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A Mid-Year's Walking Trip  by GamgeeFest 6 Review(s)
Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/17/2005
I loved this little conversation between Frodo and Merr. Merry's respect for Frodo leading him to be a little more sure of the advice he was given and being hurt a little more by his faults being pointed out was very well done. I feel for Merry, wanting to change things but not sure how to go about it.

Frodo setting Merry and Sam up was well done! I hope that it all works out all right! I hope that is the next chapter! Looking forward to it!

Author Reply: Getting lectured by Frodo is much different than being lectured by his parents. Frodo rarely has cause to lecture Merry and having all those things pointed out to him was a bit hard for Merry to digest all at once. He took it well though, because he does respect Frodo and he knows that it was something he needed to hear. It was the only opportunity he would have of truly understanding his own part in what happened, as well as Sam's reservations, as Sam would never voice them to Merry himself.

LOL, Merry and Pippin may pride themselves as tricksters and Sam may have shown potential when he maneuvered them all into going on the trip, but they really should remember that Frodo has them all beat. Frodo knew exactly what he was doing waking up early and burning the last of the wood. He did it so effortlessly and subtly too. :)

Thanks for reading!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/16/2005
Oh well done, Frodo. Make sure you let Merry know that you appreciate all his good qualities before you point out his flaws. He forgot 'honest' though - which is what makes him willing to hear the rest.

I hope you are going to reveal the secret of Sam's power, because, unlike Frodo, I am too thick to work it out!

I'm looking forward to Merry's discussion with Sam.

Author Reply: LOL, well, if you want someone to listen to you critize them, you have to start by complimenting them. Merry needed to hear what Frodo had to say, and he knew it. As hard as it was to hear, he'll benefit from it in the end.

The secret will be revealed before long, don't worry. :)

Thanks for reading!

Elf FriendReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/15/2005
This was a beautiful chapter! Merry sure did get his kick in the pants, although not physically. I loved Frodo in this chapter; his words reflect his deep friendship with Sam and his wisdom for dealing with such things. I loved the metaphor with the flower--it's the perfect way to describe what Merry has to do and what he'll ultimately receive in return. Hopefully Merry will find what he needs to mend the breach between him and Sam. And speaking of Sam, I loved the detail in Frodo's description! It sure sounded just like Sam to me! ^^ And I can't wait to find out how Sam can control Pippin's incessant complaining or pleading for food. Hopefully that will be revealed in the next chapter? Okay, this review is too long, but this lovely chapter was just what I needed--real life is overwhelming lately. :P Thank you!

Author Reply: Merry did get more out of that conversation than he was planning for, but it was exactly what he needed to hear. Even if it amounts to nothing with Sam, Merry will benefit from this.

Frodo is just as protective of Sam as Sam is of Frodo. While he wants Merry and Sam to be friends, he doesn't want Merry to treat Sam the same way he does everyone else. He knows that Sam would take it the wrong way, and he also feels it's about time for Merry to start growing up a little bit.

Merry does have a lot of work in front of him. This is just a first step. He has 13 years to make up for and it won't be easy, especially with someone as set in his ways as Sam is. Trust needs to be rebuilt, but just as Frodo promised, it will be worth it in the end.

Sam's always had a way with Pippin, and he found a way of using his advantage with the food. Frodo's figured it out. If only Merry had been paying attention too, he might have figured it out as well. ;)

Thanks for reading!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/15/2005
Wow! Thank you for this great conversation between my two favourite hobbits!
I see Frodo and Merry not only as cousins, but as brothers. They know each other very well. And maybe, Frodo knows exactly what Merry is feeling from his own experiences, when he was younger. For he himself was no better, if I remember right Farmer Maggot's words ;-)

Still, I'm wondering what makes it so easy for Sam to control Pippin's appetite!

Please continue soon!

