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To Save The Whole  by French Pony 9 Review(s)
CairistionaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/11/2008
This was a wonderful story. I just recently finished reading The Silm. for the first time (I came on Tolkien late in life) and of course, like most people, Maedhros' story immediately leapt out at me and I was hoping to find a good fic that fleshed it out in more detail than Tolkien gives us, and you've done that in spades. The scene of Fingon rescuing Maedhros was wrenching but not really horrific in the least--although it certainly was to poor Fingon. I think he came off worse in this, really, than Maedhros, but nice to read Fingolfin's tender loving care for him.

There's so much more I could say about this ... it really is a well-told tale and one that will go on my "favorites" list. Thank you for writing it.

MithLuinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 4/13/2006

A wonderful story! I've often wondered why _Fingon_ was able to heal the rift, and this story makes it seem clear and natural. I would have liked to have understood Maedhros a bit more, but understandably, he wasn't available most of the time! It must be difficult to end a story from the Silmarillion on an upbeat note, so I congratulate you on the happy ending ;). Idril was indeed precious :)

ElenluinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 6/13/2005
I loved this story, there are just too little first-age stories around :-) especially little Idril's remark near the end: "I like cousins. Cousins are the best thing in the world!" sent chills down my spine, thinking of her cousin Maeglin ;) And it's strange to picture Fingon and the others as youths, with a father that cares for them. Whenever you see them in stories, they usually are less 'human' and more as stern kings of their own realms. So I really like this other point of view!

Eruanneth_LuinReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/22/2004
Being right-handed and attempting to write left-handed (not Tengwar, of course) gave me genuine respect for the quick recovery and grim determination of this elf. Along with all his own troubles he has real concern for his friend. Ah, elves. That we could be so kind to those we care about.

A harp crafted by the hands of Maglor would be a priceless gift. (Yes, I wish to learn to play a harp and found myself momentarily rather envious of Idril.)

What a splendid sight of Maedhros releasing the Crown to his Uncle Fingolfin. Though the motivation of freeing himself from the contraints of Kingship to pursue the fullfillment of the Oath rang true as well. Fingon reacting to the realization that he is now next in line was quite enjoyable as was Idril and her new thought about 'cousins'.

My only real regret is that three-letter word at the conclusion 'END'. I could have read many additional chapters and still wanted more. Thank you for this tale and I hope you write of elves often.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/18/2004

Pity we already came to the End... (sighs) It's a lovely tale

Great fanfare! no one would expect less from Fëanor's sons... and the result of such display!: kneeling down in submission in his uncle's stable yard... I did appreciate that! (and Fingolfin behaving like a worried mother (your clothes and armours!) rather than a recently crowned king! it took him a bit to step into his new role!!)

I truly enjoyed it, and above all, the quietness and introspection that seem to pour from every corner.

Thanks a lot, this story truly needed to be recounted! :-)

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/16/2004
Sorry it took me so outrageously long to review this chap. I am without Internet access and I have squeaked in one hour on a computer so I am making hay while the sun shines.

I was so disappointed to see the 'complete' on this. Well done. I loved the apology and passing of the kingship. Very powerful. And I loved poor little Idril's initial reaction. The gift of the new harp was wonderful. And Idril's joy at being a princess was very cute. She did turn out to be a nice little device, didn't she. Great job. I hope you do more First Age fics. There are so few of them and I love those characters.

Rose B.Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/14/2004
What a wonderful blend of Silm and Little House! I honestly kept picturing the Elves in flannel shirts. And I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. ;) But House Fingolfin is such a healthy family, and I think you've captured the dynamic between the two Noldor clans very well.
I was actually able to stay fairly detached from the amputation scene, but you did describe the rescue very well--and Thorondor! Wow!
Beautiful style, beautiful setting, excellent gap-filling... all in all, a great story, Pony. I think you struck just the right mix of heart-warming, horrifying, awe-inspiring, and foreboding. Thanks for sharing. :)

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/13/2004
Stunning as the moment was when Maedhros surrendered the High Kingship to Fingolfin, I think the big procession approaching was what really would have stopped me in my tracks! At first, I thought geez, isn't that just like the sons of Feanor. Big show, no sense, no consideration. But then I had to eat my words when I found out what they had come to do.

I'm glad for Fingon's sake. I have to admit I have wondered how the kingship passed among the Noldor. There are some interesting sideways jogs there.

Maedhros's words about how now he could fulfill his vow to regain the Silmarils struck me as a bit forboding.

KarriReviewed Chapter: 6 on 12/13/2004
A wonderful story! You have done an oustanding job of developing these character into rounded, credible, personable (some moreso than others) people. I enjoyed the tale very much. :-)

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