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A Matter of Honor  by meckinock 12 Review(s)
viggomaniacReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/26/2006
You never said it would be easy, did you? Marvelous chapter. I love the interaction between Halbarad and Aragorn in your stories. Aragorn's remark that he was 'suddenly wishing he had devoted a bit more attention to the study of their social customs' was wonderfully droll. Ah, but he was rather handily outmaneuvered by Dugaric, wasn't he? Loved Halbarad's reaction to Aragorn's *plan*.

Some of your phrases are so perfectly descriptive; for instance when it is said that 'A poor family would marry off a daughter to anyone with a scrawny chicken'. Aw, poor Aragorn is having a bad time of it. Of course there is that added element of 'relatives coming out of the woodwork' when they hear of an inheritance possibility. My favorite sentence in this whole chapter though? When Halbarad learns that the women do not smoke and he says, "How convenient for you. It must make it easier to tell everyone apart." Pricelessly funny. But oops, the ranger is is deep trouble now and will have a whale of a knot on the back of his head when he awakes. For a little while there, it looked like Aragorn's escape plan might work. Oh, to have to feign politeness when he and Dugaric both know what really happened. Reading your stories is like reading something written by Tolkien himself or any of the great masters. Incredible writing!

Author Reply: You never said it would be easy, did you?

Now, where would be the fun in that? Aragorn is such a smart guy, I figured it was only fair to give him a worthy adversary. But as chagrined as he is at having understimated Dugaric, he'd rather deal with an adversary he can reason with any day. Now, Halbarad, on the other hand...well, let's just say the sooner he can get back to knocking heads the happier he'll be.

Reading your stories is like reading something written by Tolkien himself

Tolkien is rolling over, but I have a huge on my face :-)

DotReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/13/2006
These Dunlendings are utter nutters. Although, I am trying to remember that it’s their culture and they seem to believe in this honour killing and have their own principles, even if they seem odd to us. Still, the nutter explanation will do me just fine for now.

I love Halbarad in the opening scene. Now, he has honour. And what he’s facing goes against every grain of that so he fights back. Aragorn was probably brought up to use diplomacy but Halbarad is just outraged. I like how he isn’t afraid to let Aragorn know that he doesn’t agree at all with the plan that his captain seems to be making up as he goes along. Things aren’t looking good for these two. At the moment they’re like Hansel and Gretel in the gingerbread house.

“Believe me when I tell you I have sneaked out of far worse places than a camp full of armed Dunlendings.” Hmm. I think I can see where Aragorn might be a tad overconfident…

Dugaric seems clever. He also seems like a man of his word – but possibly clever enough to know what to say so that his word is still kept. And he’s sized up Aragorn and seen his physical weaknesses. Let’s hope that leads to underestimation by Dugaric. Interesting, though, that Aragorn felt he should tell him his purpose. Of course, Dugaric knows now that there’s more going on here than saving the girl, and that there’s this “inheritance” at stake. It’s fascinating to see the cultural differences – and their treatment of women is one of the greatest differences. Everything seems to come back to this idea of honour for them. But it doesn’t seem to Dugaric to be beyond the realm of possibility that a woman of their people would marry an outsider. It seems to me less likely, though, that a woman would be able to spend time with an outsider before marriage – to just have a relationship with him. Except for the widows and orphans, of course. Hmm. I wonder what are the chances that this “son” of Arathorn’s was actually a Dunlending orphan. I really need to go back and re-read the earlier chapters!

“A bit of land, and a title.” *snort* Understatement of the Age! Still, isn’t it amazing to think how little it means to some when it’s what the Dunedain carry in their hearts? And you know, it didn’t really occur to me until now about the line of accession – that if there were another son of Arathorn, Aragorn would have to hope that he didn’t have any sons. Not that I think Aragorn will have this problem, but it’s interesting – and very scary for Aragorn.

So, it sounds like Halbarad is having a ball. Six hours of riding in silence with three burly Dunlendings is just what a guy needs. It could be handy for them to be so indiscreet in comparison with the stealth of Aragorn and Halbarad. What Halbarad really needs now is a bunch of Karani to appear so he can duck off while the rest of them fight. I had to laugh at him thinking about Aragorn’s warning as his mouth gets the better of him. No diplomacy for our Halbarad. But then, diplomacy would probably confuse the yokels.

