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Reunion in Minas Tirith  by Baggins Babe 7 Review(s)
LouReviewed Chapter: 9 on 7/15/2011
I was planning to wait until the end of the story to leave one long, impossibly gushing review, but after this chapter I couldn't bear to wait any longer. I have found it very difficult to read in places, particularly at the start, for my father suffers extensive mental illness and has exhibited most of the same symptoms as Frodo. In fact, I almost stopped reading--and I'm so glad I didn't. I have been in tears a ridiculous number of times since I started reading: such a silly thing for me to say, but it's almost like reading about Dad getting better, to read about Frodo's miracle healing, and it has cheered me up so much. I mean, of course I know that that kind of turnaround doesn't happen in real life so often, but it gave me a lift at a very difficult time. I guess maybe you thought you were just writing a story, but this has touched me in a very genuine way and given me a touch of optimism about my dad's condition which I haven't felt in a long time. So thank you, so so much!

And why this chapter? Well, I'm a children's nurse by profession, so to read all about the children's hospital being made in the hobbits' honour... oh, I am so happy! Of course, there are all the things I could and probably should say about how excellent the writing is and how in character everyone is (and I love adventurous Rose), but maybe I will save those for another review at the end of the story. I just felt like I ought to tell you how much this story has meant to me already, ridiculous though it may sound. Thankyou again!


AntaneReviewed Chapter: 9 on 11/3/2007
"You were what kept Sam going, and quite right too. I think he thought of me a time or two, but it was his love for you which kept him by your side."

Quite right indeed. Rose is a jewel to understand this so completely. Yes, it is too bad that not everyone could see what sacrifices were made, what a long, long journey it was, in body, heart and soul for Frodo and Sam. Love also the visit to the memorials and Frodo and Sam leaving flowers at Faramir's mother's grave.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Idril CelebrindalReviewed Chapter: 9 on 4/18/2007
Baggins Babe,

This chapter brought back my feelings when I went to Boston for the LOTR Exhibit! Well done!


Author Reply: Thank you - I'm delighted that you enjoyed it. I wrote this before I'd seen the LOTR exhibition but I know what you mean. This display must have brought home to the residents of the White City and its visitors just what was achieved.

MirkwoodmaidenReviewed Chapter: 9 on 3/28/2005
My dear!

I love Ch. 9. It is wonderfully written. Again you've developed a real talent for writing Pub scenes. It must have been all that field work that you and I did!

The Great Mathom house was well described. It made me want to leap through the computer screen and visit it. The detail made it come alive! You could see what made the Fellowship such a awesome achievement.

the chapter is written with humour and humanity! I truly believe that Aragorn would have that "common touch" just as you describe. Court life I think would seem very confining!

The Pheriannath wing the houses of the Healing was a lovely idea and the care with which it describes the design for children was equally wonderful.

Suffice to say I really enjoyed it!


Author Reply: Thank you for those kind words. I just don't think Aragorn would be a distant monarch, and he certainly wouldn't be so with his beloved hobbits.
I wanted Rose to react to all she saw in the museum.

All that fieldwork we did in English pubs certainly paid off! I have you to thank as my research assistant.

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 3/20/2005
Oh...What a lovely monument to Frodo, Sam and all the hobbits have done for Middle Earth. Sneaky Aragorn to get them to officially open it, but what a far better tribute to Frodo and Sam in their eyes than any statue would be. Nice thinking there and it works wonderfully!!

This has been a wonderful story. Looking forward to seeing how the trip to Mordor turns out.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 3/20/2005
It's so nice to see Frodo, able to accept the gratitude and tribute of others with no more than the normal embarassment of modesty, rather than the pain and humiliation of undeserved guilt. Well done!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 9 on 3/20/2005
Thank you for taking us on such a marvelous tour of Minas Tirith. I'm enjoying this very much... especially things like this:

"Frodo's journey was marked in red, and Rose stood on some steps to look more closely. She had seen small maps before, but this one brought home to her the scale of the journey. Here, at the top left, was Hobbiton, and she followed the red line with her finger, tracing each mountain and river. She knew how far it was to Gondor, riding safely and comfortably, and their journey had been neither. The Misty Mountains, the great River Anduin, the Emyn Muil and the expanse of the Marshes, then the Mountains and the wastes of Mordor, all now seemed much more real.

"They walked," she whispered dazedly. "They walked all that way." She stared at the two, who were exclaiming over one of the giant siege catapults. "They actually walked all the way to Mordor."

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