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Home To Heal  by Clairon 3 Review(s)
BranwynReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/6/2004
Interesting that Aragorn has heard of this wizard (and been warned about his manner of speaking, LOL!). Ten thousand Easterlings didn't sound like that many to deal with until Elboron tallied up the troops pledged to Gondor, which fell a little short and are at present still scattered around the kingdom. Why were the bodies of the men escorting Eldarion never recovered? (Or is it better not to know?) Good chapter! It may work against Faramir that he is so unassuming that he probably doesn't spend a lot of time worrying about how other people interpret his actions--not because he feels their opinions are of no import, but because he can't imagine others spending that much time thinking about him! I hope Anborn survives the onslaught of Easterners in Mordor; after all, you killed off old Beregond in "Made to Suffer," so no one is safe.

By the way, back in the Chapter 7--yes, I did guess what Eowyn wants to do to Faramir after the baby is born, and I am all for it!

EnvinyatarReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/4/2004
I've recently found and now read all 3 stories in this series. I just wanted to let you know what a treat it is to discover a new author with interesting plots, strong characterisation etc. Looking forward to reading more of this.

maya_arReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/4/2004
Oh good, an update! I've been waiting to see more of the Blue Wizard and find out how the elfstones of Celebrimbor fit into this. Hmm, so the Easterlings are invading through Mordor? That would mean that either they plan to move the campaign through Rhovanion or through Ithilien... Just one quibble, though: ten thousand doesn't sound like a large enough force to threaten Gondor, especially with Rohan backing them up. Unless they don't want to attack Gondor at all, and are after something in Mordor itself?

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