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Healing the Long Cleeve  by TopazTook 5 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 16 on 8/5/2005
Well, it's about ruddy time! About time indeed! And I suspect Diamond will like it far better than her mother!

Author Reply: “It’s about time” -- now, where have I heard that before? Oh, yes, in nearly every response to this and the subsequent chapter, LOL. Guess you’ll find out reading that one what she thinks in comparison to her mother.

Author Reply: “It’s about time” -- now, where have I heard that before? Oh, yes, in nearly every response to this and the subsequent chapter, LOL. Guess you’ll find out reading that one what she thinks in comparison to her mother.

MarionReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/19/2004
Darn that Ganelon! And Pervinca. And Merry.
Yet again, hobbits can't, won't, look further than their own noses and beyond their own experience. Diamond's mum thinks that, just because she had difficulty bearing children, it must be so for *every* woman (and yet she will push her daughters into 'good' marriages even though she believes it might physically harm them to bear children)
Ganelon (I *detest* that hobbit, I really do - so focussed on status and power he will use his own sister as a pawn) apparantly *does* care for his sister and intends to take her back home with him as soon as she does her 'job' and produces the next Heir.
Pervinca is unable to imagine that anybody who's been married off against their own wishes could possibly have a good marriage. I don't really blame her, but still... why don't you TALK to your brother, Pervinca?

All this makes me very anxious for the future. What if Ganelon (with help of Pervinca) snatches Diamond away from Pip? Hmmm... I think Ganelon might have a very forceful and fire-spitting little sister on his hands, then. Hah!

Author Reply: Yes, Ganelon is pretty detestable. Does he care for his sister? Or is he just manipulating Pervinca for his own ends? I wonder...;)

Somehow, I don't see my character of Pervinca as good at "talking" -- at least the listening part:) -- but her situation will get resolved before the end of the story.

You're right that Honeysuckle is projecting her own experiences with childbirth onto Diamond, although the childbirth aspect isn't quite all there is to it -- it's a big part, though, so you are on the right track. I hadn't even given thought to her plans for Diamond's little sister Jewel yet! Ooh, what a shuddersome idea.

I suspect that Merry wouldn't be Pippin's best friend if he doesn't show some signs of shaping up pretty soon (likely in Chapter 18, I would say), but Pervinca and Ganelon are waiting and plotting...and giving you good reason to be anxious for the future.;)

pipspebbleReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/13/2004

Oh, the antici........................................PAtion! :-) :-) :-)

Author Reply: LOL. I hope the next installment can live up to your expectations. :)

KrisztaReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/11/2004
They love each other, and Pippin finally have learned that Diamond didn't know what is needed to became with a child... I like it when the misunderstandings are cleared up. And you do it so naturally and perfectly. Thank you for this chapter! I can't wait for Diamond's thoughts when she is waking up the next morning.

Author Reply: Thank you so much for your comments. I am sure Diamond will, overall, be very happy the next morning.

Of course, there's a new misunderstanding in this chapter...Ganelon is not telling Pervinca all that he is thinking.

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 16 on 12/11/2004

Pippin has finally told Diamond he loves her as she does him...And it is Diamonds coming of age,and she even makes him some new clothes...
Merry seems to not like Diamond at all,almost as if he is jealous ofthe relationship...
Going to see the King....And Pippin finds the book the healer gave Diamond. Pippin and Diamond are sure getting closer..Things are definitly going to change....

Really good...Please update soon...

Author Reply: Thank you for your comments. Yes, Merry does seem jealous...he has been before, and had started to get over it, but emotions don't necessarily always follow a neat pattern.

Things are changing: in some ways for the better -- although not if Ganelon succeeds in his plots.

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