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Hobbit Tales  by PIppinfan1988 5 Review(s)
cathleenReviewed Chapter: 16 on 5/20/2008
This is absolutely lovely, and a little sad too. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 16 on 5/18/2008
Oh what a sweet and loving story. This is so true of couples who really love each other. They have bad days, they may even quarrel, but they always make up in the end. It is so obvious that your Pippin and Diamond are maddly in love with each other. It is a love to envy, in the best sense of the word.

All through this story I kept thinking of "May I Have This Dance for the Rest of My Life" and the song on Pearl's sight fits perfectly with it. Both are perfect for this story.

Great job once again.

Author Reply: Hi, Garnet! Oh, I am a firm believer in that Pippin and Diamond had their *bad* days -- all couples do, but they were just as you said, "madly in love with each other". I suppose even I'm envious, too, in the worst sense of the word, lol, but I think you know what I mean. ;-)

Yes, both of those songs were inside my head when I wrote this. :-) Being that we're talking on phone, lol, I will reply to you more on this on the phone. :-)

Thank you for reading and leaving words of encouragement!

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 16 on 5/18/2008
This is lovely. Such a romantic story. I'm so glad that you've posted it here. You brightened my day with this one. Thank you!

Author Reply: Whatever I can do to contribute to brightening your day, please let me know! You poor exhausted lass! I've been meaning to send you another one of my emails soon. :-)

Thanks for stopping by to read -- knowing the weight you carry upon your shoulders makes me appreciate your words of encouragement that much more. :-)

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 16 on 5/17/2008
Romance can be difficult to slip in when one becomes a public figure; I'm so proud of our Pippin for managing it!

Author Reply: Oh, I totally agree! Paladin and Eglantine had been coordinating the Yule Feast for so long that it looked effortless to Pippin and Diamond. They -- at least, Pippin -- had forgot the struggles his parents faced initally. I like to imagine Pippin loved his family with all his big heart and soul, and would most certainly make sure he managed it. :-)

Thank you so much for stopping by to read!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 16 on 5/17/2008
What a wonderful look at an important day through Diamond's eyes. I really like their little family, and their more extended one.

I have a feeling Merry knew what the problem was when he asked her to dance--he'd know she was feeling frazzled and alone. He probably nudged all those other relatives to ask her when he realized that Pippin was going to stay tied up!

And I loved the ending, Diamond and her Knight, dancing together finally--just beautiful!

Be interesting to see a story where Diamond finally gets the best of hateful cousin Saffron! *grin*

Author Reply: Thank you! Yeah, Pippin had a couple scenes, but generally, this was indeed from Diamond's perspective. Glad you like the relatives!

I like to think Merry was quite the perceptive lad as well. I probably didn't convey that like I truly wanted, thus it appears I'm not a very good beta. :-P

That entire scene is what I saw when I listened to Pearl's elemental song. The rest of the story builds up to what I saw/felt in that scene. I had hoped *something* of that would show through.

LOL, someday you just might see the "human/hobbit" side of Saffron, but we'll have to see. I'd hate to keep her a bitter lass for the rest of her "life". ;-)

Thank you for reading and leaving a kind word. :-)

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