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Under the Druid Moon  by Tinuviel ylf maegden 5 Review(s)
GwennyReviewed Chapter: 5 on 9/26/2004
Loverly! I loves it my friend, he he. Sorry that I hassled you so much. Yes, I likes it, but you need to tell what it's based on.

Author Reply: No I don't. You know very well what it's based on, and I hope I've shut you up for a pretty minute, my preciouss! Anyway, thanks for the review (sigh) as it's the only one, and you're my soul review-er.

Miss HavishamReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/19/2004
Oh my dear that is so cool and so sad! That is so Sam. I love how you portrayed Sam in this story. I like this collection and hope to hear your next chapter.

Author Reply: Creepy old bag! But thankee, anyway. I really need to get out more.

The RavenReviewed Chapter: 3 on 7/19/2004
Nevermore! How sad that was, yet beautiful. I like that Gilraen was simple and mysterious. Very cool my friend.

Author Reply: Thanks be. My idea of Gilraen is actually semi-based off of a lady I know, who has this very ethereal quality, but not so Elven as it is earthy, like Goldberry, and she reminded me of Gilraen.

Sir-Not-Appearing-In-This-FilmReviewed Chapter: 2 on 7/18/2004
Why that is so Lothiriel. Her eyes did hold the stars, at least how I pictured her. She sounds so sad and so so confused. Poor, poor Lothiriel. Very lovely chapter and hope to hear the next soon.

Author Reply: Thanks! I always thought it would be very confusing to be a mortal with elven blood. Wouldn't you always long to be of the first born? Thanks again, brave sir kn-ig-it.

Brave Sir RobinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 6/16/2004
That was awesome! It is so Gandalf, so Medwyn. I loves it preciousss...

Author Reply: Why...thank you, my liege. I tried making Gandi sound sort of Medwyn-ie, so I was just exaulted when you pointed that out. Thanks again!

P.S. Have you looked into shock therapy?

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