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Masquerade  by Elendiari22 5 Review(s)
HrivielReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/28/2005
Wow, this is an intriguing story! I love the idea of combining LOTR with ghost stories, and this is by far the most interesting one I've read yet. But in my humble opinion, I think Faramir should get involved somewhere. I kept thinking he would be concerned for his betrothed disappearing off into the adventure. But maybe he has a part to play later on? After all, it involves his mother and his lineage.

Anyway, keep up the fantastic work!

Author Reply: Thank you! LOTR is perfect fodder for ghost stories: it says in the book even that many houses in Gondor were deserted. This is a fun story to write.
Faramir is going to keep involved sooner or later. Eowyn is too close to him for him not to get involved somehow. I don't know how yet, but he'll get in there somewhere. :)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/28/2005

If I were Frodo and I'd just discovered a heap of hobbits and shield maidens, I would be very very suspicious. And actually, same if I were Arwen. My 'they're up to something' alert would have sounded loud and clear.

I'm glad Merry is in on the game now - but I can't imagine what might come next, so please don't keep me in torment for too long.

Author Reply: Frodo is probably biding his time until he finds out what they're up to. Arwen is a different story, though; she wants in on the game.
I'm working on the next chapter right now, so it should be up soon. I don't want to keep you in torment!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/27/2005
Oh my goodness! I'm so glad that Merry is now in on the fun. And the gallery is haunted? Hmmm....

And this I absolutely loved: "Frodo didn’t look convinced, but he let it go. Pippin breathed a silent sigh of relief from under the blanket; he was utterly thankful that Frodo’s stern face had not worked on Eowyn. He knew that if it had been him, he would have told his cousin and the queen everything, and that would not have been the best thing that would have happened. He could tell that Merry felt the exact same way." Oh, the power of being the senior cousin! So very hobbity and true to the cousins' relationships.

Unfortunately, Frodo *should* have known better. But the circumstances led him to be suspicious of only Eowyn--if he'd thought on it a few minutes more, he *would* have turned that look on them, I'm sure.

Author Reply: Frodo is going to get in on the secret sooner or later, like some of the other characters. He's biding his time. :P

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/27/2005
Yikes! I got all shivery when I read that bit! Hearing her running from someone! How terrible! to be afraid or at least so wary of her father! Was Finduilas forced into marriage? Dear, or dear, you have my poor mind all worked up!

I did have to smile though that they all ended up in the same bed! Frodo had a point about Eowyn slaying the Witch-King! It made me smile to think that she wasn't over come by Frodo's stare, and Pippin's relief and not meeting Frodo's eye right then!

I hope there is more soon! Such suspense I hope I can handle it until the next chapter!

Author Reply: I'll ease your mind somewhat: Finduilas was not forced into marriage. That's all I'm going to tell you, though.
There's safety in numbers, and it's always nice to have someone to curl up with when you're afraid. Eowyn and the lads found that out alright. Frodo is aware that something is up, and he is going to fnd out sooner or later.
I'm working on the next chapter, and it will be up soon!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 6 on 1/27/2005
That Eowyn! She's so eager for middle-of-the-night adventures, yet can be as frightened as a little girl. A lovely blend of shieldmaiden and protected princess of Rohan.

"he was utterly thankful that Frodo’s stern face had not worked on Eowyn. He knew that if it had been him, he would have told his cousin and the queen everything"


Author Reply: Eowyn's like the little girl who likes to pretend she's a great detective, but is scared of the dark. :)
Frodo would be a good interrogator. He'd just have to turn his eyes on someone, and that person would melt like a snowman in summer.

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