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Sons of Kings  by jenolas 4 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/8/2004
I love the influence of his elven heritage on Eldarion - thought I think the royal escort was for a REASON - more to be impressive and regal rather than to keep him safe. However, Thranduil is probably more impressed by a Prince of
Gondor who can communicate with trees, even at a basic level.

Eldarion is trying to be good about not being allowed to be a Ranger, but it is still hard for him. I'm sure Thranduil and Legolas will be good for him and help him grow into his role.

Author Reply: I thought the escort was for a reason too, as I have covered in the next chapter.

Legolas and Thranduil will also be doing their best to open Eldarion's eyes to some of his duties.

DotReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/8/2004
Hi. Mother of the bride, eh? Congrats! Sounds like an exhausting job, though...;-)

I really enjoyed this chapter. I like how easily even Sarien seems to get on with Faramir. I get the impression that he's more or less grown up around him and is almost as used to his company as Eldarion is. He was obviously completely at home in the palace anyway if he was often in the queen's chambers. That's a nice thought and also shows why Eldarion might be finding it more difficult now that he's older to have formality and duty separate him from his best friend soemtimes. I had to laugh at the way Faramir speaks so casually about the elves - even though he himself is fascinated by them - because he knows how impressed the younger men will be. It's quite strange for the names of the elves to be spoken by Sarien but there's something really touching about how much respect they all seem to have for them and the fact that they are aware of at least some of their part in history.

LOL at them hating lessons so much. I'd personally prefer it to doing any sort of weapons training... I suppose, though, Eldarion is going to have to know a lot the history of ME if he is to become as good a ruler as his father.

I felt bad for poor Eldarion when Faramir and Sarien discuss the life of a ranger. How mature and generous of him to try not to let his disappointment ruin it for his friend.

I love the idea that Eldarion can sense something in the trees even though he can't quite place it at first. There's a wonderful sense of peace and contentment that comes through here.

Yay, it's Thranduil!! You really made me smile at the way he and Legolas seem to appear out of nowhere. Your description fo Thranduil was amazing. I think my mouth was open as much as Eldarion's probably was. I think it's good for Eldarion as well to see Legolas and Thranduil able to switch from formality to informality so easily; he'll realise that it is indeed possible.

“That is because Adar is here,” Legolas said simply." Oh! LOVE that! It's just wonderful to think of the forest responding to Thranduil like that, but at the same time I guess it's rather sad that the trees might respond more easily to him than to Legolas who must not be as deeply tied to the forest any more.

Great chapter. *sigh* I do love Thranduil. Bet you never knew that...;-)

Author Reply: Thanks, the wedding went well but I think I am glad I only have the one daughter!

I am glad you find my highlighting Eldarion's elvish heritage alittle to be of interest.

Are you fond of Thranduil, Dot? One could never guess! (smirk)

There is more of him in the next chapter!

NikaraReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/7/2004
Ah. Something ominous left unsaid between the two of them. I eagerly await the next chapter to discover what it is!

Author Reply: Not really ominous, but not all that pleasant either I think you will find.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 8 on 10/7/2004
I like the idea of Eldarion's elvish blood making him more in tune with the trees. And even more, I like the idea that the tree are alive and excited because Thranduil is there.

Eldarion is behaving very well, trying not to lessen his friend's pleasure.

Author Reply: He is slowly maturing, and time will lessen the hurt.

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