Asfaloth to buck her off once. :D

Bad me, I know...

Author Reply: If Glorfindel *did* try that, it didn't work, did it? It didn't stop her!

And I agree with you - writing this is one thing, doing it would be quite another.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/24/2004
Very amusing about Asfaloth, Jay.

It's occurred to me that your stories give Legolas plenty of reason to want to stay out of caves when he gets to Moria. You are pretty hard on him every time he goes under ground!

Author Reply: Asfaloth became involved after a casual comment from a reviewer for the original incarnation of this story on, nearly two years ago. Poor Legolas - but perhaps having done the heroic bit and rescued the twins despite his fear, he'll feel differently about caves. Or maybe not ...

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