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Duty  by Lindelea 4 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/15/2010
Hooray! And bless Aragorn for following it all as he could!

Nienor NinielReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/25/2006

I've read your corresponding stories already, but this one is especially great, because the events are told from the perspective of minor characters. Very good. You managed to convey the dreadful situation that waiting for the fall of the City must have been. The notion that Bergil would have had to save his cousin from the orcs like this... chilling.

But as we know, things end well!

All the best, Nienor

Author Reply: Yes, happily, things end well. I don't think I could write a story where a terrible outcome was inevitable. There has to be a satisfying ending or the Muse won't bite.

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/11/2004
Poor Bergil! To hear such news from strangers! To "know" that you will soon loose your father! You wrote him trying to take over being the man of the house very well. Doing his duty to his fahter by going with Gilwyn to fetch the body, poor lad! Bergil telling Beregond that "all is well, sir" wanting his father to take back his place at the head of their family, brilliant! These were wonderful chapters! Thank you!

Author Reply: It was painful to imagine Bergil taking over as man of the family at the age of ten, though I have read of such things. I enjoyed writing the part where he was able to "pass the torch" back to his father. Thanks for commenting!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 9 on 8/11/2004
I'm hosting my own celebration. Go, Beregond.

What an atrocious day - even the good afternoon can barely compensate for the hideous morning. And yet their hearts will make them feel light and joyous. I wonder how long it will take them to become resentful of the pressure of the last months and wonder why they were left in this dreadful limbo for so long.

Can we expect happy news from Gilwyn and Beregond?

Author Reply: You know, I don't think people were as likely to become resentful and wonder why in past centuries. They didn't have a mindset of "rights" and "entitlements" until after the nobles forced King John, was it, to sign the Magna Carta, and even after that the commoners still didn't have many rights.

I'm fairly sure they would be of the mindset that things were that way because that was the way they were. Does that make sense?

To answer your question, yes, the draft of the very next (and last) chapter contains happy news.

Thanks for reviewing! Sorry about all the typos and missing words... I put this up, published it, and then got called away until just now, and my editor wasn't able to look at it yet either or she'd have corrected a whole mess of stuff. Anyhow, a lot of those mistakes are now corrected.

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