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Making A Difference  by cpsings4him 10 Review(s)
Frodo BagginsReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/6/2005
I know I just reviewed, but I had to leave another. I also really enjoyed how you showed that Pippin has grown up and matured, but still retained his good humor and cheerful nature. I also like your penname. I am a proffesing Christian too, and it's encouraging to see other Christians on SOA. Hopefully, I'll soon become an author. Namarie, mell min! God Bless, Frodo Baggins

Frodo BagginsReviewed Chapter: 1 on 12/6/2005
Oh, cpsings4him!! That was a WONDERFUL story!! I do love Frodo angst/healing. And those biscuits do sound absolutely delicious! I live in the deep south...or, have lived there most of my life, and am VERY familiar with biscuits! I'll have to try your "Frodo's Biscuits of Valar". You do Pippin very well., I don't know, Pippinish! CHeerful and fun and caring. A little ray of light for Frodo. I like the beginning especially where Frodo was waken up by his younger cousin. I'm all too familiar with it. Keep up the good work! Namarie, mell min! God Bless, Frodo Baggins

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/30/2005
Oh, I just love, love, love this story!!!! You are my all-time favorite author! I've read this story three times now, and I'm still not tired of it! How embarrassing for poor Frodo to have to ask for help in such a personal matter! But Pippin was so kind and loving, supporting his cousin even though he didn't approve of Frodo's stubbornness. An excellent story!
God bless,

Author Reply: Wow! Wow! Wow! Thank you SO much for the sweet and lovely review!! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story - and to hear that someone liked it enough to read it more than once, well, that's just the ultimate compliment! Your review has made my day!

Thank you!!

Breon BriarwoodReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/5/2004
-_-, *sob**sniffle* I can believe Frodo would have been shocked to see himself after all that time of deprivation. This was incredible cp! Loved the banter, Frodo's grudging acceptance of help, Pip realising more was being discussed than said. Very moving.

Author Reply: Awww! Bre!! You leave the sweetest reviews! *hugs your really tight!*

I'm so glad you liked the banter! That's one of the things I did notice about the relationship between Fro and Pip from the books - that back and forth 'bicker' almost - but in a loving way. That's just the way some people get along, you know?

Anyway, thank you so much for reading and for leaving me a review!


Gentle HobbitReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/4/2004
What fun (amid the angst!) I enjoyed the cousinly banter between the two, and laughed when Sam complained about the cold floors at the end.

I've never thought about how Frodo might see himself in the mirror after the Quest. To read Tolkien, one would imagine that he is pretty much back to normal (despite still being thinner, I presume). But I liked seeing how you interpreted Shirebound's bunny, and Frodo's shock and sudden understanding regarding the others' treatment of him was unexpected and thought-provoking. I am intrigued by this bunny now, and your fic makes me want to try the bunny too!

Author Reply: Thank you so much for the sweet review! I'm so glad you enjoyed the banter between Frodo and Pip. They seem to do that a lot in the books, so that's something I wanted to capture.

Regarding how Frodo might have looked after the quest: With all due respect to Mr. Tolkien, while I fully accept his version of what happened, it was always a little hard for me to fathom. Anyone who has ever had even a short time during which they could not get out of bed (even for just a few days) knows how WEAK it leaves you. It has just always been hard for me to understand how Sam and Frodo could lay in bed for two weeks solid and then just get up and go about their business like nothing happened. This story is AU of course, in that in MY version, it doesn't happen like that...which is the great thing about AU - you get to have it YOUR way! LOL!

I think you should totally write out this bunny! Shirebound never places any restrictions on her bunnies and welcomes as many people who want to write them. No worries if 20 people write the same bunny - they'll all be different.

Thanks again for the review!


Mysterious JediReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/4/2004
I love your story, it's great. Probably a good thing it was a secret; can you imagine what Sam might have done to our poor Pip? I also think including the recipe was a great idea.

I see in a review above that you are a professing Christian. I am a Christian also. I cannot tell you how many times I've had to stop reading a great story because it was inappropriate and polluting my mind. It is a great struggle of mine. Just want to encourage you to follow Phil. 4:8 to the best of your ability in all you read and write. You might be surprised at how little things affect you! I don't mean to ramble, but like I said, this has been a great struggle for me. Fortunately, most of the stuff on SoA is relatively clean.

<>< MJ

Author Reply: Thank you so much for the sweet review! I agree that Sam would have probably been a bit put out with Pip for "Lettin' his master go running around the room in naught but his night shirt..." LOL! I can just hear him! Hmm...maybe I should have let him find out after all! :p

And Elijah Wood said, "There are some scary things on the internet..."

