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Far Horizons  by Bodkin 6 Review(s)
Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 20 on 8/23/2004
da plot thickens. I scent a conclusion in the air - what fun stuff. Thanks. Rose

Author Reply: Hopefully da plot is thickening to a conclusion. 28 and an epilogue. I hope. Thank you.

I'm away for a few days, so there will be a brief hiatus - it doesn't mean that I'm stuck. Not yet, anyway.

Do you have an update imminent, said she hopefully?

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 20 on 8/22/2004
There are lots of very nice moments in this chapter...ones that make you giggle (Celebrian is a very bad elleth, to tease those guards so! LOL That whole bit with the 'mudlarks' and Elrond was great fun!)

Galadriel and her Adar - it is the parents' ultimate goal to be left behind...and kids don't realize how their actions continue to bear fruit long past the time they are done!

OOOOH, Elerrina is STILL ticked off at Calion, isn't she? *g* That scene with a teething elfling was so sweet! (Nothing worse, or more fretful than a new tooth!)

Drawing of the bad elf, and an arrow...he's possibly someone from M-e and we know he's after revenge against someone. Clues and clues, but never enough...the plot is definitely thickened, Bodkin! :-)

Poor, poor Tarannon! 'nuff said!

I think the best part was where the whole situation was compared to a kaleidoscope - with its everchanging patterns, and mirrors. I certainly agree -and they'd better hurry...Minastan is getting a little antsy...we wouldn't want that turkey, er, elf to not get his just desserts, would we? Great!!!!!!!!!!


Author Reply: I didn't like this chapter for the longest time, but it has sort of grown on me. (Especially the stream bit - which I nearly cut for pointlessness, but kept because . . .)

Galadriel was, according to some of the things I have tried to look up, really very young in Elven terms when she stomped off - and then there was no going back. I really feel for Finarfin and Earwen who lost all their children to this expedition, only then to find by the end of the First Age that all their sons had died and Galadriel wasn't coming home. So hard for them.

Elerrina is probably even more annoyed with Calion now that her son and nephew have decided that he is great. It's one thing making him look after crying elflings - but it's quite another if he and they both enjoy it!

I think clues are coming thick and fast now. I know who he is, anyway! Everything is (hopefully) gathering together for a conclusion. Only BIG problem is - what in Valinor can they do with him when they catch him?

SharonBReviewed Chapter: 20 on 8/22/2004
Poor Tarannon has not lived much of a full life so far. No wonder he's not getting the sympathy he thinks he deserves for this wound. With luck he will learn and mature, just like those two who went off with Legolas and the twins.

I loved the scene between Celebrian and her grandson, so cute. And she's really giving those guards a hard time with her antics. The family needs some relief like that with all of these troubles.

I do hope you get Minastan tied up soon. He is a disaster waiting to happen to our favorite elves.

I can't wait to see if you get as far as sending Thranduil off to the outpost as you mentioned in Reflections. (I had to go back and look some of those chapters over myself to place when those twin ellyth were due!)

Author Reply: It's actually rather difficult matching the timelines, because they were never really intended to be timelines in the first place. However, I am trying. Say no more!!!

I think probably 28 chapters and an epilogue. If that gives you any clues!

I nearly chopped the cute bits - but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I like the interactions that are only marginally linked with the main story thread.

Hope you continue to enjoy.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 20 on 8/22/2004
All right. I know that Tarannon is being a baby, but my sympathies are kind of with him. Why should he have to be stoic? I hate it when doctors say there will be 'some discomfort' because that's doctor-speak for 'it will hurt like hell.' (Spoken by one who had a rather unpleasant test this week.)

Ooh. Thranduil may get his comeuppance for that remark about Galadriel understanding slyness. And 'wallowing in mysticism' for an 'irritating' conversation? Yes, Celeborn is right Thranduil! Point that out to Galadriel while the rest of us watch from a nice safe distance!

I think Surion needs a guard too. And I loved the father/daughter scene between Finarfin and Galadriel. The talk about parents having a duty to be left behind was right on.

Loved Elrond's grandson suggesting that he simply take his clothes off to swim.

And now there's that hint that Minastan might come from ME. That's interesting. I feel some satisfaction that he's wrong about Tarannon who did indeed tell what he knew.

Author Reply: I know - I'm not too keen on all this macho stuff. But I suppose after millennia of being pin cushions for orc arrows, Celeborn and so on are made of sterner stuff. However, it's all rather a shock for Tarannon - I doubt he has experienced much physical attack.

I quite wanted to have Galadriel and Thranduil have a bit of a confrontation - but it's not going to fit in here, I'm afraid. Maybe another time.

Surion could be at risk, I agree. Silly of Nisi to take him out unguarded. Thank you for the Finarfin/Galadriel comment.

I nearly cut the Elrin / Celebrian bit - but then I just couldn't. The image of him stripping off and jumping in the stream was just too much fun.

I think all will be revealed quite soon. Minastan thinks he's cleverer than he is. It's easy to appear brilliant until somebody starts to look really closely.

Reviewed Chapter: 20 on 8/22/2004
You write the most excellent dialogue. My favorite is almost always between Celeborn, Galadriel and Thranduil. In particular this time:

Thranduil looked at him with exasperation. ‘Can she not just use simple, easily understood sentences and say exactly what she means without wallowing in mysticism? It would make conversation with her much less irritating.’

‘Perhaps you should point that out to her,’ Celeborn commented. ‘It should prove an interesting discussion, though you will excuse me if I choose not to take part.’

Thranduil grinned. ‘Perhaps one day,’ he said. ‘When my escape routes are clear.’ He paused.

I can't imagine that this conversation did not occur at some point in the history of their lives--priceless!

Author Reply: I'm longing to put Thranduil and Galadriel in the ring together and watch them fight it out - but it won't happen here I'm afraid. I'm trying to curtail the story and finish it before it gets to 30.

Mind you, if they became too amiable with each other it would spoil what are also some of my favourite bits!

Thank you.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 20 on 8/22/2004
He had them just where he wanted them, looking in five directions at once, unsure quite whom he was attacking

Only five directions? I'm far more confused than that! I think the saddest part about all this is that the children have to be guarded so carefully - they should be able to play freely. But the guards are clearly necessary - the shadow in the market place was not imagination!


Author Reply: The elflings definitely need guarding - this villain knows that they are a weak spot. However, there should soon be a resolution! I hope. Provided I don't keep getting stabbed by additional plot points. (I hope it's not too confusing. I'm panicking now.)

Brief hiatus in updates coming - unless I can do one tomorrow morning. Then there will be a gap until Friday. A bientot.

Author Reply: A silly point I just feel like making.

One thing I really like about writing elves is being able to use expressions like 'of whom' and 'in which' in conversation. Normally you feel such a fool wanting to do that! Only elves would avoid hanging prepositions as they speak.

New bumper sticker: ELVES DO IT GRAMMATICALLY.

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