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The First Journey  by Manderly 4 Review(s)
lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/27/2004
I dearly love it when the elves communicate with the trees, and Legolas saying hello to his beloved friends after a long winter was (And very elf-f, too!) This was such an enjoyable chapter for me because of Legolas and Tavaro's interaction. I love it when much older brothers are so caring and understanding of the little ones. Legolas is such a lovable little guy and so glad to see his big brother. Big bro' on the other hand, is well aware that the bratling *vbg* is out past his boundaries..."Does Adar know you are out here? No? I thought not." :-) The whole conversation was priceless, carrying over to the palace and Thranduil! Isn't that just like a kid...Are you hurt?...No?...Was there much blood?...It's a long cut with lots stitches in it! Bloodthirsty little elfling (reminds me of my sons at that age *g*). Just a great chapter!


Author Reply: I am quite relieved that readers like the part of Legolas saying hello to the trees. I wasn't too sure about it when I wrote it. I thought it might had been "too elvish".

I too like close interactions between much older brothers and younger ones. I guess that's why I write about it so much.

Kids that age love blood and things disgusting in general. My daughters were the same way (they still are to some extent). I guess we only develop a sensitive stomach as we get older.

Thank you very much for your review.

FirnsarnienReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/25/2004
LOL Leave it to Legolas to hug his much missed trees! And it was sweet to see how they hugged him back, at least in their own way! LOL

The reunion between Leggy and his brother was sweet even though he did get scolded for being out on his own. And I loved the way he immediately asked if Feren was all right. Where's Aldeon?

I laughed when Tavaro asked his brother if Legolas had no fear of his king! That was great, for it's true. How many warriors would have dared defy an order from Thranduil? Not too many, if any, I'm sure. Only little Leggy can be so bold and adorable at the same time! LOL

Ah, and I see Tavaro is going to be out of commission for awhile hmmm? He's gonna have his hands full with Legolas soon, no? Can't wait to see what mischief those two can find! Even if it's nothing too dangerous. ;)

LOL Poor Tavor though, Leggy is an expert at diverting attention from himself and using Tavoro's injury to distract Thranduil was sheer brilliance on Legolas' part. He's a pretty smart Elfling, isn't he? LOL Even if if it didn't work for too long! LOL

Ooooh, now I *really* can't wait to see what happens next. I love the brother interaction. *sigh* It's wonderful! *another sigh*

Hurry with the next chappy! :)

Author Reply: Legolas is definitely happy now that Tavaro is back. Aldeon will make his appearance in the next chapter, but his role in this story will be limited.

Sometimes I wonder myself how Thranduil can be so patient with this son when he is so impatient with everybody else. I really don't think he would put up with such blatant disobedience from anyone else in the realm.

Lots of brotherly interaction coming up between Legolas and Tavaro. Like you said, nothing too dangerous but one never knows with Legolas. Thanks, as always, for the review.

Frodo3791Reviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/22/2004
Just as Legolas is hoping that he will be able to join the warriors soon, Thranduil is wishing that it will be a long time. I think Thranduil needs to try and find some time for Legolas and then perhaps he will loose some of his mischief. Legolas is very young and will eventually learn to grow up, but until then he needs somewhere there to remind him what's right and to learn from mistakes. Thranduil needs Legolas as much as Legolas needs Thranduil.

Nice work.

Author Reply: I agree with you that Thranduil needs to spend more time with Legolas but I guess being the king and a single parent, he must wish that there are more hours to the day. I guess with Legolas being so full of energy does not help the situation either. Hopefully father and son will reach some compromise or else both will lose out. Thanks for the review.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/22/2004
I loved the description of Legolas saying hello to the trees in the spring. You could really feel how much he loved and had missed them. Do you know Robert Frost's poem about the apple orchard settling in for the winter? The speaker says "good night and keep cold" because a thaw would be bad for the trees. I thought of that because Legolas and the trees he greets are at the opposite end of the cycle of the seasons.

Legolas's horse made him do it! What a good excuse. Thranduil doesn't seem impressed though. And I think that Legolas may find lively things to do after all, with his brother home.

Author Reply: I read some of Robert Frost's poems while growing up but I cannot recall the one that you are referring to. Actually the only one that I can remember is one about stopping by the woods on a winter's night. I can't even remember the title (senility strikes). I must try to find a volume of his works. Come to think of it, Frost would have made quite the wood elf.

With his brother home, I don't think Legolas will have a chance to get bored.

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