“You’re worth more to me alive. In fact, you just did me a favor.” *sits up* What does he mean by that? Why don’t I like the sound of this??

And in the meantime Aragorn is having a sleepover with the boys. I kind of like Telgar. He might have spilled the beans on Dugaric’s son too if not for that other guy. Spiked miruvor, huh? Clever. But he hadn’t counted on the chieftain hanging around outside the latrine. And Dugaric is no fool. Now how is Aragorn going to get out of this?

And how’s Hurin getting on?

Great chapter as always. I’m thoroughly enjoying this – it’s all so exciting! Just don’t let Aragorn leave Daisy behind….

Author Reply: I enjoyed taking the concept of honor and exploring it from the perspective of different characters and cultures. But yeah; the Dunlendings are nutters. At least that's what Halbarad thinks. And like in any culture, they have their own standards of honor, and then they have excuses to disregard them, for their own purposes. If you think an honorable Dunlending is a nutter, wait 'til you see a dishonorable one...

When I wrote that Aragorn had to leave Daisy behind, I was wondering if anyone would complain.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/9/2006
Well well well, now we are at an interesting point, both enmessed, though in sightly different degrees.. at least Aragorn has a roof upon his head... Halbarad was hilarious, remembering Aragorn's isntructions at the same time he let his tongue got loose.

And Aragorn's search becomes even more entangled, now that the leader knows there is something vauable at stake. He was right that soon everyone would remember a northman as a father if they knew.. and now I'm wondering how you are going to extricate them from this situation... not to mention poor Hurin, caught between protecting the girl and trying to come up with something to keep his father and his chieftain alive... What a cliffhanger, Meckinock!. And Dugaric is such an interesting character!

Author Reply: Halbarad has a good heart but he lacks a certain finesse in cross-cultural interactions. Aragorn's going to have a challange solving his mystery while saving his skin and Halbarad's. Glad you find Dugaric interesting. He's not without principles, but his principles are a tad off-kilter to Dunedain sensibilities.

RSReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/3/2006
I love the fact while Halbarad is mouthing off he's hearing Aragorn's words to behave himself at the same time! Or better yet, he doesn't heed to his own warnings before his mouth opens! I guess his tongue is way too quick. The wise-cracks just keep pouring out of his mouth! Which is why I love the guy! But unfortunately he'll be waking up with an egg on his skull and a huge headache!

I think Aragorn has met his match when it comes to being sly and slick. Dugaric seems to know every move that Aragorn makes. How are our heros going to get out of this predicament? I'm sure they'll find a way! This chapter was worth the wait.

Author Reply: Halbarad just can't help himself. He says what he thinks and there's no filter on it (wouldn't he be horrified if I said he took after his mother in that?) He'll have bigger problems than a headache when he wakes up. And Aragorn is going to have his hands full with Dugaric - that sly old bird isn't chieftain for nothing.

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/3/2006
My, my and just who is ging to rescue who. Halbarad seems to be out for the count right now. Aragorn needs to come out for another plan to escape, how about a large fire. Amazing the contrast between the Dunadan woman and how the ones in the Dunlending camp are treated. Keep wishing that Dugaric's wife would rise up and use a frying pan on the dude.
Still no sight of Aragorn's (brother?) Just what is Aragorn going to do if he finds the guy. Don't supose he has, 100 cows and 5 virgins to buy the guy off, stuffed in his pack. Maybe a IOU would do.

Author Reply:
Hey, Grumpy,

Oooh, I like the fire idea. I'll pass it along to Aragorn. He looks like he might be grateful for a few suggestions at this point. I'm not sure a frying pan would have much effect on Dugaric, though. He looks like he has a pretty hard head.

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/2/2006
Well, I am so glad that Halbarad followed orders and controlled his temper/mouth! *g* Ouch! That had to hurt!

And Aragorn - apparently Dugaric is not as 'simple' as he had hoped! This is not panning out like Aragorn had planned - wonder if Hurin is going to have to rescue both of the older guys (or maybe the girl's betrothed will make a timely appearance, or the cavalry will show up...come on, mekinock, inquiring minds want to know...) *g*!

I loved all the descriptions of the village Aragorn is spending time in - Dugaric's wife, Dugaric himself, and the two in the barracks (drunk on miruvor! *snort*)as well as the three that are riding with Halbarad! Great chapter - although our heroes are left in rather a tight spot!