Author Reply: I too see Frodo, Merry and Pippin more as brothers than cousins. In fact, they're closer to each other than even most brothers are. Frodo was a bit of a scoundrel in his day, and he knows only too well what jealousy can compel someone to do. He's using that knowledge now to help Merry.

The hint was right there in the conversation between Sam and Pippin. ;)

Thanks for reading!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/15/2005
Another lovely chapter. I like Frodo's early rising, his enjoyment of the moment, his plans for another little trip, and his ruminations about Sam and Merry.
A good thing Merry woke up before the other two. He really did need Frodo's wisdom here. I loved Frodo's description of his cousin:

“I love you Merry. You are my dearest of friends,” Frodo started. “You’re funny, smart, enthusiastic, incorrigible, caring, imaginative and protective. You’re also incredibly inconsiderate.”

Such an accurate character assessment! And I love the way Merry was really willing to listen, aware that however painful, it was something he needed to hear. Frodo could have added "determined and persistent" to Merry's description, for once he's made his mind up, he'll not even let his own shortcomings stand in the way of his goal.

I also loved Frodo's description of Sam, and the beautiful flower analogy you came up with. It would, indeed, take a good deal of patience to overcome Sam's ingrained reserve. But as we all know, it would definitely be worth it.

And then Pippin and Sam wake up.

I had laughed at Merry's earlier "Pippin, you're drooling on me".

But I loved this part:

"Pippin nodded meekly and sat close to Merry. He leaned on his older cousin slightly, resting his head on Merry’s shoulder. Merry turned and placed a kiss in Pippin’s curls, and that was the only apology needed between them."

I'm more curious than ever about Sam and Pippin, though it appears Frodo may have figured it out.

Looking forward to more, although I'm sorry to see that the story may be winding down...

Author Reply: I'm sure Frodo would have found a way of getting Merry alone if someone else had woken first, but it was quite fortunate that Sam picked today to sleep in. ;)

Merry's getting more out of this trip than he expected! The mystery of Pippin and the food, wasps, and a lecture from Frodo. He doesn't often get lectured by his Frodo, so he tends to pay more attention to him than his parents. This really sunk in with Merry and he'll be maturing a bit after this experience.

What better way to describe Sam than the garden he so lovingly tends all year long. Frodo's only too familiar with the patience it takes to get past Sam's sense of propriety. Merry's going to have to practice on being patient, which is not easy for someone like him to do.

LOL, Pippin really got comfy snuggled up to Merry for protection! If only apologizing to Sam were as easy as apologizing to Pippin. But now that Merry has a clearer understanding of his own part in everything, he'll have a much better chance of getting Sam to understand also.

Of course Frodo figured it out - he's a Baggins. :) He knows Pippin and Sam very well, well enough to know from that small exchange and Sam's expression what the secret is.

There are only a few more chapters to go. This was always going to be a short story, and I was very careful about not letting it get away from me like the last one did. Thanks for reading!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 10 on 2/14/2005
Wow, Frodo was really honest with Merry now wasn't he? I do think that will help Merry to realize that he has been jealous of Sam's friendship with Frodo from the very beginning. It makes his tricks all the more believable.
Did I guess wrong or did Frodo manage to figure out Sam's method for keeping Pippin from eating the entire camp? It seemed he had a minute of understanding there at the last, but maybe he was just admiring Sam talent.
Can't wait to see how Merry's time alone with Sam goes.

Author Reply: Yep, there's nothing like good old brutal (though coming from Frodo, it can hardly be considered brutal) honesty to wake up someone as thick headed as Merry can be. :) Frodo didn't hold back, and he once again has the advantage of being so much older than all of them. He can remember everything that's happened much more clearly than they can.

Well, knowing Pippin and Sam as well as he does, and being a Baggins besides, it didn't take Frodo long to figure it out. Sam is always solving problems in pratical and simple ways, that are therefore easily overlooked by everyone else. Plus, Sam has an advantage his cousins don't. ;)

Thanks for reading!

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