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For the Love of the Lord of the White Tree  by Legolass 10 Review(s)
NurayyReviewed Chapter: 40 on 8/22/2021
Everything, just everything indicates that Legolas will sail, leaving Aragorn. His grief is palpable. It makes my heart pain.

Author Reply: Yes it is still a torment for Aragorn at this point.

Thanks so much for reviewing. I have not received alerts from the site for the last two reviews though; just happened to check.

NightwingReviewed Chapter: 40 on 2/10/2006
I was deterred for a time, but not permanently! I have returned and will finish this story forthwith!

"Their long hair flew like silken threads spun by the fingers of the wind." Very nice, wish I'd thought of it.

Author Reply:
Hi, Nightwing, I've been out of town for a few days myself and am catching up with email. Thanks very much for reading this to the end.

I think I shall have to rewrite this chapter a little at some point because of some factual discrepancies regarding the ship's location on the water that I came to realise only after I finished the story - I think you might have noticed them because your attention to logistical accuracy in To See A World is something I have long admired. I had to laugh at myself! *grin* But I need to focus on my ongoing tale before I make any rectifications. Been much pressed for time but I can never leave my beloved LOTR. :-)

Hope all is well with you and your child.

AngelReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/22/2005
OMG! I did so much crying in this chapter and for so many different reasons!

Have I mentioned I love Legolas! Sniff...before I go off to cry some more... I do so love him...fleet, bath, jerk! He had my heart stopping a few times! Then he goes and asks to be forgiven bwaaaaaaaaah!

Then all was great again before Ara had to go on a sobbing binge lol :)):)) but such a gift deserved no less gratitude :)

Thank you for the exchange am soooooooo glad Aragorn was able to voice his love, regret and gratitude for having Legolas in his life.

The glass pool! The single tear! Secret spot! oh gosh... so much...

And now it's end!

Oh you may wonder why I have various reviews under chapt 40, but chpt 41 wouldn't let me review and now chapt 42 won't open ... but I can sleep with a smile on my face and pleasant dreams to follow.

Thank you soooooooooooo much, it's been such a perilous journey but one I'd take again with no shortcuts. The scenery alone would have me back and the characters are in so much need of yelling I'd feel negligent not to be able to carry it out.

BTW final cry for a path having to be made for a no longer tree swinging agile Aragorn. I love the ranger. Always have...but now I think I love the elf too :):P oh choices! What's a girl to do? lol

Thank you so much Legolass, I look forward to all your new stories but I hope you let us revel in the afterglow of this for a while...

Author Reply:
LOL - you called Legolas a jerk?! Oh you little pixie - he gave aragorn anguish unwittingly! :-)

I wonder why the other chapters would not let you review, but putting it all here is quite all right - thank you for even taking the time to write your appreciation. It means a lot to me because I poured much of myself into this story and am always gratified when others embrace it as well.

It's been a real pleasure having you here, Angel - and at the other site earlier - and I appreciate all your reviews and support. If and when I post anothher - I hope to see you again. BUt for now - as you requested - yuou can bask in the afterglow for a while. :-)


AngelReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/22/2005
Err I haven't finished the chapt but you're soooooooooooo CRUEL!!!!!!! Sniff despite my earlier guess I was glued, I actually thought it was a farewell gift, stoopid elf, should've remembered such grand gestures would be interpreted as such by humans...stooopid stoopid elf! Had me reaching for a puffer and am not even asthmatic....SNIFF!

Author Reply:

You are leaving me in sticthes here! "Stoooopid elf"?? and you using a puffer when you don;t need to -- hee hee heee! Oh poor Legolas, poor Angel! :-)

AngelReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/22/2005
Tardy again and ever the daydreamer, it's not the END!!!!!!!!!1

Something about the trip and rereading HP got me thinking, perhaps it's a vessel to cross the Anduin - bigger and better - speedier? Because it can't be Leggy leaving, you wouldn't be so cruel sniff! I had originally thought it'd be for his father.

Ara moping is so not me, so am holding back the need to slap him to share his misery, sniff! Like the recollections, at least the twins were mentioned in passing lol

NE way expect death threats if Leggy does leave in the next chapter :P

Author Reply:
Ummm... not sure what HP is..? Harry Potter? Hewlett Packett? If you respond with the answer, I'll probably slap my forehead and go - *duhhh* - but do tell me please. (BUt I did work out that NE way means 'anyway, right?)

You and another reader at the other site are sooooo mad at Aragorn it makes me laugh. BUt a guy like tht is NOT going to let his feelings gush out so freely. BEsides - what would happen to this climactic chapter if he had done so too early? LOL!

ArcherGal2932Reviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/14/2005
HOW you are going to wrap this up in only one chapter and an epilogue is beyond me. Yet again, I'm sure you'll find some way. I love your description on the Elves, with the hair and the wind...can't remember the exact quote, so I apologize. Wonderful work; I'll be looking for another piece in your bio soon!!!!!


P.S. Would you like the updated story I have now? I have changed a great deal in it, added several chapters and broken several up. I'm getting very excited about how well this piece is going for me, considering several of the other pieces I started that I knew were going to be large never ended up finished...more than likely because I had not thought anything through once I had almost reached the that was bad. Thanks again!