You do have to be careful - especially if, as you stated, it is an area you struggle in. Thank you for the reminder. :) The verse you mentioned is one of my favorites. I'm sure I don't always live up to it, but I DO try.


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/4/2004
Reading this right after I read your other one, I was struck by how well they go together. You do so well with the POV, and having Pip taking care of Frodo is a nice change of pace. I love all the lovely details, especially the step by step trip across the room.

All this, and a recipe, too! I *love* recipe fics (done a couple myself), and by the way, I *love* Angel Biscuits. Believe it or not, I was thinking about making a batch the other day, but wasn't sure where my recipe was. Now I don't have to worry about it! 8-D

I would love to see you do a couple of similar fics from Merry's POV, by the way.

Author Reply: Thank you for another wonderful, encouraging review!

These two fics were written only a few weeks apart, so I almost couldn't help the continuity.

Angel biscuits are a particular food weakness of mine. SOOOOOO addictive! Yummy! Glad you don't have to dig for your recipe now. When will they be done? I'll bring the honey and butter and jam :p!

Regarding a story with Merry and Frodo:

This one isn't them exclusively, and isn't actually done in 'first person I' from Merry's perspective (but rather third person omniscient)...but there is lots of Merry and Frodo interaction (starting in the third chapter) and tenderness and healing and loving and gentleness and...what? carried away there! :p Anyway, if you haven't read it, it is a story I'm currently working on (and should have an update for soon) - thought you might enjoy.

"Between There...And Back Again"


EsamenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/4/2004
Oh, I had to go back and read it one more time. It just gets better on a second reading.

And I want to say . . . I think that I remember from another story that you posted that you are a Christian and that you strive to honor God with your writing. Me too! The Lord has been so good to me . . . He deserves nothing less than my best for him.

I think that's one of the reasons I like your work so well. The integrity really shines through. I also know that I can trust you not to lead me into any kind of situation that I'd rather not read about. I appreciate that. There are writers I avoid for that reason. I try the best I can to keep my thoughts and heart pure.

I will be out of my office for the week, and I'll return next Monday, so I won't read your replies til then. I look forward to hearing from you! God bless and may you have a wonderful week.


Author Reply: Wow! I can't tell you how excited I was to get a second review from you on this!

I am really excited about the things the Lord is doing in my life right now - breaking down walls and teaching me things I never knew. Right now, one of the truths he has been showing me - over and over and over again - is that the best way that I can honor him is to be exactly who he MADE me to be. In all things that I do, I can find a way to honor him. He is the one who made me enjoy writing (along with a million other things) and I think he intends for me to use that in a positive way.

I hope that my stories will uplift and inspire. They won't always be roses and sunshine - because real life is not...but hopefully, the strength and integrity and tenacity of the characters will show through in the end.

Thank you again!


songspinnerReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/4/2004
And this was marvelous, too! For an entirely different set of reasons...
You really captured not only the relationship in such a tender way, but the frustration of having a chronic illness or recovering from one - the annoyance of having someone else do things for you because you really need the help. The patience of the loved one helping...
Descriptive writing and very well done characterization!

Author Reply: Oh my! Thank you SO much for you sweet and encouraging review! I'm so glad the characterizations rang true for you! To be honest, I feel like Pippin is a character I don't really 'know' very well - so I'm glad he didn't come off sounding foriegn or forced. Tolkien mentioned Pippin among Frodo's best friends - but unfortunately (or fortunately for us fan fic writers!) didn't really ever explore that relationship. There also doesn't seem to be an over abundance of fan fiction that explores that relationship - so I am excited to get to do it.

Glad you're enjoying my writings. Thanks for taking the time to review!


esamenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 10/4/2004
Frodo was obviously in rare Baggins form this morning . . . .

Oh, cpsings4him, please never feel bad about writing any kind of Frodo fic! I love it and I look forward to your new postings! And your Pippin-Frodo relationship is terrific. It is fresh, new, creative, and very true to canon.

Congratulations on writing so well. You really have a gift! I always enjoy your work and I have you on my list of favorite authors.

I'm not writing fan fic at the moment because I'm working on an original idea. But I read yours all the time! I just love visiting Middle-earth! Keep on writing . . . happy typing!


Author Reply: Wow! Thank you!

QUOTE: You really have a gift!

And so do you, my dear! You are a very gifted ENCOURAGER! It has been said that reviews are the "crack cocaine" of fanfic writers (nice comparison, huh? :p)...and if that is true...yours is REALLY 'good stuff'!

Thank you so much for reading and even more for taking the time out to review. It really does mean a lot to me.

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