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The King's Commission  by Larner 4 Review(s)
Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 17 on 3/22/2006
Wizardry, huh? Now that I'd love to see! And this is hysterical:

Soon they heard a vigorous splashing and gay singing
from behind the curtains, and at one point water spilled from it to the shallow trough down the center of the room. “Water hot is a noble thing!” they
heard, and at that point another gout of water ran across the floor.

Ririon laughed. “Is he splashing the water out of his tub?” he asked from the next bay.

Watching the next wave with some concern, Ruvemir answered, “Apparently he is intent on emptying the tub before he gets out of it and has to turn
it on its side."

LOL! I remember reading about the bath incident at Crickhollow for the first time; it was late at night and it just struck me as so funny that I couldn't get my laughter under control. Just what is it with Pippin and attempting to empty a tub before he's done? LOL!

"The great waistcoat war?" LOL! That is great! Loved this whole chapter, and it's so wonderful to see Paladin being so kind and supportive towards Pippin.

Oh, BTW, saw Linda Hoyland's review on your latest in Moments in Time, and I am so sorry! Good grief, is there a limit to how many silly mistakes one person can make in the space of a few weeks? Between constantly misspelling something, overlooking typoes until after others have seen whatever it is I've written, just doing stupid or clumsy things in general, and now this I wonder my face hasn't permanently turned red! :)
God bless,

Author Reply: Have you read SlightlyTookish's latest story in her "Post Cards from the Shire" in which Bilbo is giving little Pippin a bath and teaching him a certain song? It's hilarious. The idea of Pippin and his "fountain leaping on high" has stuck with a number of us, you'll find. I just had to do a repeat of that scene here, only partly imagined as it's taking place behind a curtain.

Considering how many typos and other errors I've been guilty of, I can't complain about anyone else. I go over and over and over things, and STILL find extra quotation marks or something similar. Don't worry about it. I'll be 56 soon enough--just not for another three weeks.

And I think that an argument between Frodo and Bilbo would have been interesting to watch as we have two stubborn Bagginses with too much Took in them seeking to wear one another down. It would have been hilarious, I think.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/13/2005
I like Frodo's self-portrait - and the dragonfly signature. Ruvemir is really settling in well with the hobbits and they seem to have developed a real rapport.

(The stick with the dragon is good, too!)

Author Reply: Anyone who gets involved in forensic artistry is going to have to be a good people person to do well in the art, I think. And wait till you see more about signature signs.

TopazTookReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/13/2005
I like the idea of Frodo having a particular artistic signature in the dragonfly, and your description of the Great Smials' dining room is very evocative. The "waistcoat war" is very much a great glimpse into personality, too: stubborn Bagginses, LOL!

I'm a little confused, though, about the character of Primrose. Is she supposed to be an older sister of Pippin's, older than Pearl, if she's married to Ferdibrand and had her eye on Frodo, too? And if Ferdibrand was blinded during the Troubles in your story, did something even more terrible happen to Pimpernel to explain her absence?

Author Reply: Oops, typical burp of the brain for this one, who often misnames folks. Has been corrected. I love the idea of how Frodo and Bilbo would fight, myself. And I find I can imagine many of the rooms in the Great Smial with intricate detail. The dragonfly logo was inspired, if I remember correctly, by Anglachel's story of the "butterfly hunt" when Bilbo and Frodo went in search of the linens so marked by Primula Baggins.

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 17 on 1/13/2005
There was so much in this chapter that I can hardly begin to cover it all. I love the detail that you went into about Frodo's drawings. I also loved all of the stories that Merry and Pippin told. I loved how Merry knew that Ruvemir had seen Frodo's drawings because he recognized Frodo's work in what Ruvemir had done. Loved Merry and Pippin's reaction to the drawing of Sam and Sma's reaction as well. To save time, I loved the entire chapter!

Author Reply: Oh, I'm glad you did. I enjoyed writing it.

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