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The Prisoner of Dol Guldur  by Soledad 6 Review(s)
IdhrenielReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/6/2006
Wonderful, Soledad. One of your best chapters so far. Thank you for the update.

Mum's the WordReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/6/2006
Oh, I just love your Thranduil! Such a fatherly father.

And for a mere gap-filler, you've packed this chapter full! What progress Enadar is making -- food, vocabulary, sight, speech, reasoning, goals, determination! TEARS! This is wonderful.

I'm amazed by his strong reaction to the smell and feel of grass and flowers (love your description of the flowers and his "savage joy"); smells are so effective at inducing memories, but I suppose he'd gotten used to the "tree-smell" of the flet and was no longer overwhelmed by it. Perhaps the healer will realize the need to begin widening his horizons a bit -- or at least more frequent visits to the forest floor and the spring. This new experience has certainly awakened a great desire for healing -- a fabulous sign to any parent or healer.

I'm a bit surprised that Cordophel couldn't explain his reaction, although his joy was less visual and more emotional. I'm looking forward to seeing him grow in verbal communication.

Another great chapter, Soledad. Thanks for the quick update.

Blessings and more brownies,

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/6/2006
Oh, this is beautiful! I love seeing Enadar begin to widen the world around him - grass and flowers and the smell of the living forest. And warm water and being clean. He might not be able to eat much yet and be confronted by bursts of unexpected dread, but after an age - an age - of imprisonment, it's going to take more than a few months to get him back on his feet. And he has found people to trust and others to wonder about - he'll make it as long as he has them. And a little thread of hope is beginning to twine itself round his heart.

I'm so very glad you have returned to writing Enadar's story. It's one of my favourites.

demeter dReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/6/2006
No, not just a gap-filler. You allow us to see how far he has come. Another lovely piece of the painting.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/6/2006
Enadar has made a great deal of progress if he is able to be happy for Arwen. He's able to connect with her and see her as a real person rather than just a shadow flitting around his head.

Getting him out of the tree seems to have done wonders fo his state of mind. He seems like he's ready to start seeing other surroundings and reacquainting himself, slowly, with the world beyond his little bedroom.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/6/2006
Now that's progress. And as makes sense, it comes because Enadar touches grass, sees the trees and the stars. So he has a goal. That's such a good sign.

Lovely chapter, Soledad.

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