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A Mid-Year's Walking Trip  by GamgeeFest 6 Review(s)
Elf FriendReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/11/2005
Awww! I love that ending--Merry and Pippin are so cute together. I was so sad when they were fighting. :( I wonder who else is in the woods? You hinted at this earlier and I've been wondering about it ever since, lol. The thing I loved the most about this chapter was the laughter shared between Frodo and Sam and also the joking comments exchanged between Merry and Sam. The friendship between the hobbits is so well written--great job! I eagerly await the next chapter! :)

Author Reply: Merry and Pippin will never stay mad at each other for long. Especially when there's spooky whistling somethings in the woods. ;)

How can you not laugh after something like that happens - and you're fortunate enough to come away without any painful sting bites? This is just another embarrassing story for Frodo to bring up at family reunions. "And then there was the time Merry got us chased by wasps..." hehe

Merry still has work to do to win over Sam, but this at least gave him the motivation he needed to decide he would try. However, he still needs to muster up the courage to follow through on that decision.

Thanks for reading!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/11/2005
You've had me giggling several times, and I love how Pippin, after the fight, still runs to Merry for comfort.


Author Reply: I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter so much. This is why Pippin and Merry are doomed to spend their lives attached at the hip. Even when they can't stand each other, there is no one else they'd rather be around. ;) Thanks for reading!

Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/10/2005
I wasn't going to read this tonight but couldn't resist I though I would give myself a teaser and before I knew I had already finshed the chapter!

I was laughing so hard with Merry and Pippin getting into a fight and then Frodo coming out their immediately stopping, but still avoiding each other. Sometimes it helps to be mad a someone for a while and eventually forgive them rather than forgive them right away ;)

Ah, so Sam was teasing with Merry a bit, that sounds like a good sign to me. I do hope no one gets infected or is alergic to the stings!

I must say, you have me curious as to who/what is whisteling at night and singing! I was thinking perhaps elves but the song you started didn't quite seem elvish, but that was just a sample so I wouldn't know! But Pippin jumping in with Merry was great! Despite their earlier fight. It always helps to be near someone when you're afraid! Looking forward to more!

Author Reply: Merry and Pippin needed to vent some steam. Now that they have, and have gotten some rest, they'll be right back to their normal selves come morning.

As hard as Sam tries to be proper and respectful all the time, he sometimes slips and forgets himself. Merry knows this is most likely just one of those many times when he and Sam seem to almost be friends again - only to have everything go right back to the way it was the next day.

Pippin did let his imagination run away from him a bit. If you go back to chapter 3, you'll see the snippet comes from the song he was singing on the way to Bindbale. But the whistling is real enough. Or is it? Either way, there's no one other Merry that Pippin would consider for protection, lol.

Thanks for reading!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/10/2005
Very nice chapter--I love the way they are so practical about the stings, and seem to know just what to do and not to do.
And Merry and Pippin fighting with each other? Well, only to be expected, I suppose after something like that they'd need to let off steam, and verbal quarreling probably just would not do the trick.
I'm glad to see Sam loosening up a bit with Merry. I do love a Sam with a sense of humor, especially the kind of dry humor your Sam has.
I'm still worried about Pippin's cut.
I'm very curious about the whistling and singing that only Pippin seems to hear.
And I could *so* see him shooting straight to Merry for protection--quarrel or no quarrel
This story is a lot of fun.

Author Reply: Frodo has prior knowledge with stings, and Merry seems to have reason to know something about them as well. Sam, being a gardener, must at least have been told the warning signs of an allergic reaction to stings and bites and such.

Merry and Pippin don't fight often, but when they do, they make up for lost time, lol! Let's see, they had been lost, chased by wasps and stung, dunked into a creek, and we can't forget that Merry was driving both himself and Pippin crazy about what to do about Sam. A fight was inevitable. But it wouldn't have lasted very long. As soon as they realized that neither of them were going to be able to trip the other, they would have called a truce, to the physical fighting anyway.

Sam got caught up in the moment again. As Merry suspects, he'll be properly disatanced and respectful again come morning. But I do love it with Sam quips with his betters. And because it is dry, unless they knew him well, they wouldn't even realize he was teasing, lol. ;)

Pippin will always go to Merry first in a crisis or for protection. And quarrel or no quarrel, Merry would never turn him away.

Thanks for reading!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/10/2005
A good old fashioned fight and a singing stranger. Lovely chapter! I enjoyed Frodo getting so amused by Merry and Pippin's most recent adventure and I loved how Sam did a bit of teasing with Merry. Now, I wonder what is whistling in the woods and if they will manage to make it home safe.

Author Reply: Nothing I ever write will come close to the fight in "Trust a Brandybuck and a Took!" That was brilliant! Plus I don't really like fights, so I pretty much glossed over this one as much as possible.

At least Frodo's enjoying himself, lol! He was so worried he wouldn't be able to with his cousins in tow, and he's the only one really having a good time of it. ;) Sam just couldn't resist teasing Merry about the vest. Merry had set himself up pretty good for that one. But I suspect Sam will be properly subdued again come morning.

cherReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/10/2005
I just love the picture of Merry and Pippin carping at each other--until Pippin needed a safer place to sleep!
It sounds like Sam and Merry are going to "make up". Glad to hear it, as they'll need each other in a few years to "tag-team" Frodo prior to the Quest.

Author Reply: Merry and Pippin may have their moments of bickering and quarreling, but they just can't live without each other for very long. And no one provides a safer place for Pippin than his "Mer-bear" ;)

Merry's being cautious about Sam's bantering, and rightfully so. He knows from prior experience that everything will most likely go back to normal by morning, and he would be right. Sam's just getting caught up in the moment again. :)

It's wonderful hearing from you again. Thanks for reading!

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