Author Reply: Hi, Linda,

Well, I am so glad that Halbarad followed orders and controlled his temper/mouth

LOL. That was really an impossible task for poor Halbarad.

wonder if Hurin is going to have to rescue both of the older guys (or maybe the girl's betrothed will make a timely appearance, or the cavalry will show up

Looks like they might need all of the above before this is over!

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/2/2006
Well these two are certainly landed in a picle. Halbarad managed to get himself knocked out and Aragorn has a personal rangersitter watching over him. It will be interesting to watch them try to get out of this.

I like the use of cultural differences here. One can assign any number of odd behaviors as being simply a cultural practice. The differences in how they treat women are most notable - they don't even consider them of their people, they are simply someone to cook, clean and bear children. Very pathetic, and all too often true. How each perceives honor is equally interesing - the title that means all to the Dunedain is of no value to the Dunlenders.

Don't leave Halbarad unconscious for too long!

Author Reply: I did enjoy exploring the cultural differences. And yeah, the boys have managed to get themselves in a mess. Personal rangersitter, LOL. I don't think the doctored Miruvor is going to work as well on Dugaric as it did on the boys. Aragorn's going to have to come up with a better plan. Halbarad won't be unconcious for long. Otherwise he'd miss out on what a pickle he's really in this time.

lizReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/2/2006
I literally "squeed" when I saw this was updated. Way to leave them both in trouble, geez! Is Hurin going to have to put in double duty, here? I figured Halbarad wouldn't heed Aragorn's advice about his temper, and I also knew Aragorn was toast when he said how easy it would be to sneak out. Now what!! Wonderful chapter as always. I hope you get them out of said jams, soon.

Author Reply: Hi, Liz,

I think Hurin might need some help to get his elders out of their jams. Halbarad really never had a prayer of holding his temper with Melnag egging him on. He's never met a Dunlending he didn't want to punch.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/2/2006
Wow. You left them both in trouble. How mean of you. You're surely not going to make Hurin rescue them both?

One of the things I liked about the chapter was the different thinking we encountered when we switched POVs. Halbarad thinks of these guys as "yokel," which made me laugh. Aragorn, on the other hand, sees his bunkmates as "two very thinly whiskered owls," which also made me laugh.

Aragorn doesn't seem to be making much progress on his hunt for his older half-brother. Maybe Dugaric knows more than he lets on?

Author Reply: Hurin's a smart kid but he's going to have to be really creative to rescue his dad and Aragorn both. I liked working out the contrast between Halbarad's approach to the Dunlendings vs. Aragorn's. Aragorn is a much more tactical thinker. He's analyzing them for a weakness to exploit, while Halbarad just dismisses them as barbarian bumpkins. Dugaric is a pretty sharp cookie.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 12 on 8/2/2006
Oh. Dear. Me. Perhaps Dugaric isn't as dim a Dunlending as the Dunedain would desire. Aragorn clearly isn't going to find it that easy to sneak out. Maybe the Rohirric wife isn't as compliant as her husband expects and will lend a hand. On the other hand, if she's been in Dugaric's hands since she was 13, she's doubtless learned that not being a real person is some kind of security. Not much, probably, but the best there is.

And Halbarad is going to have a headache. Provoking the Hulk probably wasn't the best plan - but I don't think Plug ever had much intention of dealing honourably with his 'guide'.

I have my fingers crossed that Hurin isn't going to be quite as sensible as his elders hoped and that he and Yenne might be able to rescue Halbarad. Or that Dugaric's son might turn up and turn out to have some good pig-headed Rohirric traits about him that include not butchering the girl he wants to marry. Because, after all, both Aragorn and Halbarad have a date on the Pelennor they have to make - so they have to survive. (Which is no end of a relief!)

Most exciting. And nerve-wracking.

Author Reply: Halbarad tried to be diplomatic, he really did. He just doesn't have it in him. I like contrasting how he views and deals with other cultures compared to how Aragorn does. Aragorn has traveled the length and breadth of ME while Halbarad has scarcely, if ever, left Eriador. He's pretty constrained in his worldview (but not as constrained as the Dunlendings.) I thought Aragorn should encounter a worthy counterpart in Dugaric. He's going to have to do better than a sleeping potion to outwit him :-)

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