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It Takes a Took  by Dreamflower 9 Review(s)
PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/25/2005
Pippin grinned, and put both hands behind his head.

“I’d say you’re making progress, son,” said his father mildly.

LOL, now the little booger's being smug, LOL! Oh, how I loved the bit with Paladin and the lads sneaking in a game of dice--and smoking pipes in the room, too! And they broght back cards with them, too! Cool! :-)

Its too bad I only get a half hour for lunch... I am truly enjoying reading this wonderful tale! :-)


Author Reply: Well, he did seem just a tad smug, didn't he? But considering how hard he worked to get a reaction, he deserves to feel just a little victorious, LOL!

Yes; I had mentioned in "Conspiracy" that Paladin sometimes liked to gamble a bit with the lads, and I had established that hobbits had dicing games. But I had never made mention of cards, so I thought that might be an innovation they could have brought back from the South. And *of course* they are smoking--they're hobbits, LOL! But I thought it would be cute if Diamond was a fresh air fiend (she's a healer after all) and they would tease her about being like Legolas.

I know, 30 minutes isn't *neearly* long enough when you've got new fic to read...

GamgeeFestReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/31/2004
You know, Frodo and them should just write up a short description of their journey for the next time a healer asks them about it. Then they could just hand it over and let them read it while they go about their business.

Was that the "something" that Lavender was refering to, the Ent draughts that Pippin drank, or is it something else?

I'm glad to see Pippin making some progress with Diamond. We knew she wouldn't be able to resist him forever, but it's good to see him getting a reaction. And it was sweet to hear Sam explaining when he knew he wanted to marry Rosie.

Author Reply: LOL! It would save them a lot of time and effort! But knowing healers it would never have enough detail to suit them.

Yes. At least for my Merry and Pippin, the Ent draughts did more than just give them a growth spurt and a permanent. It also gave them a boost to their body's abilities to heal. Not necessarily a cure-all, but they would heal more quickly than others from illnesses or injuries. I think that something of the sort had to be, or else how come Pippin could serve at the Feast in Cormallen only two weeks after he'd basically been squashed by a troll? And how come Merry could recover from the Black Breath in only a day? However, this would only work on their physical hurts and not the psychological ones.

Oh, he's getting a reaction all right.

I love the scene (both versions: book and movie) when Sam realizes it's Rosie he loves. *sigh*

AuntiemeeshReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/31/2004
I love the moments between Pippin and Diamond. They are very sweet and humorous and heartwarming, and make for a nice counterbalance to the other aspects of the story. Poor Frodo is trying so hard to deal with his own pain and keep up a good front, while also comforting Pippin and keeping a watchful eye on Merry as well. And Merry really has to learn to not hover over Pippin all the time.

I'm really enjoying this story! Keep up the excellent work. :)

Author Reply: I'm glad my scenes with Pippin and Diamond are coming off well. This is the first story I've written in which the romance is front and center, and not just a sub-plot.

Unlike many fic writers who tend to have one favorite hobbit, I love all four of them pretty much equally. My favorite thing is to show how they interact with one another as a result of their bonding and their experiences.

Merry is dealing with his own fear: that of losing Pippin, as he very nearly did after the Last Battle. It comes out in making him overprotective. Both Pippin and Frodo realize this, but have not quite yet figured out the solution.

I'm glad you are enjoying it! I'm getting back to it now after three days at work.

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/31/2004
I am glad that you have pursued the relationship between Pippin and Diamond! I hoped you would when you wrote about the twins being born! I am enjoying the way you write Diamond and Pippin in this and the ways that Pippin is beginning to hit on her!

Diamond taking care of some of the other patients in the Smials was a good touch. Looking in on Opan and seeing how she is progressing is great! I like the way you have wrote a bit about Garnet and Opal here and there, it is nice to see them becoming much better hobbitesses!

Hm, I think it was perhaps a bit inconsiderate of Lavender to ask Frodo and Sam about Pippin's injuries! They ought to have asked Pipping, though perhaps he wouldn't have been as honest as they were wanting.

Paladin joinging Merry and Pippin in a game of chance was great! I like that he plays like that with them! I would like to here that story about Merry and Pippin learning to play cards with Gimli, Aragorn and Faramir was it? Then Legolas as well!

That bit at the end here of Pippin seeing Frodo asleep yet so sorrowful gave me chills! To think about Frodo suffering, especially after everything is over is always so sad and to think about what is coming is terribly bittersweet!

Of course I am looking forward to more and hope it is not far off! Thank you for antoher delightful story!

Author Reply: I've had this story in the back of my mind since "Tribute". I just thought it would be a slightly different take on the courtship of these two Tooks.

