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If Words Alone  by Tialys 6 Review(s)
Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/6/2007
"We'll see who gets caught by a tree and eaten"
He he, I think Sam won that little challenge.

Hobbit Lass21Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 1/1/2005
'We're all going to die..' *giggles* Pure dialogue is my personal favorite style, and these are VERY well done!! *walks off smiling and musing over possible dialogue ideas*

Samwisegirl12, who is too lazy to loginReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/12/2004
hee hee, I loved the part about it being a good thing Pippin wasn't at the parties. I just LOVE hobbits and how their minds work. nice job!!

~ swg ~

Author Reply: lol. Thanks!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 5 on 5/30/2004
I enjoyed all of these. The characters were very well done and this was very interesting. I am glad you posted it.

Author Reply: Thank-you! Glad you enjoyed them.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/30/2004
These are such fun to read! I adore dialogue, and you write it so well. It's so easy to follow the stories you're telling, and what delightful teasing and cousin-love. These are the resilient, bantery hobbits I love.

Author Reply: I love dialogue as well. I always pictured the hobbits as quite "bantery" and with them traveling together for such a long time they had to have had their good-natured arguements. Thank you!

Bluegrass ElfReviewed Chapter: 6 on 5/30/2004
Oh, that was nice! I hope you write more!

Author Reply: I probably will. All-dialogues are pretty easy to write. I'm glad you enjoyed them!

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