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A Mid-Year's Walking Trip  by GamgeeFest 6 Review(s)
Hai TookReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 3/2/2005
Well Sam certainly had a way with Pippin didn't he? That made me laugh and it makes since that Sam would do, in a way, as Sam seems to be able to find anyone's weakness or what naught. Well done! I am sorry it is over however. thank you for the fun!

I have started a Tale That Grew in the Telling but I'm going to have to limit myself to weekend readings as I can barely keep up with new stuff during the wekk! I am having a lot of fun with it though!

Author Reply: Sam does seem to have that Took figured out. He has an uncanny ability to control Pippin when even Frodo and Merry can't. We've seen it before, and I'm sure we'll see it again. Sam's incredibly attentive and detail-oriented. That would help him find what everyone's weak spots and strengths are.

Thanks for the reviews and I hope you continue to enjoy "A Tale..." :)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 3/2/2005
Cunning plan, Sam. What better way to control a food obsessive than through the controlled application of forbidden food! (And even more cunning plan - do it with parental approval!)

'He thinks he’s getting away with something, see, and you know how Mr. Pippin loves that.' Simply brilliant hobbit-management skills, there.

(I hope that Diamond picks up on this in the future. Pippin is a hobbit that benefits from tactful managing.)

Good story.

Author Reply: Sam is a clever hobbit, isn't he? Of course, he would have to get parental approval. He's not quite so improper as to do something like this behind their backs, but he is improper enough to let Pippin thinks he's getting away with something. :)

LOL, maybe Sam can give Diamond the crash-course in Pippin Management Skills.

Thanks so much for reading and for your many wonderful reviews!

Elf FriendReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 3/1/2005
Yay! The food story has finally been explained! And you were right, it is quite obvious now that I know what it is. :) This was one of my favorite stories! I'm looking forward to reading more of your writings. ^^

Author Reply: Yes, the Great Food Mystery is solved! Pippin is forever trying to get his hands around sweets, and forever being denied. Sam put two and two together and came up with a practicle solution that benefited everyone.

Thanks for reading!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 3/1/2005
Plain old bribery! ROTFL! I had a hunch at one point, and then dismissed it thinking it was too simple--and like Merry, thought Sam would be too proper. I should have known!

This was a lovely and satisfactory story from start to finish! Thanks for sharing it with us!

Author Reply: My Sam is just a little bit devious sometimes. And of course, the simplest solution is often the best one. Sam learned a thing or two from watching Gaffer try to control Halfred's appetite and lent his expertise with Pippin. :)

Thanks so much for reading! Glad you enjoyed it!

ElenarReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 3/1/2005
Lovely story!
I loved Sam bribing Pippin with sweets and Pippin randomly naming the stars!
Thanks for sharing!

Author Reply: Pippin isn't the systematic type, especially when it comes to something as vast and numerous as stars in the night sky. Sam knows the way to that Took's heart. ;)

Thanks for reading!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: Epilogue 2 on 2/28/2005
I loved this! That Sam is just far too clever for the rest of them. I love the deal he struck with Pippin and the fact that Pip's parents know even though Pippin doesn't think that they do. Too funny! This was a great story and I am sorry to see it end. Now, what am I going to read? Hope you have a new one soon. I would love to read more about Merry and Sam's newly repaired friendship.

Author Reply: Well, of course Pippin's parents would have to know. Can you see Sam doing something like that behind their backs? Never! But Pippin doesn't need to know that, lol. ;) I have a few one- to two-chapter fics under way, but I won't be starting anything big for quite awhile, not with classes starting in a month. I won't even have time to sleep, much less write, lol.

Thanks for reading!

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