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Captain of the Guard  by Arandil 3 Review(s)
Frodo3791Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/18/2004
This is a very well written, nicely thought out story fitting Legolas in as the failed Captain of the Guard. I really enjoyed it. I loved how you portrayed Thranduil, Legolas, and Thranduil and Legolas' relationship. Sometimes fanfiction writters have a hard time doing that, but you really pulled it off. It could almost see this fitting with Tolkien's story.

Thank you for something that aided me in a rather crappy night.

p.s. Have you ever read Daw the Minstrel's story "Tangled Web"? It deals with the time of the dwarves escaping in The Hobbit. I highly recommend it.

Once again, nicely written.

Author Reply: So I totally just figured out that I can reply to reviews here. (Must be newbie disease or something.)

Thank you for your review! The relationship between Thranduil and Legolas has always intrigued me. There is very little in canon to go on about how they relate to each other; so much has to come from our own feelings and interpretation. I'm glad you liked mine! It took a while to tweak it into something that felt right.

I have read Daw's "Tangled Web" as well as some of her other stuff. I love her young!Legolas.

Thanks again!

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/18/2004
I feel like I read this before. Is it posted somewhere else also? I like it. It covers a lot of territory in a short piece but the thing I like about it is the reason why Legolas goes to Rivendell. So many fanfic authors have Thradnuil send him in a fury as a punishment and I do not deny that could happen (though if it did I bet Thranduil regretted it dearly while waiting to see if Legolas would come back from the Quest). I like that in your version, Legolas chooses to go. I like Thranduil's interaction with Legolas as they discuss that decision. Good piece.

Author Reply: Hello! Thanks for the review!

Yes, it is posted elswhere: HASA, Open Scrolls, Tolkien Fan and (The more, the merrier, right?)

I can see Thranduil as a parent doing a lot of things in fury, but I just can't buy into him sending his son off to Rivendell, even as a messenger. I'm sure that whether he sent him or not, once he heard about the Quest, Thranduil regretted letting him go.

I'm glad you liked their interaction. I never pictured them as warm and fuzzy together, but they are still father and son, and I wanted that relationship to come through.

Thanks again!

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/18/2004
This really grew on me. I thought the beginning was somewhat clunky and obvious, just setting Legolas up to take it on the chin, but it mellowed out into a really nice piece at the end. I think it was the description of the dwarves running around in sacks that did it for me. That was when the characters stopped seeming like automatons and began to show real feeling.

I appreciated Legolas's volunteering to take the message to Elrond, as well as Thranduil's reasoning as to why the message should go there. And I thought that Thranduil's reaction to that was very appropriate both as King and father.

Author Reply: Hi! Thanks for your review!

I'm glad you liked the dwarves in the sacks. I hoped the scene would add a touch of humor to the piece. (I always like a good bit of humor.)

Thranduil's reaction, as well as his and Legolas's interaction, was something I really worked on in this piece. I wanted it not to only be true to canon (which does not give us a lot to go on), but to feel right for a father and son who also happen to be king and prince of a realm. I didn't want it to be too squishy between them, but also not too cold, since they are family. I'm happy to hear that you thought it was fitting.

Thanks again!

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