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Hobbit Tales  by PIppinfan1988 5 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/5/2006
A lovely adventure, and am glad Pervinca was the sea-maiden. And am very glad Paladin retains his love of playing and is willing to share the wonder with the three younglings.

Author Reply: LOL, Paladin is a father first, but after that, he's just a big kid. "Younglings"...I like that word. :-) Thank you for reading!


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/12/2005

What an adorable glimpse of the young hobbits at play! Paladin is such a good father.

Author Reply: I absolutely love writing our main lads and lasses as children, bubbling with imagination, innovation, innocence...and mischief. Thank you for reading!


Connie B.Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/12/2005
Oh the imagination of children. I wish mine were as good as it was when I was young. Kids today just don't have that it seems.

It is also so wonderful when a parent can participate in their children's play. The picture of Paladin running around the yard being chased by little ones is just precious.

Thanks for the cheerful story, and the memories it evoked.

Connie B.

Author Reply: I agree, and I blame tv, movies, and the internet. Kids had imaginations like that because they didn't have all these modern things at their fingertips. Thank *you* for stopping by to read.


Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/11/2005
Ah, the life of a sailor is never dull. Too cute! Loved it.

Author Reply: Indeed, it is never dull. Thanks for reading. :-)


shireboundReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/11/2005
“A sea-troll!” shouted a very soaked Merry, stepping out of the old cow trough they used as their ship. “Get him! Don’t let the troll get away!” The three wet sea-mates squealed and laughed as they chased their quarry around the yard.

I love your hobbit tales so much! They're so full of love, and make me smile so big.

Author Reply: LOL...I'm enjoying writing them! Can't promise they'll always be this happy, but I hope so--I'm rather partial to happy moments. Thank you so much for visiting and reading!


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