As Lavender's apprentice and main assistant, she would naturally have occasion to see her mistress's patients; I've only shown a bit of Garnet, and hardly any of Amethyst, but rest assured they are doing well. I thought it would be nice for Opal and Diamond to be friends, and for Opal to have a friend who does not have any memories of when she used to be a spoiled brat.

Lavender is a bit single minded as a healer. Her manner is not quite so symapathetic as Poppy's was; and she tends to go after the information she wants. She probably did feel that Pippin would not have been open enough to give her what she wanted to know.

LOL! I don't know if I'll tell that one in detail. It works pretty well as an anecdote, though.

Frodo's suffering is part and parcel of who he became as a result of the Quest. It's hard for all of us to deal with because, although it is realistic, it seems so unfair.

I had to work three days in a row, but I'm off now, and hope to get a chapter posted tonight. Thanks for your lovely, detailed review!

SharonBReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/29/2004
You mena even the Thain knows how Pip feels about Diamond? Or his comment certainly seems to indicate that. ;-)

It was an intersting conversation Diamond and Lavendar had about Sam and Frodo.

And how nice that all Pip's family welcomes Sam so readily.

You are tying things together so nicely. I can't wait to read more.


Author Reply: Yes, he does. In Ch.2 Pippin asked his father for information about her, and Paladin quickly guessed his interest. So far anyone who has seen the two of them in the same room at the same time has guessed, LOL! Pip's not too good at hiding his feelings.

The healers correctly figured that they are the key to finding out what happened "away South".

Sam has become a good friend to the Tooks, after he and Rose were there in the Spring for the assembly (from "A New Reckoning") Eglantine has made promoting Sam rather a project.

Thank you. I'm going to *try* to maybe get a chapter posted this weekend, but I have to work, so it will all depend on that.

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/29/2004
Nice work! Pippin is sure trying to put on the charm,and Diamond now realizes it... Pippin's Father arrived to play a game with the boys,it was a nice gathering,and merry won...
Pippin seems to have made Diamond nervous,and perhaps progress is being maade.
Poor frodo... Pippin is worried about him,and he should be. Dreams and nightmares plague him,and as sam said...more than anyone knows...

Great job...

Author Reply: Yes, now that Pippin is feeling better, he's starting to put forth his campaign to win her; she's caught on, and is now having to sort out her own reactions.

Paladin likes to play with Pippin and Merry (as long as Pip's mother doesn't find out) I think that Merry would be very good at games of chance, not to mention being a "lucky Brandybuck".

Frodo is trying still, to get back to a normal life. Unfortunately we all know that effort is doomed, *sigh*.

Thank you. And thank you for reading and reviewing.

LeawardReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/28/2004
I'm really enjoying this story -- you bring the hobbits to life and really have captured them. I love how they compare Diamond to Legolas. I'm looking forward to your next chapter.

Author Reply: I'm so happy that you are enjoying it.

I thought it would be cute to tease Diamond a bit about being like Legolas, and then have it turn out to be about the pipe smoke! LOL!

I have to work the next few days, so it may be Sun. or Mon. before I get to update again. On the other hand if I can't sleep again, it may be sooner.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/28/2004
Yes, Lavender - of course Poppy was right to go south. Bet you didn't express any doubts to her face.

Love the naughty Pippin, Merry and Paladin gambling - and LOVED the way Merry learned the card games and started winning them all in Minas Tirith until he taught them to Legolas. Hilarious.

Poor Frodo. And now Pippin has seen something that makes him worried. He's going to need the progress he's made with Diamond to keep his spirits up.

Author Reply: Oh, I don't know. I could see her marshalling her arguments to her friend. But I don't much imagine she thought it would have made any difference, and it wouldn't have.

I've mentioned before that Paladin likes to gamble a bit, and also that Eglantine and Frodo don't approve, so I thought it would be fun to bring that in. And the little anecdote about Minas Tirith just came to me while I was writing that bit.

The only hint I will give about Frodo is to look at the dates this story is taking place.

Thanks for reviewing; your reviews are always insightful.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 9 on 10/28/2004
So much good stuff in this chapter! The recognition that our lads aren't mad and that there was much to learned from the King. The fun of the dice game. Pip's progress with the dimpled Miss Diamond. And Pippin's aunt and Pippin with their concerns for Frodo. Wonderful yet again!!

Author Reply: Lavender is a cautious sort of healer. She wanted to hear as much close to first hand as she could, and being a healer, she knows quite well whether someone is mad or not. I thought it would be neat if Paladin did that when he came to visit Pip--something I could easily see happening, as he would take advantage of Egalantine's and Frodo's absence.
Pip is beginning to make progress, but we have a way to go yet.
I have some things I wnat to bring in with Pip's aunt later in the story. This was kind of a warm-up for it.
Thanks for the review; I'm happy you like the story!

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