Author Reply:
"HOW you are going to wrap this up in only one chapter and an epilogue is beyond me."

I'm going to use a compactor. lol!

Seriously, it's all been written. One more round of proofreading (I do several, and keep adding/changing ideas as I do!) - then - that's it. I will be posting and saying farewell to this story tht has been my passion for the last 6 months. But seeing as LOTR has been my passion for more than 20 years - 6 months is nothing, I guess.

YEs you can send your story now, Archer Gal. 'See' you soon.

TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/14/2005
"...their long hair – dark and brown and gold – flew like silken threads spun by the fingers of the wind." That was a lovely description. I really enjoy your take on elves. I seems that writers often either leave out references to their beauty or beat it to death and in doing so negate it. The way you slip it in here reminds the reader of it in passing and I think it works very well.
I found myself feeling Aragorn's distress strongly through this chapter. Why the ship? Why is Legolas hidden away in the glade? The tension is...HARD! OK, it's good writing, but it's kind of cruel, don't you think? This reader is suffering. I'm hoping for a reversal in a future chapter. ~TF

Author Reply:
Thank you, TF, for letting me know that the passing references to the beauty of elves works. I agree with you - extreme and excessive descriptions can have the opposite effect: it can make their beauty seem 'cheap'.

You're suffering from the wait? Not long now.

But will you suffer from something else then? Gotta wait. ;-)

You've given me wonderful support to me, TF. Thank you!

Author Reply:
And WHAT a boo-boo that was! I meant: "you've given me wonderful support." Period. :-p

RedSquirrelReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/13/2005
A-hah! Even the Elves smile at him - even the Elves ... (Racing excitedly up and down my favorite tree-trunk) Legolas is never going to leave him, never - despite all you say about this story possibly turning out to be AU! (Throwing an acorn in the direction of the author) Really, Aragorn should have a bit more faith - after all, poor Legolas doesn't even know that he is worrying. Aragorn did not ask him when he first suspected in the garden, and Legolas doesn't know he overheard his conversation with Thranduil. So Legolas sends his sweet note, as he promised, and Aragorn keeps fretting, because he did not speak to Legolas. (Another acorn, this time aimed at Aragorn) I know he did not want to press him, but really! he should know better by now. Wait! (Stops throwing acorns, bushy tail upright) did the mayor say "celebrations next month"? I had forgotten. It's going to be a surprise, right? (Dancing madly along the branch) Legolas is planning a surprise, and Aragorn is going to spoil it. Say (Peeping out from between the leaves, round eyes shining hopefully) - could you draw me a map, with exact directions to that secret glade - how many nuts would that cost me? A squirrel, after all, would not be intruding - too much ;-)

Author Reply:
Racing up and down your face tree trunk?? LOLOLOL!!! Oh what a vision!! You are just adorable - and pretty sly! ;-)

But - lower your bushy tail - you'll have to wait till the last chapter. :-D

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/12/2005
I have been following the story, Legolass, but with little time to review what with the end of school, my daughter (8 months pregnant), her husband and 4 kids going to move within the week and I'm thinking of moving, too - all that seemed to take up every waking moment. But I did want you to know that I'm still following and loving this story about this great friendship. I think Aragorn is jumping to conclusions and causing himself a whole lot of pain in the process (altho' you keep insisting this story could be AU....). I think the Prince is planning a little surprise for his overworked friend, who has now worked himself into quite a frenzy. Should be interesting...I await the outcome with bated breath :-)! (The first story I ever posted here was about a similar misunderstanding between these two - and about Legolas sailing, too...but it's not nearly a good or emotional as this one!) Still when you put a human and an elf together, things are bound to get interesting *LOL*. I love the description of the ship and the faces of the elves when they see the King arrive unannounced! The whole chapter is just full of wonderful descriptions and emotions! I'll catch up on the others eventually, but I had to comment on this one, Legolass; it was just great!


Author Reply:
Hi, Linda: Yes, I have missed hearing from you - and it can get pretty lonely if too few 'visit' :-) - so it's really lovely to hear from you again. Sounds like you've been busier than a hive of bees! Hope all will be settled soon. I, too, have had a lot of work to do - but I just HAVE to finish this story and not keep everyone waiting. I am loath for it to end because I love these two characters so much - but end it must.

As for how it will end --- well, the AU is still not out. ;-) Thank you very much for your kind words about this story and for your wonderful support. I must seek yours out to read as well when I'm finished. Right now, I'm keeping very focused on finishing this one; even if they part (and they still might) - I want to make it a parting worth reading about. :-)

Reviewed Chapter: 40 on 6/11/2005
I just wanted to say that I absolutely love this story. I've been on the edge of my seat the entire time and I can't wait to read the rest of it! I think you have a wonderful gift and thank you for giving us such a great story! - Mystwing

Author Reply:

Thank you, Mystwing, for 'visiting' and for your letting me know what you feel about this story. The final chapter will be up before a week is through, I think; then we say goodbye to Aragorn and Legolas. I am sad to leave them, but I must for now.

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