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The Masque Of The King Stag  by French Pony 9 Review(s)
Eruanneth_LuinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/23/2004
How I would love to see that dance! Physical activity can help revive a broken spirit and the learning process helps distract the mind from devouring itself.

Such sorrow and heartbreak for Thranduil over the loss of his Queen, his wife. It does indeed numb one to even the smallest of joys so taken for granted before the sundering. The road back can be fraught with reminders that snatch away the peace of mind so greatly desired, dragging those who love down with them, including his young son.

Fortunately he has those about him who will not allow him to succumb to the emptiness.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/12/2004
Your writing is always slendid! The detail of the incorrectly cut bannock was beautiful! It is so true to form for a greiving child to be upset by something seemingly so simply..anything and everything out of place is just one more added to a world abruptly turned unstable in a little one's eyes. Normalcy is so reassuring, and Legolas has not been granted any. And when he asked Luindil to take the bannock to ada because ada didn't see him anymore, my eyes were well on their way to growing suspiciously liquid.

LamielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/12/2004
This is truly beautiful. Thranduil's pain is heartbreaking, all the more so for his uncertainty regarding Legolas. His son needs him so badly, but how can he put aside his own grief? The episode with the bannock was just perfect - it shows just what Legolas is going through now, and is all the more painful for its poignancy. Oh, and when Thranduil kissed the tip of Legolas ear... So beautiful.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/29/2004
Sons of Sorrow! I just knew when I read the title of the first chapter I would need a brand-new box of tissues. You have not disappointed! *sniffs sadly*

It seems to me that Legolas' loss is compounded by many factors...not only did he lose his Naneth at an age when he desperately needed her, but he's lost his father, too (Father doesn't see him anymore...). Add to it his lack of understanding where death and grief are concerned and you have one very sad, lost little elfling!

Luindil, bless his heart, seems to be the "rock of strength" for these two right now...and the bridge between them, as well. Not that I don't feel for the King...I certainly do, and he has that broken bond to deal with! Just a sad situation all around, and so well written! *grabs another tissue*


elliskaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/28/2004
Wow, I got electricity back and logged on to such a treat. This one looks like its going to be a real tear jerker. Poor little Legolas. He and Thranduil need each other so much and sometimes that is just not how things happen. I like the dancing. That would not be at all inspired by your recent performance would it? Looking forward to the next part.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/28/2004
'You are so skilled with them, naneth," Gilveril sighed. "You distracted him so smoothly, it was like water."

"That is because I have had years of practice," Glawariel said. "Not the least of which were with you." '

Love that!! Don't you go getting uppity with little Legolas, girl! Your mother will remind you of all your transgressions.

'Ada does not see me any more.' How heart-rending is that! Thank goodness for Luindil - he seems to be the only glue holding these two together.

Lovely images of Thranduil doing the very macho King Stag dancing - he is going to be the hunter and Inglor is the stag? - I shall take them out later and run them through my imagination again!

natReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/27/2004
aww too precious...i don't know if you were planning to continue this but i would LOVE if you did, so i can see thranduil and legolas reconciled and helping eachother last question...what the heck's a bannock?!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/27/2004
Oh my, this was a heartbreaker. Poor angry, sad little Legolas. One of the tragedies of a situation like this is that Thranduil is stuck in his own grief just when Legolas needs him the most.

I liked your description of the dance. That leaping, whirling kind of dance IS very athletic and masculine, I think. It's like showing off in a way.

NikaraReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/27/2004
Wow! This is very impressive so far. You capture Thranduil's grief beautifully. I can't wait to read more. Keep going!

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