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Fit for a Took  by Pipwise Brandygin 4 Review(s)
sleepy_orangeReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/17/2004
oh, please, please update soon! i see the beginnings of a very good fic!

Author Reply: I'm in the middle of re-writing the first two chapters and starting on chapter three, so I will try to update as soon as I can! Thank you for reading!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/29/2004
I'm enjoying this story so much, Pip. Tolkien didn't write anything about Pippin's recovery and poor Merry's vigil, and you're covering it beautifully.

Lovely dialogue. Can't wait for more!

Author Reply: Thank you, shirebound, I'm so glad you're enjoying it! In a way I'm quite glad Tolkien left us some parts of the story to play with to our heart's content, though I would love to know what he would have written... :)

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/28/2004
It is a good thing that Pippin is awake but the pain must be terrible! How discombobulating to wake up and realise you have been asleep for about ten days! I hope Merry and Pippin are able to support one another through the next trials and they are able to talk to one another openly! Looking forward to more!

Author Reply: Thank you for your feedback, Hai! I think it will get easier when they get used to being together again and find out how much has and hasn't changed.

LindeleaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 7/28/2004
Ah, glad to get this chapter, and glad that there appears to be more in the offing.
The mention of Bilbo and being sat upon by a troll--perfect! I had forgotten that the trolls were going to sit upon the dwarves and squash them to jelly in one of their cookery scenarios...

I wonder... who is the "he" who was talking to Pip while he was wandering?

And, is Pip upset, realising the date, because he missed his birthday?

Awaiting more. Thanks!

Author Reply: Thank you for your comments, Lindelea, I'm so glad you're enjoying it! I can't resist mentioning Bilbo when I get the opportunity. I like to think that Pippin's always aware of how his adventures compare to Bilbo's, and it seemed right, since that's what he was thinking about under the troll.

Sorry if the "he" part isn't clear. He's actually referring to the Mouth of Sauron - Pippin thought that if he was dead and so were Frodo and Sam, he should be able to find them. And, yes, he's upset at the end because he missed his birthday, on top of his conversation with Merry, and some stuff they'll talk about in the next chapter :-)

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